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You cant really rid yourself of cynicism, it comes from finding out about the harsh realities of the world we live in, without the rose tinted spectacles or the illusion of bullshit the media pulls over our eyes. Once your eyes have been opened they cant really be closed. That would be wilful ignorance. Instead, the pain and hardship that has led to your cynicism has made you stronger mentally and emotionally, instead of allowing the cynicism to hold you back, use it to get you ahead. Knowledge is power. Struggle gives us the strength for more struggle, nothing in this world is easy, you have to work hard for everything.
You sound like you have a degree in psychology. I started studying psychology in 2012 in order to deal with my anger issues and it opened up so many other life fixing opportunities for me. The key statement from your response - "Knowledge is power."✊
I guess the key would be, belief, hope, positivity. To balance it out.

Like 2good said, exposure to realities and the understanding of it leads to the cynicism, and it won't necessarily leave like that -- and it has its uses. But you need to balance it out with positive knowledge. The knowledge to know that things are attainable and achievable.

Had a mentor who was saying like come up with a dream to achieve with music, one that's impossible or unachievable/unrealistic. One was "perform a gig on the moon", but even that, not necessarily unattainable; commercial space travel is becoming a thing, so the concept of a gig performed on the moon is not too farfetch'd an idea for the near future. So just think how more possible your otherwise 'normal' dream/goals are.

That's just one way at leats and it's great to see you wanting to grow and improve still!
Is this TED Talks or a musicians therapy group? I KNOW I'm in the right place now. I dig the positivity being hurled around. Here's a thought: it is said that Michael Jackson would write about 100 song for each album he released but only about 9 of them would be chosen for the project and Prince was quoted as saying that he would FINISH a song EVERY day...imagine how many unreleased tracks he left! My point is, keep creating no matter what.