OSX Vs Win7 for Music Production?


ill o.g.
Okay, here is my dilemma.

I'm working on a MAC now, it's an old G4 MDD PowerPC mac. It's pretty much on its last leg. I have tons of tracks I was unable to complete because the computer cpu would OVERLOAD with anything more than 2 combinators used in Reason.

So, i'm looking to buy another workstation. Windows 7 seems alot more stable than the previous Vista. The problem with this is that I have alot of software already for the mac and switching over to windows at this point would be expensive. Also, even though windows 7 is stable, I still find that the OSX is alot more stable and great for music.

The problem with buying a mac. 'preferably a macpro' is that they are not updated enough, and are kind of a Rip-Off. Especially the MacPro which hasn't been updated for over a year and a half now. And what's worst is that greedy Apple didn't lower the prices on the year & a half old Desktop.

The only other option would be a hackintosh, but updating it is a Big Hassle and I don't need to run into problem while I have a bunch of projects going on at one time.

How is the experience with a newer MAC workstation and a Win7 workstation when it comes to Music Production.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
*Cues Dream Police*


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
ha ha, well if you are already a mac user stay with it. But even a mac mini will blow away your old g4 oh and BTW the new mac pros are right around the corner. Of course you could pick up a used mac pro on ebay. But yea I don't encourage people to switch platforms for no good reason. What is your main software?

In fact I am about to replace my dual g5 with a new mac mini. And a Mac mini will smoke my g5 so yea you could get there cheap enough. If you go the mac mini route buy a big fast external drive for your sample libraries.

And for the record I do have WIN7, OSX and Linux running in the studio right now.


ill o.g.
Most definitely, anything would be better than what I'm working with. It's a miracle that I made it this far w/ what I have. But a mac mini?... meh. I'm gonna need something a bit more expandable. I'm sure it's nice and everything, but I need something with more storage and options for expandability. External Hardrives can be attached, but I find them slower and less reliable than an internal harddrive. My last external hdd experience was horrid.

Plus, I have 4 samsung monitors just sitting here. It would surely be nice to hook them all up.

Right now i'm using logic pro7 (which can hardly run). A gang of legacy apps, and a bunch of vst's that I can't use including komplete 4 and plugsound. So, I'm anxious to upgrade so I can really use these.

Hopefully, they upgrade the mac pro soon. It's hard holding on to money these days. I know they're going to hike the prices up alot when the new ones are released. Probably 6 & 12-core models.

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