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ill o.g.
1 more quick 1. make combinators for all you main sounds. I have a combinaotor for drums. I have 1 for samples , 1 for synths,1 for real instuments and I have 1 for getting more bass out of samples. Those are the only 3 modules I use. keep your rack simple and streamlined and you can use more than 1 of those mods for the beat at hand.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Tip #1-always use compressors( and you can always use more then one for a track)
Tip #2-always have a second mixer for your drums (cause Redrum is very limited on EQ and other things so a Second mixer is always nice)
Tip #3-An Mclass Equlizer is good for the Basskick (you can adjust the lows and make them Bump more then the dry kick you start out with)
Tip #4-Make your Own Combinator Patchs (your sound bank is endless with this device you can make your own refills with this Baby!)
Tip #5-Always Check the Track Output (to much Red is a bad Mix, Stay just under the Red and at a Strong Yellow Feed)
Tip #6-When making a song dont work on it to long or it will sound funky when you go back to it later, your ears get accustomed to the Sound (just listen to some other music or walk away for a little bit and go back to it)

well hope this sheds some light on anyone really!



Claps more Clappy???
Shorten the length, add more flam.......oh you knew that?.....damn,never mind.


ill o.g.
Heres a basic stereo tip for ya (what ya probably allready know). Lets say u have a mono NN-XT guitar. One good way to make it sound in stereo, is to copy all the guitar notes in NN-XT and duplicate them. Now pan the duplicated ones hard right/left and the orginal ones in opposite direction. Fine tune one side of notes by +-20. Now just use ur mixers pan to pan ur guitar into the position u want it to be. :)


i make beatz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 99
KurtisRich said:
Up Up, Down Down, Left Right, Left Right, B, A, Select, Start. Gives you unlimited Refills and unlock secret levels.

DAMN!!! I thought i was the only person who knew that!


ill o.g.
I'll drop another 1. My laptop crashed so I haven't perfected this, but if when you get your drums programmed make the split the outs out and run one main out like your normally do to your mixer channel and run the other one through a filter and compressr. (I got some crazy filter moudle that I made after reading Peff's book Power tools for reason but I don't have it with me) but any ways you can tweak it and you can add some bottom and color to your drum tracks and it doesn't have to be up that loud for you to hear the differnece.