one of the hottest beats ever

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Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
hmm not sure about that being the best beat ever...



Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
Loose Cannon said:
He said "ONE OF the hottest beats ever".

yeh but i still wouldnt put it in that catergory.

personal preferences.


Sshsh-Straight fiya!
ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
hmm not sure about that being the best beat ever...


Yeah, that song is OK, and really really not one of the best, it's pretty alright, not wack not amazing just ok, but hey that's me

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I just saw the video for this. I guess it's on the Hitch album. I don't know why Amerie didn't blow up off her first album but I think this one might get it for her.

The video is dope.

She is pretty in her own right but she ain't no Alicia Keys. know how Aliyah danced in all her videos and showed off her mid section but she had the "Olive Oil from Popeye" body. You know...skinny muscle tone? Amerie got mad body. In the video she sports really really short shorts where the bottom of the ass hangs out. She don't throw down no killer moves like Ciarra or anything but the video is nice on the eyes....

Throw Alicia Key's head on Amerie's body and we may have us a perfect specimen. Truth be told though...I'd take Amerie as is. I'd say she's a ten but I know a lot my boys ain't feel'n her grill. I like half asian looking sistas....

Ohh yeah...and the beat is dope.

Anyone got that accapella?


ill o.g.
Thats definately a tight beat, infact if someone had given me a description of it before hand I don't think it would have appealed but thats a hot beat, and heavy on the soul which is nice.

EDIT - Why the hell am I on here again at 4:44 in the morning?


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
I think Timbo just did a track for Bubba SparXXX with the same sample. I could be wrong, i heard it at work on XM Radio. Sound like he just used the Hits.

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
The video and the artist

Yo! I just can't see the hype behind it, some things just need to live for me. I also think Amerie is selling her self short by not wearing any clothes, although guys don't mind a cheap girl, she should realize by now that sex is not selling her career. She's comes off cheap in my perspective of the video, like she's doing it because someone told her this is what the people want to see, and not considering what do the people really want from you. And dispite those two points, why not just be yourself, her eyes doesn't even look confortable in some of the close up shots. Her 1st video was bangin, but she was the only one walking down the street with daisy dukes on. Her image doesn't match her music. She needs be be more classy and less assy