Remeber the gurads that were messin with the Iraqi Prisoners?

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Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
i dont think so if you treat people like that they will get back at you.. my advice to all americans stay away from big buildings.. cause since iraq i think a whole lot of people who didnt like the americans in the first place have got more motivated..


ill o.g.
ya i no people here be walking around with George Bush is the real terrorist shirts and talkin alot about how fucked up America is An i dont blame them cuz Bush Should of went after Osama so none of us would be having this chat right now

Oh an when u talk about how they be sawing off peoples heads think about the little kids that are getting there houses and there communties bombed because of bad intelligiance I duno if they show you in the American news papers Pictures of little Iraqi kids missing a arm or kids in hospitals that got there legs blown off


ill o.g.
A I don't think they made anybody fuck I think they just took pics, that's sodomy like a motherfucker rape and some more shit to hold a weapon on somebody and make them do sick shit, on some real shit though this lady I used to know used to hold "stash money" for this kingpin now the spot raiding niggas found out about it and rushed the spot and made her fuck her faggot brother and played all kinds of games with them holding a Tec9 to they head man these people still seeing shrinks and shit!


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
rage against the machine - killing in the name of..

DJ Hoppa

Broken Complex Records
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 50
that shit makes me sick. America is a sick fucking monkey.
and so is everyone else.

so turn off your fucking TV and keep making beats you consumers!

The Bastard

RigorMortis said:
i dont think so if you treat people like that they will get back at you.. my advice to all americans stay away from big buildings.. cause since iraq i think a whole lot of people who didnt like the americans in the first place have got more motivated..
no way whee gunna walk around scared avoiding bulidings.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
no way whee gunna walk around scared avoiding bulidings.
okay avoid airplanes that seem to be atracted to you like magnets hehehe.

DJ Hoppa said:
that shit makes me sick. America is a sick fucking monkey.
and so is everyone else.

so turn off your fucking TV and keep making beats you consumers!
ey i got no tv.. the world is sick indeed and too many people are sick of it.,.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
War has rules! US soldiers should conduct themselves in a more civil manner. I hope those bitches are made examples of. Those fuckers are no better than Saddam, who tortured his own peeps.



Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
MadScientist said:
I would have burned the prisoners eyeballs out with a blunt .... LOL

lol if it was the actual terrorists then me too.


The Bastard

M!nd_Ctrl said:
War has rules! US soldiers should conduct themselves in a more civil manner. I hope those bitches are made examples of. Those fuckers are no better than Saddam, who tortured his own peeps.

war has rules.they obviously aint followin them if they are kidnapping american civilians and construction workers and cutting there head off


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
The prior bush supported them.. actually most terrorist have been sponsored by the states or trained.. it is a boomerang.. expect it to come back at ya.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
war has rules.they obviously aint followin them if they are kidnapping american civilians and construction workers and cutting there head off

Look, I know that kidnapping American citizens and cutting their heads off sucks, but what the fuck are They doing there in the first place! Greed for money has got them by the balls. They're being promised 100 to 300 G's a year to work in Iraq. And Nick Berg was told to leave Iraq because American Civilians were in danger, oh I forgot, don't mess with a man's paper. Plus, does it really fucking matter that a few peeps get their heads cut off, yeah its a horrible way to die, but people are dying around the world from other shit like hunger and AIDS. The U.S. embargo on Iraq has caused the death of over 1/2 million CHILDREN since the beginning of the first Gulf War mostly because it was impossible for Iraq to get the necessary medicines needed to cure otherwise simply curable ailments. Now if thats not fucked up I don't know what is. As Americans we complain about 3,000 people dying on 9/11 or 1000 soldiers dying in war, BUT THAT'S NOTHING! We need to think about the problems that the rest of the world has before we complain about a few peeps getting their head chopped off.

But don't get me wrong, I love the U.S., we have a great country here, full of diversity and opportunity (although the government keeps certain races down on purpose. They love criminalizing lower classes on the nightly news. Why don't they broadcast all the white collar criminal shit?). I'm just sick of people saying that it's fucked up that Americans are dying. Come on people we've been sheltered from this shit our whole lives. Peeps in the Middle East see violence on the daily. Its a different culture. We have to understand that.

Going back to the "War has rules" comment, yeah they're doing some fucked up shit, but we're doing the same thing. I got peeps that went to Iraq and said they literally killed everything in their path (ex. Woman, children, dogs). War still has rules going back 4000 years. Read the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Some people fuck up, but as the U.S., we have to continue to strive to follow the rules. We should be more civilized than how our soldiers treated the prisoners at Abu Ghraib. If a motherfucker jumps off a bridge are you gonna jump too?

I hope I haven't offended anyone too much.


tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
war has rules.they obviously aint followin them if they are kidnapping american civilians and construction workers and cutting there head off

but that's the thing bastard. the terrorists, they didn't DECLARE war on america. they are fighting us yes, but they aren't a country. george bush, being the idiot that he is, has declared war on a fucking noun. a word. terrorism. when is terrorism gonna stop? never. he has put us into a ETERNAL conflict. IT WILL NEVER END. so, there are no rules for the terrorists, because they are not a country. countries have to follow rules. not rebels. our soldiers have to follow the rules of war because they are part of the american military force. but the terrorists? they are not part of some land holding military power. therefore, they have no rules. maybe bush should have thought about that before he got us into this.


The First Misatke Was When Some One Said War Has Rules.
Yea Right.
The Only Limitation To War Is Money.