Quality Ratio

shortt knowtice

ill o.g.
So just wonderin, hows your quality work to wack work ratio? Ha, like I find that sometimes I have to make like 10 beats before I come across 1 that I find to be good enough 4 me to let people hear, while other times i can get hot and crank out a few nice tracks at a time...However on average I'd say I would have about 6-8 attempts b4 something nice comes out...Is that good/bad? What bout yall?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
yea its either feast or famine for me. On average maybe (in the past month)3/7- bad/good (Last year) 50/150 roughly. but I also go back and "refurbish" once wack tracks lol.

How long you been producin?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
My only advice is the trick is to not force it.
Creativity generally flows best when it comes on its own.
You can make yourself do it for the sake of a deadline or time restraints, or simply to test yourself - but i think you render the best results when u let it come naturally.

shortt knowtice

ill o.g.
Werd I agree completely, it is best when it isnt rushed. And lately ive been goin back thru a bunch of old tracks and old samples I cut and been tryin to work wit them in new ways and its been kinda successful too

shortt knowtice

ill o.g.
I've been on and off wit producing 4 bout 5 yrs but with school semesters taking my time I really only get time during winter breaks and summertime so they aint real yrs. These last couple weeks before school starts again Im tryna just crank out as many as possible so I have some for people at school since I most likely wont have that kinda time later....How long u been doin it 4 Unorthodox?


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
3 yrs so far


ill o.g.
i dont even make beats at random anymore. i only produce when i got a song idea. then i make that shit a reality.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
i dont even make beats at random anymore. i only produce when i got a song idea. then i make that shit a reality.

I wish it was that easy for me! I 'd get alot more sleep, see my friends more than twice a year, and some more stuff LOL!
Like Shonsteez said, creativity cannot be forced. And creativity is dependant on mood too.
Sometimes I get stuck into a method of doing things and I find I get pretty bored quickly, so I take a couple days off and come back fresh, and try new things.
My ratio goes up and down, sometimes I can bang a few pretty decent beats out, other times I just cant get any out. I think thats a part of being creative, sometimes it works other times it just dont.
Just keep at it though and when you do get in the zone you will find your ratio getting better and better.
Just keep practicing and practicing. Its the best way to improve.
If you get into a creative block, just listen to different music, you will be dying to get back onto the production in no time.
I cant listen to music anymore without wanting to get straight back into production.
1 phat drum fill or drum samples in a track and I almost piss myself with excitement.


The Moose With The Most.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
I'm finding I make much less beats these days, but the beats I do make are generally of a good quality. I'm probably making 2 good beats for every 1 beat that I don't think makes the cut.

It used to be 10 bad beats to everyone 1 good beat. After 2 years of all bad beats.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
i try to make every track quality. i have a habit of deleting the wack ideas before they go anywhere - stuff that is to me rubbish, though i hear other people saying keep everything; there are tracks or ideas you might hate but other people would love.

creating songs is kind of like basketball sometimes. no one has a 100% field goal percentage though if you were to take numerous shots everyday (think back to myprolificacy article), you could end up like Larry Bird, a GOAT, who had a field goal percentage of 49%!

If you had that in music, you'd be made, because in our case, sometimes all you need is that one hit, to get things rolling.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
When I do 10 beats...I'd say about 0 of them are wack....

Now the reason why I say that, is because....

"one man's garbage is another man's treasure" You can think a beat is "wack" and if the right dude hears it...he'd be willing to drop $ for the track....even if not..you could give someone that beat and they could use it...

I never call my beats "wack". I call them "works in progress". Can't put negative adjectives towards your music....no negativity should enter your zone when you're doing something you love....

Cell 2Dee

Bloody Fingers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 110
When I do 10 beats...I'd say about 0 of them are wack....

Now the reason why I say that, is because....

"one man's garbage is another man's treasure" You can think a beat is "wack" and if the right dude hears it...he'd be willing to drop $ for the track....even if not..you could give someone that beat and they could use it...

I never call my beats "wack". I call them "works in progress". Can't put negative adjectives towards your music....no negativity should enter your zone when you're doing something you love....

Good point.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
I never call my beats "wack". I call them "works in progress". Can't put negative adjectives towards your music....no negativity should enter your zone when you're doing something you love....

hey man, i feel ya on that one and it is a great point! long as we not like the deluded x-factor folk who blatantly can't sing but think they can regardless of what anyone else thinks.

shortt knowtice

ill o.g.
I never call my beats "wack". I call them "works in progress". Can't put negative adjectives towards your music....no negativity should enter your zone when you're doing something you love....[/QUOTE]

Werd good shit Sucio...I like that mindstate


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
I have made wack beats in the past when I first started layin um down...but at the time I thought they were dope. That was when I was cranking out about 5 beats per day...now I might work on maybe one or two beats every two weeks. I finally realized the importance of not rushing, taking your time to get all the "little" subtlties tweaked out eq'ing & mixing and whatnot.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Fuck it, ill call a beat wack if it sounds wack to me! lol...
Granted, some beats may be bangers to different heads (hence why i still save semi-decent beats) but I still know its a wack beat if its a wack beat IMO....

The ratio at which that happens to me is pretty rare nowadays, but im not gonna lie to myself and say its a banger if its not.

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