no more beats for me!!!


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
You need to do what I do. I have 2 separate disks, actually 3 separate discs. I only have internet on 1 disc and the other disc is just my music program on it. Nothing else. And the 3rd disk is a backup disk for the music disk.

To have musicprograms and other programs on the same disc is a NO NO. first of all cuz the performance of the music disc is limited cuz of all the other programs laying around taking computer power. And you can get viruses and shit.

Get a disc for your music puter and have separate windows installations on the different sets. They shall not be connected.


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
Elementree, where you using a legit version of xp? and did you password protect your account on xp?

I had the same thing happen to me, IM me if you need help.


Musical Wizardry
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Tha1AndOnlyDJT said:
Elementree, where you using a legit version of xp? and did you password protect your account on xp?

I had the same thing happen to me, IM me if you need help.

yes the version was legit but I didnt have it password protected. Any suggestions on how to recover my dATA?
ill o.g.
duno how to recover, this happened to me and i lost everything. cheap ass mdg computers.
BUT, i duno if anyone said this before, get an external hard drive


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
this is why we use real hardware to make beats...

lol j/k.


ill o.g.
Rhythmikal said:
this is why we use real hardware to make beats...

lol j/k.

I lost 3 months worth of samples and beats to the infamous Zip 100 "click of death". The zip drive was hooked up to an ASR-X.

It can still happen. Hardware or software, it doesn't matter. Just keep plenty of backups of ya shit and you'll be aiight.


Musical Wizardry
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
I was able to recover all of my stuff I needed from my harddrive by installing linux operating system on my computer. From Linux I was able to acess my files, then I grabbed what I needed, put it on a flash drive and a couple dvd's, then reformatted my hard drive and installed everything back. Now my computer runs like a dream again. Thanks everyone for your help and feedback. Everything is much appreciated. im glad I got my beats back now!

Peace Out,



Good to hear you were able to recover your shit. I know what it's like. I lost 2 years of beats (some real hot shit too) back in 2003.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 27
BACK UP YOU SHIT !!!!! AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH you wont ever have this problem it happened to me before backup your hardrive and beats once a month date them and your good be smart and safe

5th Sequence

Hip Hop Head, Certified
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 198
Hey Kenwop, what do you use to back up yourstuff? I just recovered my shit from a virus a about a month ago and i've been looking at my options. Don't know if I want an external harddrive or a dvd burner and dvd's. Suggestions by anyone?