real hip hop today


ill o.g.
with sampling funk loops pretty much dead now due to extreme copyright enforcement. What is real today? Is boom bap dead? How can it survive?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Y does "real" have to mean sampling? HipHop is a form of expression through beats, rhymes, Grafitti, Breakdance, Scratching,...Crap there are 2 more. Either way, why cant real mean you really played all that??

As for the Vibe which I assume that you meant, It's still good. It just needs "Updating". Not mainstream updating but it needs to sound like it's current, Maybe it should be reinvented?? Its all a cycle anyway right??


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Sampling is the root of hip hop and it will come back around in a cycle, to what I don't know. All I know is that I hope it comes fast! Doesn't matter what is sampled though, since it's controlled by all the legalities, it won't change.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 11
I think sampling is dead. Unless you're Rihanna and can afford to buy any sample you want... I think producers are just going to use what they have. I think there's going to be a movement back to acoustic music.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Personally, Im glad to hear that people think this as of late...This just opens up the game wider to the heads that are still serious about sampling. HipHop is sampling. If your worried about a paycheck thats another story...Most people leave out the fact that unless your pushing major units the sample clearing doesnt matter anyways. Keep it organic and slang out your trunk.


ill o.g.
Keep it organic and slang out your trunk.

If I get another motherfucker trying to sell me a $10 mixtape of the new shit, swag or hotness. I'm gonna fucking snap. Sometimes that shit comes off as tacky. I could see the coolness of it if you just got done with a show and the joint is shutting down. All in all the past countless amount of people that have approached me this way got denied and pretty much all the ones that went ahead and gave me a cd, the shit was garbage.

I wanna hear some recent success stories of anybody selling units out of their trunk. If there is any at all, the market crowd must have been just right. I think the internet and the ease of access to music has made people kinda desensitized to this whole approach. For me personally I feel like I'm getting spammed when someone approaches me in this manner. Since computer based hip hop production and the flooding of the so called underground has came, I think this method is just about DEAD.


ill o.g.
how can sampling be dead?
how can it die? (not counting a tech and energy/electronic apocalypse...or a real apocalypse)

Exactly, I don't see anybody at all having a problem with it unless you are doing something right(commercially pushing units)?!. And who is to say that you can't have a full successful career sampling the whole time. These kinda thoughts or questions are kinda for the people that think their gonna be the next 50 cent or jay-z. I would love to see the kinda outcome if labels and publishers started to sue the underground as a whole for sampling infringement. It will never happen, they are too worried about quick turnarounds and the bottom line.


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
If I get another motherfucker trying to sell me a $10 mixtape of the new shit, swag or hotness. I'm gonna fucking snap. Sometimes that shit comes off as tacky. I could see the coolness of it if you just got done with a show and the joint is shutting down. All in all the past countless amount of people that have approached me this way got denied and pretty much all the ones that went ahead and gave me a cd, the shit was garbage.

I wanna hear some recent success stories of anybody selling units out of their trunk. If there is any at all, the market crowd must have been just right. I think the internet and the ease of access to music has made people kinda desensitized to this whole approach. For me personally I feel like I'm getting spammed when someone approaches me in this manner. Since computer based hip hop production and the flooding of the so called underground has came, I think this method is just about DEAD.
Thats why cats been saying since the 80' gotta do this for the love that shit up and give it away...thats love....thats how you build a following and get respect. Many artist are just now seeing that they have to do that.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
If I get another motherfucker trying to sell me a $10 mixtape of the new shit, swag or hotness. I'm gonna fucking snap. Sometimes that shit comes off as tacky. I could see the coolness of it if you just got done with a show and the joint is shutting down. All in all the past countless amount of people that have approached me this way got denied and pretty much all the ones that went ahead and gave me a cd, the shit was garbage.
True, i did say "slang out your trunk".....however I didnt entirely mean that in the literal sense....I was just trying to emphasize the mindstate of DIY and taking advantage any type of venue, outlet, or whatever out there that can help you promote and sell your music when its applicable. I dont care much for the people that wait outside wallmart or at the end of a concert to try and sell you their CD either, but that doesnt mean you can't make a few bucks for drinks and dinner if you feel me, and theres lots of ways to do that.

I wanna hear some recent success stories of anybody selling units out of their trunk. If there is any at all, the market crowd must have been just right. I think the internet and the ease of access to music has made people kinda desensitized to this whole approach. For me personally I feel like I'm getting spammed when someone approaches me in this manner. Since computer based hip hop production and the flooding of the so called underground has came, I think this method is just about DEAD.
I hear you man, but the majority of what your saying here is entirely driven by a monetary perspective and I just dont give a shit about all that to that extent anyways....

This should be the mindset about everything music.
This is the basis for any of my arguments in music 99.9% of the time.
I just find way to many people consumed with how to "make it big" and "how much their music stacks up in dollars" first rather then just trying to make good music. I really think this a large reason for the lack of originality in todays music. People immediately think of the dollar amount of their music before they think about if they even like what their making.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 11
Sampling will never truly DIE, it's just so hard to sample these days and get away with it. Now obviously if you're not making money, no one is going to give a shit, but I think everyone here that's serious about the art wants to someday make some money from doing it, and when that point comes, you're going to have to clear all your samples. Record labels are making very hard for producers to use samples in their new music.


ill o.g.
Thats why cats been saying since the 80' gotta do this for the love that shit up and give it away...thats love....thats how you build a following and get respect. Many artist are just now seeing that they have to do that.

This is the basis for any of my arguments in music 99.9% of the time.
I just find way to many people consumed with how to "make it big" and "how much their music stacks up in dollars" first rather then just trying to make good music. I really think this a large reason for the lack of originality in todays music. People immediately think of the dollar amount of their music before they think about if they even like what their making.

I wish I could quote my sig quote!


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Instead of sampling I think alot of producers are moving towards re-creating the sampled sound using live instrumentation,
You now have a generation musicians that came up listening tohip hop samples.
So now you will see alot of cats recreating the hip hop asthetic using live instruments. you dont need samples to get the sampled sound if you know what your doing. I think the legal problems with sampling is helping push people in this direction

I think this is going to break in the main stream in the next year or so when people get tired of the cheesy 80's synths, Its already happening alot with underground artists.

This dude quantic is a perfect example of that(i posted this before in another thread)

This is the basis for any of my arguments in music 99.9% of the time.
I just find way to many people consumed with how to "make it big" and "how much their music stacks up in dollars" first rather then just trying to make good music. I really think this a large reason for the lack of originality in todays music. People immediately think of the dollar amount of their music before they think about if they even like what their making.
This is real talk man. Alot of cats dont think about this, would you be doing this if you KNEW that you would never make a dime. I know i would..


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Sampling will never truly DIE, it's just so hard to sample these days and get away with it. Now obviously if you're not making money, no one is going to give a shit, but I think everyone here that's serious about the art wants to someday make some money from doing it, and when that point comes, you're going to have to clear all your samples. Record labels are making very hard for producers to use samples in their new music.

Yeah but you really dont have to start worrying about clearing your samples until your pushing serious units...that doesnt mean that you cant still make money doing it while your lower in the food chain. I dunno if you know who Sage Francis is but that dude put out CDs for years that had uncleared samples until he moved from a regional to national/international status. I remember from 98 to like 02 when I ordered CDs from of his stuff they all said for promotional use only on I emailed him one time to ask about that, and he said that he put that on his CDs as a safe guard in case he started to get noticed (not even sure that works however???)....Nonetheless, he pushed albums like that for years and obviously made enough money to not have to work a 9-5, and he still doesn't. Clearly this may be an exception to the rule, but I know for a fact that many other artists have done that exact same thing.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Instead of sampling I think alot of producers are moving towards re-creating the sampled sound using live instrumentation,
You now have a generation musicians that came up listening tohip hop samples.
So now you will see alot of cats recreating the hip hop asthetic using live instruments. you dont need samples to get the sampled sound if you know what your doing. I think the legal problems with sampling is helping push people in this direction

I think this is going to break in the main stream in the next year or so when people get tired of the cheesy 80's synths, Its already happening alot with underground artists.

This dude quantic is a perfect example of that(i posted this before in another thread)

I could see this happening as well, and I honestly embrace it. This is a shed of light on real musicianship in music once again IMO. We need that back again!

PS - Quantic has been around for a hot minute and dude is still super dope. Perfect music for creating artwork to! :)


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
fwiw, everything you use to make music is samples the kiks, snrs, vst's even sample waveforms for synthesis. It really boils down to: Are you willing to allow money to keep you from your musical vision. which has been discussed in a thread of mine already.

An EVEN MORE relevant question is are you gonna sample backstreet boys and Modonna in a few years?? LOL j/p

This is the basis for any of my arguments in music 99.9% of the time.
I just find way to many people consumed with how to "make it big" and "how much their music stacks up in dollars" first rather then just trying to make good music. I really think this a large reason for the lack of originality in todays music. People immediately think of the dollar amount of their music before they think about if they even like what their making.

I think this sums up everything you've said in most threads on this topic.