Putting Sounbank/Orkestra into harddrive

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ill o.g.
The orkestra seems to work but when it asks for the soundbank i doesnt work. But the soundbank is a .rfl file, i asked the person i bought it from wutz the problem n she told me i have to copy them into the reason folder. i asked her how to do that n she never responded. Do u know how to do this????


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
KelzCorleone said:
The orkestra seems to work but when it asks for the soundbank i doesnt work. But the soundbank is a .rfl file, i asked the person i bought it from wutz the problem n she told me i have to copy them into the reason folder. i asked her how to do that n she never responded. Do u know how to do this????

i think this is all done upon install. But, if you wanted to copy them and put them in the folder then try this:

Pop in one disc in ya drive. Go to my computer, and then right click on the icon for ya cd drive,,,hit explore or open. Find the proper files and copy them to the Reason folder like you would copy any other file to a folder.

...But I don't think this will work. She's probably wrong.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
*Sometimes Reason install will glitch....(its happened to me before as well).....All u gotta do is this tho:

Go to my computer_
Choose C drive (or wherever u installed reason to_
Go to Program Files_
Find Propellerhead_
Open Reason folder inside Propellerhead_
(K, now u need to put yer soundbank in the cd drive
_Once the cd is in, go ahead and open the folder so the refill is visible....Do this by goin to my computer again and finding yer Cd drive.)
K now u should have (2) folders open in (2) seperate windows_
Next, simply drag your soundbank from the cd drive folder to the Reason folder....

Thats it!


Oh my bad!....I just realized that Stress jus said the same dam thing, but alot easier to understand! - oh well.