Reason Newbie

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Hey look I just got Reason and what I need to know is how do I get a brand new setup when I click new.....meaning all of the patterns and the sequencers are cleared so I don't see any of the wack demos or patterns....I want to start with a new setup everytime I click new....



You can also, take the empty rack, add a mixer of whatever you know you're going to start out with, save it as something and the choose CUSTOM instead under GENERAL; DEFAULT SONG and choose what you just saved.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
Ok great thanks homies....look I am trying to find out 1 more do you do a count in on the transport sequencer for on the mpc....that's my last question promise!
one thing I already see on reason compared to my Fruity loops are the drums are thicker without doing any tweaking at all....very close to what i get out my MPC.......what I look for is the the sample to sound very close to the original in the mix and not get thin that's why I think the MPC still has some edge but from what I see so far I like must have some better audio processing or something....anyone else agree?

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
did u turn the clicker on? r u talikng about midi, metronome, or just a tempo clicker? look under options...yeah u can beef up a ssmaple with the compressor...reasons machines are litttle diffrent than other plug ins but i like em...i nevr do a final mix in reason has somewhat limited editing capablities.. i export it to cubase or bias to edit...youll love reason once u get the hang of it though..u can actually do alot more with your sounds than with an mpc


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I am talking about a 4bar offset or pre count in b4 recording starts, I found a way to improvise by moving the whole loop over 4 bars and set the click on it's just how I like to use the Mpc or other sequencers that just have a count in sort of like Pro tools so you can play realtime...


i find that when i use reason i automatically place a mixer, digital sampler, digital and advanced reeverb, drum computer... and then i start loopin... i havent yet figured out how to layout complete tracks in reason... at this point i just export the reason loops to acid pro 4... and layout the track from there... however that leaves a whole buncha plugins in reason that i just downt get around to using...

like... how does the matrix sequencer work? advanced sampler? is there a reason tutorial available on the net?

-Dj Low 2


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
hey man look I just spent about 24hrs with Reason and I know i saw the last version and passed on it.....this is it for me.....the drums come thru in the mix....I was really hyping up Fruity Loops the producer version that I splurge like 150 on....only because I was strapped for money,'s got a lot of features but this program (reason) is waaaaay beyond it in the capabilities and audio processors and samples........yeah I know, I know there are some people on here that probably already know but I think at this point I gotta say that software is easier than i thought and it can be made to make tracks sound like you can't even tell it was done on the computer........I had to sell all of my hardware and was pressed to start my production back up where I left off about 3 months ago....and now I think I can push more tracks at the same level as I was when I had all of my hardware.....
oh yeah the matrix sequencer is sort of like the old use it to trigger any of the other rack equipment or samplers....thats how you make arpeggios...

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
theres tuorials and some free refills on (i think thats how you spell it)..... the nx advanced sampler is unreal...i would just spend a day fucking around with the knobs to get a feel for what they do...jusrt rember to click on the little button on the lower right hand side to open the full set of knobs..same goes for the advanced reverb