Reason ? Looping/Chopping Samples !

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
I usually chop all my samples up in cool edit and then put them into to reason using an nn-xt, this has worked fine but im wondering can i put a sample in the nn-xt and then use it in my song but having looping from different points throughout the song without loading it into a number of samplers ! sorry if im not very clear not sure how to explain it !
say i have the sample a-b-c-d-e-f-g could i put it in my song and use it as say a-b-b-c-d-f-f-f-f ! ? like chop it and play around with the sample on one track of reason as at the mo all i can do is stagger the sample from the start like a-a-a-aaaa-b-c-d-e-f-g !
LOL i hope some1 gets wot im on about !

g@Vin c@$h

ill o.g.
Yea man you can do that. All you have to do is edit the zone range first(just drag the ends of the bar underneath the sample towards the middle on both sides till it meets in the middle) so that say your c1 key is the only one playing the "a" sample. Then click on the blue blank screen so that the sample is no longer highlighted. Next load up your "b" sample and move the zone to the right one half step(this should hightlight the c# key where the first sample key that is hightlighted is the c key) and then edit the zone range so that it is only on that note. After this just keep reapeating the process untill you have all of the samples or cuts of samples that you want in the nnxt.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
here's the easy way....FROM THE REASON MASTER....



What I usually do is, load 2 mixers just after each other and then an NN-XT. Then I use 'TAB' to turn the interface around. Then I plug the main out from mixer 2, to line 1 on mixer 1, and I plug each channel from the NN-XT to a channel on mixer 2.
When that is done, I just load e.g. the 8 bar sample I have into the NN-XT several times, assign each sample to a key (as Freak mentioned), and also assign each sample to a channel, which you can do on the knob just under the NN-XT screen all the way to the right.
When that is done, I just use the 'start' and 'end' knobs on the NN-XT to adjust each sample (chop them) into the different parts I need.
If you have not changed your 'MOUSE KNOB RANGE' in 'preferences' to 'VERY PRECISE', the start and end knobs will not only jump 0.1% each time you turn them, but instead 0.2 - 0.4, which may make you samples unprecisely cut.

g@Vin c@$h

ill o.g.
Also on the cutting the sample in the nnxt. Setting your mouse to very precise is a good idea, and if you wanna get it in even less incraments than .1% all you have to do is hit the shift button while you are turning the knob. This will allow you to cut the sample with great accuracy.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Like some of tha guys described above, there are other options in loading various samples into tha NN-XT, but honestly; its kind of a pain. Unfortunatly, tha answer is basically YES. You do need to keep opening various XT's to do what yer asking. In my opinion, its quicker than mapping tha shit out in jus one NN-XT. Figure it like this: As long as you dont need to take up mad channels on yer mixer than open as many as it takes...Further more, you can chain another mixer to your original mixer if need be. That kind of thing is infinite as long as yer CPU doesnt get too taxed.


sammy beats

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
Yea. The methods described above are about the only ways to do it as tedious as they are. Your other alternative is to get recycle. Then you could make a loop with the individual parts and load the whole thing into the nnxt as a patch. I think if you are going to use reason, recycle is a good investment. Its not really that expensive either and its very easy to use and convenient to use with reason.