Racist Media

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Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
Yeah wanted to post this too, gotto love the media.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Blah blah blah blabber.

The media is always on some racist bullshit.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
Then white people will say racism don't exist.

Don't group white people with the views of the media. I do agree that it's very unfair how the media treats non-whites.


The Bastard

M!nd_Ctrl said:
Don't group white people with the views of the media. I do agree that it's very unfair how the media treats non-whites.

i agree=================


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
that's why i'm moving to Canada. America is going to take it's patriots down with it if it's not careful. I hope this doesn't happen because innocent people will die.. But i think we are almost giving other nations reasons to do something all while we don't even have the money to fight any war right now. China knows this shit if they wanted a piece of us, Using iraq as a reason to justify America's right to be challenged due being in iraq for oil and not justice. It's some scary shit. I heard one man on tv say he thinks it not if/when but instead the time/place. nuclear bombs can be small and with modern technology they can be delivered in many many many ways. this black and white shit makes some African Americans here in oklahoma think i'm a racist even as i pass them in the store. Actually that was really when i was younger because now i got such a gangster lean when i walk that mutha fuckaz just know! haha


ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
Then white people will say racism don't exist.

I've never met one white person who says racism doesn't exist.


ill o.g.
Until a White Person does more than agree this is wrong and stands up against this bullshit. I will group White folks with the media. Who controls the media? It sure ain't Hispanic folk, Asians, Arabs and it for damn sure ain't no Black folk.

The news is directed to whites and told from their perspective. They cater to things that effect the white community.

Just as Black folks need to hold themselves accountable for their fucked up social and economic conditions, White folks need to hold themselves accountable for racially biased reporting etc, etc, etc.

I don't sell drugs, I don't drink, I don't smoke weed. I am going to college. I have a legit job. I am married to my wife. I have one child with my wife I take care of. I don't contribute to overall destruction of the Black community, but does that mean I shouldn't be involved in the re-building of it?

No. I am still responsible for my people and their interests.

That's a problem I have with a lot of White folks. They admit there is racism, but refuse to admit that its generated by Whites themselves.

A big problem with race relations is the fact that a lot of White folks hate to admit Racism is still a major issue in this country. They simply shrug their shoulders, "That's messed up." And go about their privilged lives.

If you are White and your not racist I applaud you. If you're White and you don't feel akward being the only pale face in a room full of Blacks I applaud you. If your White and you acknowledge Racism still exists, I applaud you.

If you do nothing about it. I shit on you.

The Bastard

ManDAmyth said:
If a majority of White People believe Racism does exist...

A) Why is nothing being done about it?

B) Doesn't evident such as this biased reporting support the claim that Whites are intentionally using Racism to undermine Black Culture?

C) Why doesn't anybody do something about it?

D) Why are minority groups that advocate self-reliance and such treated as threats?

white folks always say racism exists, none of them participate in it though.

A)theres a difference between whites that work in the media,and other whites, like theres a difference between muslims and terrorists.grouping a muslim that is peaceful to one that murders is wrong,just like grouping me with a redneck cop that shitkicks black people is wrong,so dont do it

B)EVERY and i mean EVERY, country in the world has a media that is racist or biased against someone. white on white,black on black,religion against religion,if you do sum research youll see that.

C)Since when do white people not participate in ending racism? have you ever heard a bob dylan song called ''the hurricane''? and in all the old ass video of demonstraions against segregation they showed us in school, there was no white people there?

D)im white and ill admit that theres racisms generated by whites,ill also admit theres racism generated by blacks,and any other nationality i nthe world. white people run this country right here. and the only way for that to change is by getting etnic people in office/media. only way to do that is by getting them to go to school getting educated like yourself and class. im sure your a smart guy and u know this shit so why all the ''why''s?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
theres a difference between whites that work in the media,and other whites, like theres a difference between muslims and terrorists.grouping a muslim that is peaceful to one that murders is wrong,just like grouping me with a redneck cop that shitkicks black people is wrong,so dont do it
im white and ill admit that theres racisms generated by whites,ill also admit theres racism generated by blacks,and any other nationality i nthe world. white people run this country right here. and the only way for that to change is by getting etnic people in office/media. only way to do that is by getting them to go to school getting educated like yourself and class. im sure your a smart guy and u know this shit so why all the ''why''s?
Thank You!!!


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
do we really have to post this shit? everyone knows it happens day in day out anyway.


ill o.g.
They why's are questions that are never answered by white folks. I'm asking questions I cannot answer as a black man.

If a majority of White People believe Racism does exist...

A) Why is nothing being done about it?

B) Doesn't evident such as this biased reporting support the claim that Whites are intentionally using Racism to undermine Black Culture?

C) Why doesn't anybody do something about it?

D) Why are minority groups that advocate self-reliance and such treated as threats?

I can't answer the above questions. So, you don't actively go around kicking handcuffed Black men. My father just retired from the public school system after over thirty-years of teaching.....

Cherry Creek Schools is a public school system. The enrollment is 93% white. Every child has their own textbook. They have brand new schools and recently renovated ones. Teachers are paid fairly plush salaries compared to the national average.

Denver Public Schools is 80% minority enrollment. Schools are lliterally falling apart. Most schools can no longer use textbooks. Teachers are paid less than the janitors at Cherry Creek Schools.

Last year Cherry Creek Schools recieved a 70 million dollar grant from the state of Colorado. Denver Public Schools gets no support.
Shit like this is all over the country. Hell, a big reason why Hip Hop started and the turntable became an instrument is because the funding for music programs in inner-city schools was cut.

When I was a kid they had a Rec center, Meadowood. It was the spot kids to hang out Friday and Saturday nights. 99% of the kids that hung out were black kids. For no explicable reason the program was ended by the city. The rec center was renovated and used solely for girls gymnastic training. Kids had nowhere to go.

You can't even play basketball at a school playground without the cops coming at you and threatining to give you a tresspassing ticket. But white kids can hoop it up all day.

At the movie theater you can't hang out in the arcade. Only people that are playing games can be in there. Nevermind your standing in line waiting your turn. You can't loiter infront of the building talking to your friends. The police will usher you along. If you challenge them at all. You are thrown against the wall and handcuffed. Meanwhile there is a group of white kids standing right next to your bunch, nothing is said to them. Also, every John Singleton movie you are corralled like sheep and made to line up and show your tickets both at the entrance to the building and the entrance to the theatre. Not just on opening night, the whole time shit is in theatres.

So you go to the mall. The mall takes on a Black personality. Soul Food restaraunts. Hip Hop clothing stores. Mom and pop record shops. You're proud. Then the newspapers start talking about rampant crime and shoplifting. They do a huge story implying the black community is the cause. Blacks are followed around stores. Only so many can be in the store at any given time.

A few weeks later a tiny blurb in the paper. Turns out the shoplifters were white kids. When asked why they did it they said, "All the stores followed the Black kids around and paid us no attention."

In terms of your statement that Racism is generated by Blacks, you are missing a fundamental difference. Black folks Racism is a reaction. If not for the Racism of whites, which happens on a daily basis to every single black person in this country, from a trip to the grocery store etc., would Blacks be racist against Whites? I'd think carefully how you respond.

How can Blacks get their education and rise up out of it when White's control everything. You say that as if whites are willing to give up their power.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
o-a-ksavage said:
I've never met one white person who says racism doesn't exist.

Part of the courses I had to take to become a teacher had to do with multiethnicity relations. We did talk about racism and all. And I DID hear a lot of white people who thinks racism doesnt exist. A LOT... actually, half of the class. They were saying it's only in the US.

I dont want to generalize, but

I think someones view on racism always depends on his upbringing. If he was raised with only whites (in the suburbs, for instance), his views will be one of a suburbian white. And some parents are on some real ignorant sh*t, saying racist comments near their kids.

And you can hear them often, those comments. It's not as flagrant as the ones in that news bulletin, but they are racist comments... examples?

"Hey, you're nice for a black guy."
"Oh, you are a [name of a good job here]... wow! that's nice!" (acting REALLY surprised)

or the classic

An old women grabbing her purse tighter when crossed by a black guy...

But some people dont call that racism... they say it's normal, that they dont know better, that it's because of the differences...

theres a difference between whites that work in the media,and other whites, like theres a difference between muslims and terrorists.grouping a muslim that is peaceful to one that murders is wrong,just like grouping me with a redneck cop that shitkicks black people is wrong,so dont do it?

No there aint... There is a difference between terrorists and muslim... one is religious, the other uses religion as a reason to do bad deeds. There are racism in every race and in every work class. The only difference is, if you are in the media, what you think will be reflected in your work. The same could be said for writers, singers, politicians... or anyone who's job is to express something... or any public job.

You have to talk, so even if your thoughts are filtered, somewhere, there is gonna be a leak.


ill o.g.
it should be spoken of. Look at how many Black folks responded but didn't say anything because they don't want to ruffle any feathers.

To White's any educated Black person that speaks of racism by whites is "misguided".

As evidence from this post. Whites will treat any advocate of strengthening the Black community as a disruptive element to their community and approach it with contempt.

So imagine what racist whites will do.

The Bastard

ManDAmyth said:
They why's are questions that are never answered by white folks. I'm asking questions I cannot answer as a black man.

If a majority of White People believe Racism does exist...

A) Why is nothing being done about it?

B) Doesn't evident such as this biased reporting support the claim that Whites are intentionally using Racism to undermine Black Culture?

C) Why doesn't anybody do something about it?

D) Why are minority groups that advocate self-reliance and such treated as threats?

I can't answer the above questions. So, you don't actively go around kicking handcuffed Black men. My father just retired from the public school system after over thirty-years of teaching.....

Cherry Creek Schools is a public school system. The enrollment is 93% white. Every child has their own textbook. They have brand new schools and recently renovated ones. Teachers are paid fairly plush salaries compared to the national average.

Denver Public Schools is 80% minority enrollment. Schools are lliterally falling apart. Most schools can no longer use textbooks. Teachers are paid less than the janitors at Cherry Creek Schools.

Last year Cherry Creek Schools recieved a 70 million dollar grant from the state of Colorado. Denver Public Schools gets no support.
Shit like this is all over the country. Hell, a big reason why Hip Hop started and the turntable became an instrument is because the funding for music programs in inner-city schools was cut.

When I was a kid they had a Rec center, Meadowood. It was the spot kids to hang out Friday and Saturday nights. 99% of the kids that hung out were black kids. For no explicable reason the program was ended by the city. The rec center was renovated and used solely for girls gymnastic training. Kids had nowhere to go.

You can't even play basketball at a school playground without the cops coming at you and threatining to give you a tresspassing ticket. But white kids can hoop it up all day.

At the movie theater you can't hang out in the arcade. Only people that are playing games can be in there. Nevermind your standing in line waiting your turn. You can't loiter infront of the building talking to your friends. The police will usher you along. If you challenge them at all. You are thrown against the wall and handcuffed. Meanwhile there is a group of white kids standing right next to your bunch, nothing is said to them. Also, every John Singleton movie you are corralled like sheep and made to line up and show your tickets both at the entrance to the building and the entrance to the theatre. Not just on opening night, the whole time shit is in theatres.

So you go to the mall. The mall takes on a Black personality. Soul Food restaraunts. Hip Hop clothing stores. Mom and pop record shops. You're proud. Then the newspapers start talking about rampant crime and shoplifting. They do a huge story implying the black community is the cause. Blacks are followed around stores. Only so many can be in the store at any given time.

A few weeks later a tiny blurb in the paper. Turns out the shoplifters were white kids. When asked why they did it they said, "All the stores followed the Black kids around and paid us no attention."

In terms of your statement that Racism is generated by Blacks, you are missing a fundamental difference. Black folks Racism is a reaction. If not for the Racism of whites, which happens on a daily basis to every single black person in this country, from a trip to the grocery store etc., would Blacks be racist against Whites? I'd think carefully how you respond.

How can Blacks get their education and rise up out of it when White's control everything. You say that as if whites are willing to give up their power.

no when i said theres racism generated by blacks i meant in other countries,theres black racists in power, racists against other blacks, wheres your white on black opression fit into that equation?,i know theres africans i nthis countries that dont like haitians, i understand whats going on in the u.s. i understand it because i went to a schools similar to the ones in denver, i never had no music program either,and all my books were old as shit,everyone in my family lives in the projects,and im WHITE, rest assured that black people arent the only ones bein opressed in this country or any other country


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
ManDAmyth said:
To White's any educated Black person that speaks of racism by whites is "misguided".
Dude totally disagree, and yes..im white. Im sorry but in my opinion, what we need is more educated whites, blacks, shit, every color!!, and to those people that took the time to take their heads out they asses, i give them humungus props...Why not!? Hell, there really are too many stupid fucking people in the world and alot of them really are quite evil - just look at the shit that made you start this post in the first place!
Why the fuck would i think that your "misguided" tho???.....I dont think that at all. My only gripe is when black dudes trip when they see a story like this in the media and then "automatically" paste the same intentions on the next white guy. If you ask me, thats pretty uneducated, or at least not well thought through....


Posted Up
ill o.g.
ManDAmyth said:
If a majority of White People believe Racism does exist...

A) Why is nothing being done about it?

B) Doesn't evidence such as this biased reporting support the claim that Whites are intentionally using Racism to undermine Black Culture?

C) Why doesn't anybody do something about it?

D) Why are minority groups that advocate self-reliance and such treated as threats?

white folks always say racism exists, none of them participate in it though.

As far as nothing being done about it GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WRITE SOME LETTERS THEN! Send them to your senator, governor, local media, national media, etc.

It's not the Whites intentional using racism to benefit the upper class, IT'S THE UPPER CLASS! Last time I checked, I didn't own a house, I had a shitty car, and I had a few dollars to my name. The upper class creates a criminalized underclass to keep above the label of "criminal". In fact, White collar crime causes more damage than other form of crime, and those fuckers just get a slap on the wrist. "Oh, you embezzled 4 Million Dollars from peoples' pensions and you threw toxic waste in the Mississippi, well pay you're fine of $250,000 and be on your way, we need to catch some real criminals"

Those people (the rich and powerful) are White, Black, Asian, Latino...you can't say they are all White.

Four people (or so) control all of the media in the U.S. They make money off of sensationalism and we will never change that as long as people believe the hype. Write some letters.

Also, in the current state of Hip Hop, these "gangster rapper" are perpetuating the myth that Blacks are criminals by nature. So write a letter to them too and stop buying their albums.

As far as self-reliance groups, there is a difference between idealistic and militaristic.

And finally, aren't you advocating the myth that all Whites are bad?

I'm having enough trouble trying to find a damn job, so leave my White ass alone...please.

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