playing an instrument

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I think knowing an instrument gives you the advantage because you get the best of both worlds. Atleast keys as some people would say. I am a natural born artist, and there isn't anything that I can't do well. An I'm positive I can out sample anyone on this sight just because of the way I think. With samples, you will never bring out the song that's in your heart (traditional 4 & 8 bar sample), just the songs that touched you, that others have made. Me being a artist, I like to see original work. It's almost like a photographer taking a picture of a painting and calling it his own, dispite how good the picture looks, and the difference of the medium it's not his person voice. For me it has to do more with being a artist, rather than a producer, because after being on this site, I see there is a difference between the 2. Even if you don't know how to play an instrument, I'm sure everyone has enough mental compacity to play by ear. Anyone can spot good music, or atleast the music they like and you can take 4 or 8 bars off of every song ever made, Sampling is easy to me, and I don't see how people have a difficult time with it. But knowing some keys, or basic properties will help you better on both ends of the deal wether you sample or compose your music yourself. Yes sound is sound and what sounds good sounds good, but with music and many other things, there not always what they seem to be. And keep in mind, if it's not original, then it came from something original, I'm just trying to get a little bit closer to home.

later gators