
Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Any body know any multitrack software that uses Rewire? I know protools, and cubase do but are there any others? I'm looking to experiment with software that records straight to the drive and not the ram in conjuction with FL studio. Just to see if there are any options that are less cpu hungry that the FLstudio Asio recording process. This is all because I'm using the factory installed soundcard in my Labtop.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
It would still suck though since the card doesn't support asio n all, I'd definitly save up for some PCMCIA audio card.

Do you mean recording or rendering ? If you mean recording an input from the soundcard, then it might be usefull to make sure you have a fast HD with enough cache. This will make less problems with most platforms besides having the proper audio card.

Check out them emu 1616, their hella cheap, great when having additional hardware sinds there's 16 I/O's, 2 preamps, phono in and all digital formats.

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I'm using asio4all and that does let me record in Flstudio. They also said something about the FL wave editor being able to record audio in the FLstudio and also being able to start your FL session when recording starts, but I haven't been able to do that. So I wanted to try this without asio drivers because I know how far asio can take me with my soundcard. But I don't really need to record in realtime just in sync straight to my harddisk.

How do I make sure I have a fast HD with enough cache?
I'm trying to solve this without money for now.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
those asio4all dont work well all the time, I dunno what FL version you're running. But you can record quite easily in 5.0 by setting a recording input in the mixer and opening a audio track. I'll check if I can show you later on.

Well, there not much you can do about your HD then, but keep it clean, save enough space ( 1 or 2 Gb ) for buffer and virtual memory and defrag you disk on the daily if you use the laptop for internet aswell.