Pac's happy - DeLores Tucker dies


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
''Delores Tucker yous a motherfucker/
Instead of tryin to help a n*gga you destroy a brother'' - 2pac

C. DeLores Tucker, political activist and long time opponent of “Gangsta Rap,” died Wednesday (Oct. 12) of undisclosed causes at Suburban Woods Health and Rehabilitation Center in Norristown, Pa.

Tucker, 78, spent her life fighting for civil rights. Her civic and political activities include her participation in the memorable Selma-to-Montgomery March in 1965 with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

She also was a delegate to the historic White House Conference on Civil Rights.

Within hours of her death -- many of the area's leading politicians issued statements.

"The cause of civil rights was a lifelong crusade for C. DeLores Tucker," Philadelphia Mayor John Street said. "Her continued work promoting and protecting the legacy of Dr. King and the nonviolent movement for change will never be forgotten."

Tucker was also known for the protests she led against obscenities in rap music.

Her vocal attack focused on gangster rap, a sub genre of rap she believes to be a current form of genocide of black people.

Tucker's base message was simple.

"It is a crime that we are promoting these kind of messages. The whole gangster rap industry is drug-driven, race-driven, and greed-driven," said Tucker.

Or, perhaps even simpler, "It is not healthy for our children."

Tucker led a national campaign against rap music with violent lyrics in the 1990’s and became the face of opposition to its messages.

Her vocal attacks offended many rappers, including Tupac Shakur, which caused them to ridicule her in their lyrics.

In retaliation, the famed politician filed a defamation lawsuit against the estate of Shakur, who was slain in 1996, involving the rhyming of her surname with an obscenity in his 1996 album All Eyez on Me.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court eventually dismissed the libel lawsuit contending the rhymes written about Tucker had no proof of actual malice.


May she rest in peace.

I didn't agree with the way she went about it all but I respect her point of view and where she was coming from. I don't know how Pac would've felt about her today, but last I checked Pac is dead too.


ill o.g.
Yeah she was a bitch. Trying to gain more government controls and censor art. I saw some video where she was at a rally to "ban gangsta rap." That's bull-shit.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
I dont know much about her so i wont say much, but i know she bashed the so called 'gangsta-rap' all her life without really understanding what she was doing.

for example she tagged 2pac as a sexist, gangbangin motherfucker when he was the deepest, most respectful guy in the business with nothin but positive messages. she was ignant right there.

no one will ever stop rap of any sort, and i laugh at the people who try.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Theme song: KRS One - Free Mumia

Soul Child

Come on man, Pac wouldnt be happy if she died while he was livng, thats like spittin on both of their graves.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
yeh the post was actually about the death of the woman, not about 2pac, i just threw that in coz of their famous beef.

dont think that much about it, im spittin on no ones grave soul child that makes no sense.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Regardless of her beef with Pac and "gangster rap"; she was a great civil rights activist who stood up and fought for what she believed in. 'Nuff Respct & R.I.P. Delores Tucker.


ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
for example she tagged 2pac as a sexist, gangbangin motherfucker when he was the deepest, most respectful guy in the business with nothin but positive messages. she was ignant right there.

Come on now, that's going too far to say Pac had nothin but positive messages. I mean, to be a Pac fan and admire certain qualities about him is one thing, but to pretend that he was Ghandi is doing too much.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
o-a-ksavage said:
Come on now, that's going too far to say Pac had nothin but positive messages. I mean, to be a Pac fan and admire certain qualities about him is one thing, but to pretend that he was Ghandi is doing too much.

or is it? Pac was a very positive person, despite his violence and gangsta-ish rhymes.

If he smacks someone, it aint coz he feels like it and wants to look hard, its coz they disrespected him in one way or the other. this to me is a positive messages coz its teachin you to stand up for yourself and to take no bullshit off no one.

and then u have his ideas, alot of which he couldnt put into practice coz he got killed. like the THUG LIFE code, he had big plans to try to change america with that.

Im not sayin he was perfect (ghandi wasnt perfect), but to me he wasnt far off what the perfect man in this day and age could be.

jesus had nothin but positive messages, his killers obviously thought differently.
depends how u interpret shit. u cud write an essay.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
or is it? Pac was a very positive person, despite his violence and gangsta-ish rhymes.

a dude on crack is very positive too

If he smacks someone, it aint coz he feels like it and wants to look hard, its coz they disrespected him in one way or the other. this to me is a positive messages coz its teachin you to stand up for yourself and to take no bullshit off no one.

Yeah, solve it by violence, very smart.

and then u have his ideas, alot of which he couldnt put into practice coz he got killed. like the THUG LIFE code, he had big plans to try to change america with that.

For real ?!

Im not sayin he was perfect (ghandi wasnt perfect), but to me he wasnt far off what the perfect man in this day and age could be.

Ghandi wasnt perfect ? Yo God isnt perfect but what some strange references for principles n morales. The man fellt like he had no choice but do you live in a ghetto ?

jesus had nothin but positive messages, his killers obviously thought differently.
depends how u interpret shit. u cud write an essay.

yes you can!


ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
or is it? Pac was a very positive person, despite his violence and gangsta-ish rhymes.

I don't know man, considering he said death is a good thing cause either you're in an after-life or you no longer have to deal with this world, I don't think he had the most positive outlook on life.

If he smacks someone, it aint coz he feels like it and wants to look hard, its coz they disrespected him in one way or the other. this to me is a positive messages coz its teachin you to stand up for yourself and to take no bullshit off no one.

Resorting to physical force is the least positive thing you could do. If someone disrespects you, so what, unless they put hands on you, why do you have to smack em? That just proves that you care enough about what they think that what they say angers you deeply. If you're a true boss, a man of self-esteem, you should realize that they aren't on your level and can't upset you with words.

Im not sayin he was perfect (ghandi wasnt perfect), but to me he wasnt far off what the perfect man in this day and age could be.

For the record I'm not even the biggest Ghandi fan, he was a pacifist as far as I know, I used him more because of how he is viewed by most people. But man, Pac was a great rapper and a charismatic and inspiring person, but he was no where near the ideal man you seem to think he was. He had many issues.

jesus had nothin but positive messages, his killers obviously thought differently.
depends how u interpret shit. u cud write an essay.

Write that for us one time.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Formant024 said:
a dude on crack is very positive too

Yeah, solve it by violence, very smart.

For real ?!

Ghandi wasnt perfect ? Yo God isnt perfect but what some strange references for principles n morales. The man fellt like he had no choice but do you live in a ghetto ?

yes you can!

dont have to get cocky man, take it or leave it, but dont give me these sarcastic comments. and the ish u sed about the ghetto, it doesnt even have to be about that coz alot of his songs were universal - ANYONE can take somethin away from them.

o-a-ksavage had a more constructive reply which i have no problem with.

like i sed, its the way YOU see things. your own perspective. learn from Ghandi, learn from 2pac, it doesnt matter.

i would write a frickin essay but i gotta write too many for college so fuk that.


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
u say that like its a ridiculous suggestion, but i know you know that its possible and has already happened for certain people.

The Bastard

i doubt pac would be happy over anyones death, rip to whoever the bitch wuz i never heard of her be4. and about wether pac was positive or not, at the end of the day the only one can judge pac is gee oh dee. we never walked in his shoes we cant say he was wrong for doin this or he was wrong for doin that