One Brutal Fight!!

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
he did some ol wwe shit on him with them knee drops. i was like holy shit he killed dude.


Soul Slinger
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
FistFulloDollaz said:
the hispanic guy out weighed the white guy by at least 70 or more pounds
I'm sure the dude felt it when he was getting knee dropped on the grill. Sick shit...keep it coming!

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
J-ReZyN said:
I'm sure the dude felt it when he was getting knee dropped on the grill. Sick shit...keep it coming!

haha thats like saying that shit taste nasty. can i have some more


Soul Slinger
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
LOL...I guess you could look at it like that Big Tone...but I ain't down with the shit eating though, that's straight up nasty! Why you had to go there? HA Ha......

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
ha now thats funny. i wasnt talkin about shit. i was talkin about shit. you know, that shit or this shit or oh shit. but since you mention it shit does sound better. get me. lol

tricky spinz

Dead Man Walkin
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 12
holy shit. that was ridiculous. that seriously just started to make me feel nauseous. watching him get knee dropped in the face over and over and over and over. every time they show it i'm just like, oh shit, dude's jaw is about to shatter.
ill o.g.
yoo. that white guy... was.. chokin on his nose bones... and prolly his teeth. sounded pretty custy.

LOL u see his stance tho.. looks like that.. uhh basketball team logo. with the green irish looking guy with his fists up, and his ass stickin out. or was taht football? i duno man i have no time for sports. loll. 40 fights, and he was throwing slaps..


Soul Slinger
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
krysolite said:
LOL u see his stance tho.. looks like that.. uhh basketball team logo. with the green irish looking guy with his fists up, and his ass stickin out

LOL...the fighting Irish. That dude took a nasty beating joke!


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9

Yet I could Not Turn Away :)


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Thoose sounds he makes reminded me of the time my friend got brain damange. He was snowboarding and fell after a jump, hit his head, started having seisures and stuff. I thought the same thing happend to that guy! Cool to see that he didn't die though, otherwise it would've been quite disturbing.


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
The mexican guy wasnt going to stop either if know one had said anything, he just as sick as we are wathcing it. Like he was enjoying pounding the other guys face into the ground. I wouldnt be surprised if he died a few days later from internal bleeding or some kind of head/face damage after all that if he didnt goto the doctor.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Ozmosis said:
The mexican guy wasnt going to stop either if know one had said anything, he just as sick as we are wathcing it. Like he was enjoying pounding the other guys face into the ground. I wouldnt be surprised if he died a few days later from internal bleeding or some kind of head/face damage after all that if he didnt goto the doctor.

adrenaline had the best of him


ill o.g.
LOL, you right. The only thing missing is Smokey runnin' up on ole dude, leaning over him, and saying "You got knocked the fuuuurrrrck out". Ezell could run by and steal his shades. LOL. If you like fights, check out Kimbo Slice. Paid street fighter in the 305 (Dade County). Seen him knock a dude's outball out the socket. Sick shit. Or try