President & Laura Bush to 'Take On' Bloods, Crips and Hip-Hop

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
i think to be against what bush is doing here would make you an idiot ! maybe you don't agree with how he does it you don't think he can do it but to try to get rid of these gangs can't be called a bad thing !
People seem to be upset with peoples involvement with these gangs and yet everyday thousands of hip hoppers rep these gangs or rhyme about their involvement with these gangs and people buy it up and love it and then moan when the president names hip hop as being something closely involved with gangs !


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
uh this is a bad thing how? what abuot this pisses you off exactly?

no, i do not think that bush is doing a whole lot ot HELP these communities per se, but to say that it pisses you off for the president to take steps to ease the gang problem, and it IS a problem, but you are over there in england and NOT here in california, again why the hell are you even speaking on things you dont know about? please, tell me when the last time yuo got into with some bangers, because i have had to deal with that shit my whole fucking life.

hey man u need to get off my dick for a minute, i didnt say anything about Bloods and Crips being a good thing! READ THE ORIGINAL POST.

stop calling me out and sayin im from England so i dont know shit, thats fuckin pathetic. you wanna see some evil shit take a walk thru Moss Side in Manchester, LA aint the only place where there is gangbangin. you act like your some kind of OG.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
sickening, just sickening. if yuo guys ever wind up in the ghetto, if yuo eevr get jumped or jacked, if yuor kid gets killed in a drive by, you will be well deserving of it.

and THAT is fucked up blud.


I am proud to be southern
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 90
Rhythmikal said:
hey man u need to get off my dick for a minute, i didnt say anything about Bloods and Crips being a good thing! READ THE ORIGINAL POST.

stop calling me out and sayin im from England so i dont know shit, thats fuckin pathetic. you wanna see some evil shit take a walk thru Moss Side in Manchester, LA aint the only place where there is gangbangin. you act like your some kind of OG.

I disagree rhyhikal, i dont think that was his point at all, but ill let him respond to that...

Ive been to the UK on numerous occasions(including manchester), and its NOT the same, trust me, Of course every place is going to have its "rough" areas. But the culture violence and poverty doesn’t match the same to "intensity" as the states. In the UK there are an average of 5 or 15 violent murders a year. In Baltimore there are 5 violent murders a day.

WHen something dose happen over their its all over the the national news, and your government is pretty good about starting yourth programs etc… hear mudurder is an everyday news subject and our government couldn’t give a fuck(in urban areas).

Most of the times when u see gangs or UK kids acting tuff, they are just trying to emulate what they see over here in the state.(im not sayin all cases though). THe same thing goes on over here with kids trying to be tough from the suburbs.

UK just doesn’t compare. Im no trying to pull your card man ,but its the thruth.

Now remember this is all realtive , i saw some shit if africa that is crazier then any spot in the states.

The fact that UK isent as violenct as the states is a great thing buy the way. That’s why I love your country so much, you don’t have to deal with race and violence issues that exist here in the states.

You should be proud of that


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
Rhythmikal said:
hey man u need to get off my dick for a minute, i didnt say anything about Bloods and Crips being a good thing! READ THE ORIGINAL POST.

stop calling me out and sayin im from England so i dont know shit, thats fuckin pathetic. you wanna see some evil shit take a walk thru Moss Side in Manchester, LA aint the only place where there is gangbangin. you act like your some kind of OG.

im callin you out saying you are from england because yuo keep speaking on things that are happening here in a very ignorant way- ignorant meaning, you are not well informed on what the reality is. you obviously have VERY little understanding of the way things work, and you are all uppity about something that doesnt even affect you in any way.

hip hop was a connection that somebody elese made, that somebody else said would be, not bush. you are all pissed off because the president of SOMEBODY ELSES country is going to deal with a very big problem that exists there, and then because some chump, nobody reporter SPECULATES that hip hop is going to be an indirect target of that.......

yuo talk like its a bad thing for this to happen, and i mean hey you love all of our violent, mysogenistic artists that propagate those things, so YEAH i think yuo are pretty ignorant here.

by no means am i ignorant enough to believe- or act, much less- that LA or california is the "only place" these problems exist. come on..... i hav eposted enough abuot a variety of topics... and for the og deal... thats nonsense.... but i HAVE had to deal with these cats my whole and i HAVE been on the recieving end of a lot of their idiocy. i HAVE gotte njumped for wearing the wrong color, being in the wrong place, talking to the wrong person. i HAVE had guns drawn on me. i have been stabbed, i have had bricks broken over my head, i have had all that happen. and i dont bang, never have. thats not trying to be og, thats knowing what it is like to be victimized and being glad somebody cares enough to do something about it .

and so when someone from somewhere thousands of miles away gets all pissy when somebody decides to deal with these problems, yeah i get a little pissed off about it, because they obviously have NO CLUE what they are talking about. if tony blair decides to clean up manchesters problems, why should that bother me? thats a good thing. i would be happy for manchester. why should it bother you that our gang problem is being targeted?

and on your dick? come on now..... ok now thats just rediculous. i love how people flatter themselves with that one. you arent worth the attention, but the issue is.

when was the last time i argued this long and this hard about something? this is a very serious issue that is beingh dealt with by a man the world hates.

like i said in anotter thread, he could do something great and worthwhile and still people would find a way to criticize it. in THEORY this is a GREAT thing. but it doesnt affect yuo in any way. this is a worthwhile cause and if anything the hip hop community should back this agenda and use ITS resources. it doesnt HAVE to be churches. he named like 5 other groups of people- parents, teachers, etc. the hip hop community should be doing a lot more anyways, but instead it would rather continue to propagate the things that create the conditions, and then blame whitey for everything. now whitey is trying to do something about it. the hip hop community, if it were wise, would stand by this thing and figure out how it can be a part of the solution instead of standing on the sidelines complaining about the problems. this should be backed by the whole hip hop community.
and its disgusting that many of them wont.

and, i stand by what i said. if you find yuorself vicitimized by this, if the tough guys in manchester stomp you out and take your money, then you deserve it. if you think its such a bad thing to go after these problems, you deserve to be victim of it as well. chances are you are not and never have been. if anyone wants to be a hard ass here, its you... living vicariously through the games and the 50's of the world.....

oh and cosign to classic.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Class: blud i respect the way you tell things, you dont feel the need to tell me how little i know about this shit.

i fully understand that the gangsta world is more extreme in the States, i was just stating that its not the only place. i even heard they got Crip gangs emerging in South Africa.

Cold Truth: first off im gonna say what you are accusing me of is absolutely untrue because NOT ONCE on this thread or infact this whole forum have i ever said gangs/gang violence is a positive thing and that it 'shouldnt be stopped'. im no nerd sat at a computer 24/7 who thinks its entertaining, dont see me like that.

i originally said 'And plans to take on Bloods and Crips?? the man is insane.' this seems to have set you off. HOWEVER in saying 'the man is insane' i meant due to the massive scale of gangs in the USA how insanely difficult it would be to abolish them all, especially gangs as deep as Bloods and Crips.

'And plans to take on Bloods and Crips?? the man is insane.' does not mean ''I LOVE GANGSTA's, GEORGE HAS NO CHANCE''. i cant understand how you dont see that.



Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
and, i stand by what i said. if you find yuorself vicitimized by this, if the tough guys in manchester stomp you out and take your money, then you deserve it. if you think its such a bad thing to go after these problems, you deserve to be victim of it as well.

damn i wouldnt expect you to say that after all your in depth talking, that just puts you as low as the gangstas themselves.

your pissing me the fuck off

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
can you argue the reasoning there?

first of all, nobody "deserves" those things to happen, that arent involved in that life. not even you.


if somebody feels that those things are ok, then YEAH, if they fall victim to it, i got no sympathy for them. i do not retract that at all. i've got friends who want to be be all gully and think they got all these people behind them, and if they get beat down for trying to be that then that goes for them too. they are very well deserving of it.

anyhow, i'll offer the olive branch, because apparantly i had you all wrong. i do recall you saying "this pisses me off" in regard to the whole deal. how could you be pissed off about that? its a good thing. i'm sorry if i misunderstood you in all this, but this is something i think is very serious.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Cold Truth said:
can you argue the reasoning there?

first of all, nobody "deserves" those things to happen, that arent involved in that life. not even you.


if somebody feels that those things are ok, then YEAH, if they fall victim to it, i got no sympathy for them. i do not retract that at all. i've got friends who want to be be all gully and think they got all these people behind them, and if they get beat down for trying to be that then that goes for them too. they are very well deserving of it.

anyhow, i'll offer the olive branch, because apparantly i had you all wrong. i do recall you saying "this pisses me off" in regard to the whole deal. how could you be pissed off about that? its a good thing. i'm sorry if i misunderstood you in all this, but this is something i think is very serious.

safe man.

maybe i didnt make it clear in the first place that what i meant was that Bush is 'insane' for simply trying to combat gangsta america.

i fully agree with you that Bush is right to attempt to start cleaning this shit up, i just think he will have a hell of a job with it if u know what i mean.

i know you take this seriously because you live there, believe me im not doubting you on that one.


Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
cool, respect. moving on...

honestly, i want to see the leaders in the hip hop community take a part in this. these are the issues that deal with a lot of us directly (or were growing up).

the positive thing is that this doesnt look like a "war" so much as an intervention; its not about eradicating gangs as much as it is about communities taking steps to ensure that the youth in their communities have viable alternatives and as little reason to join/affiliate as possible. you know, giving kids an oppurtunity to succeed. "keepin it real" usually leads to a pine box, prison, or a seemingly inescapable life of poverty....


ill o.g.
you guys heard about the co-founder of the crips gettin the lethal injection in about 6 months. i dont actually see the point in him gettin the death sentence coz he has been in jail for about 26 years.

The Bastard

Cold Truth said:
im callin you out saying you are from england because yuo keep speaking on things that are happening here in a very ignorant way- ignorant meaning, you are not well informed on what the reality is. you obviously have VERY little understanding of the way things work, and you are all uppity about something that doesnt even affect you in any way.

hip hop was a connection that somebody elese made, that somebody else said would be, not bush. you are all pissed off because the president of SOMEBODY ELSES country is going to deal with a very big problem that exists there, and then because some chump, nobody reporter SPECULATES that hip hop is going to be an indirect target of that.......

yuo talk like its a bad thing for this to happen, and i mean hey you love all of our violent, mysogenistic artists that propagate those things, so YEAH i think yuo are pretty ignorant here.

by no means am i ignorant enough to believe- or act, much less- that LA or california is the "only place" these problems exist. come on..... i hav eposted enough abuot a variety of topics... and for the og deal... thats nonsense.... but i HAVE had to deal with these cats my whole and i HAVE been on the recieving end of a lot of their idiocy. i HAVE gotte njumped for wearing the wrong color, being in the wrong place, talking to the wrong person. i HAVE had guns drawn on me. i have been stabbed, i have had bricks broken over my head, i have had all that happen. and i dont bang, never have. thats not trying to be og, thats knowing what it is like to be victimized and being glad somebody cares enough to do something about it .

and so when someone from somewhere thousands of miles away gets all pissy when somebody decides to deal with these problems, yeah i get a little pissed off about it, because they obviously have NO CLUE what they are talking about. if tony blair decides to clean up manchesters problems, why should that bother me? thats a good thing. i would be happy for manchester. why should it bother you that our gang problem is being targeted?

and on your dick? come on now..... ok now thats just rediculous. i love how people flatter themselves with that one. you arent worth the attention, but the issue is.

when was the last time i argued this long and this hard about something? this is a very serious issue that is beingh dealt with by a man the world hates.

like i said in anotter thread, he could do something great and worthwhile and still people would find a way to criticize it. in THEORY this is a GREAT thing. but it doesnt affect yuo in any way. this is a worthwhile cause and if anything the hip hop community should back this agenda and use ITS resources. it doesnt HAVE to be churches. he named like 5 other groups of people- parents, teachers, etc. the hip hop community should be doing a lot more anyways, but instead it would rather continue to propagate the things that create the conditions, and then blame whitey for everything. now whitey is trying to do something about it. the hip hop community, if it were wise, would stand by this thing and figure out how it can be a part of the solution instead of standing on the sidelines complaining about the problems. this should be backed by the whole hip hop community.
and its disgusting that many of them wont.

and, i stand by what i said. if you find yuorself vicitimized by this, if the tough guys in manchester stomp you out and take your money, then you deserve it. if you think its such a bad thing to go after these problems, you deserve to be victim of it as well. chances are you are not and never have been. if anyone wants to be a hard ass here, its you... living vicariously through the games and the 50's of the world.....

oh and cosign to classic.
damn, that really is the cold truth


ill o.g.
Just Imagine all the money Bush wasted in Iraq Could Have Gone TO clean up his Own Country since Cold Truth Has Pointed out all these Problems with the youth and poor innercities It would of made since to spend the billions there anyways and Oh ya whats his name Seems like Every 1 forgot about the real Asshole BIN LADEN . Right ?

And ya I dont get People Making Post About Gang Violence and about Bloods and Crips this and That when they aint seen That shit in there life

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
let me clarify something: my issue wasnt with commenting on it, it was with my perception that it his feeling was taht it somehow a negative thing to combat the problem.

yes, i think we could have spent a lot of tah money to liberate our own people, but that wouldnt have happened under bush or anyone else.

lets not forget clinton also launched a short-lived attack on iraq..... its not just bush, go back man clinton, regan, carter, nixon, they all had VERY questionable actions and foreign policies.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
CampO said:
And ya I dont get People Making Post About Gang Violence and about Bloods and Crips this and That when they aint seen That shit in there life

hey man u diggin up old graves, didnt u read the posts?


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
let me just go back to the religeous based initiative's Bush is putting in place. I do think that there is a good side to those, but at the same time, his initiatives only teach christianity. Even thought I am a Christian, I'm gonna play the politicaly correct role. For kids who are not Christian, but maybe Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, etc, or even other groups such as gays etc, what is their option. I don't feel that EVERYONE has to beleive Christianity just because I do and Mr. Bush does. And although homosexuality is not my chosen lifestyle, it is for many youths today. What options do they have?? Back during the election race I watched the documentary Sway did on MTV about Bush and Kerry's views and basically this is where its coming from. Sway interviewed the manager of one of the organizations Bush supports with the faith based healing thing. The manager said straight up.....we teach christianity, and if you are not christian or not straight you can either change or go somewhere else because christianity doesnt agree with these other lifestyles/religeons....That is where the line needs to be drawn....I don't think religeon should be in the white house, BUT if it is goin to be invoved in different policies, they shouldnt discriminate against other religeons not supported by Bush

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i guarantee you a muslim/naturalist/new ager/etc would input similar policies pertaining to their own faith.

bottom line, if i am a believer of ANY faith, there is no room for another- if you are an "all roads lead to god" believer, then there is absolutely no point in subscribing to a particular faith.

why woudl a Christian organization change for the member? there is nothing wrong with that mans statement, and there wouldnt be if he were of any other faith either... there is no discrimination... if you were of another belief then you are obviously going to the wrong place to begin with... thats on the person, not the organization.

again, this goes back to my point on liberalism running things just as much as the right wing christian sect.

mtv is a completely liberal, do-what-you-feel, embrace-everyones-beliefs (except christian beliefs, of course, unless they are of the liberal variety themselves ) organization, lets be real, of course they are going to attack that, and considering sway is a 5 percenter (to my understanding, i could be wrong...) thats a guy whose reporting is obviously coming from a clear direction.....

if bush doesnt believe in homosexuality, why should he back something he is against? would you prefer the spineless, "i do not believe in it personally but i'll back it politically because my opponent is against it"- something he feels about both abortion and gay marriage-policies of john kerry?

what is thier option for what? when did bush say you all had to believe what he believes?
where is he discriminating? the man from the Christian organization had a valid statement, far from discriminitory, stop trying to paint it as such. its like a girl trying to join a fraternity even though there are sororities around to better meet her needs, and then getting mad because the frat boys will not allow her to even petition membership. she is only doing it to stir things up... and that is exactly what this is like; if a muslim,hindu, jew, homosexual, catholic, whatever, there are other organizations that cater to thm specifially, and you are *trippin* ESPECIALLY with the gay population, which has organizations and lobbiests crawling out of the woodwork to represent them and meet their needs and then some... please... lets take the blinders *off* and realize that this isnt big bad bush trying to flex his god muscles on the poor wittle wiberals who have *nothing* for themselves... spare me the sad faces and indignation on this one. all of these GLAD alliances representatives for every possible special interest group that gets their own funding, and the president can not back an initiative ONCE AGAIN not calling on the christian population per se but INCLUDED churches with TEACHERS, COACHES, PARENTS, COMMUNITY LEADERS, ETC to TAKE AND ACTIVE APPROACH TO COMBATTING A VERY REAL ISSUE.

why is everyone making the "faith" thing an issue? there were maybe three words in the whole article on the topic, "pastors and churches" basically being al that was said abuot that... and yet somehow everyone ignores the other groups he mentioned.

and thats my point. every belief is acceptable, every movement supported, every cause represented, until christianity comes into play *even* in a passing refrence, and all of a sudden everything else that was said gets thrown out the window and people are sooooooo offended at the"christian element" being present. nobody would have had any issue whatsoever if it were an islamic/new ager/gay perspective, it would have been "hey thats cool, good to see someone trying to fight the problem" and there woul dhave been no mention of the "element" of faith involved. i guarantee you that.

discrimination? please.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
I think its great that Bush is doin somethin about the gangs. On this, I will back him 100% even though I think he is a war mongerin dick,,,anyhoo,,lol,,,He started a "War on Terrorism" and wants to keep terrorists off US soil. Gangs(especially the REAL Bloods and Crips in LA) can be considered terrorists and he should do something about them. For once Mr President, you get a thumbs up from me,,,,and the next issue you bring up will probably get the middle one,,,but, thats politics.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
^^^^ thats exactly what i am talking abuot. finally someone is able to look PAST everything else and look at this on on its own merits.


ill o.g.
damn I'm late...

anyway, I'm from Chicago so all I know is gang banging. I'm all down for the idea of cleaning up poor communities but I'm weary of how bush is going to go about this. Like it's gonna be War on Drugs Pt2

Cold Truth said:
the guy has points about certain things (the reporter criticizing bush for this), but what he fails to realize is that there already are programs, there are things, i KNOW I WORK FOR A COMPANY THAT DOES THIS, I HAVE FRIENDS WHO DO THESE THINGS FOR A LIVING and you would be amazed at how many teenagers would rather bang then get a job, woul drather deal then get a job, i mean i have personally watched kids with full ride scholarships leave after a month to go prostitute themselves, i am not making this up.

Yeah, about the whole "kids would rather be negative and gangbang rather than get a job cause positivity aint cool", I hear you on that.

If you come to Chicago, check out how little respect rappers like Common and Kanye get. Not for dressing kinda funny nshyt, but for spitting positive raps. The shit's insane. NIggas say that Common is weak cause he doesnt rap about selling drugs and killing people. (But that's w/ most GD's I know, alot of Blackstones seem to dig Common)