new rocky balboa trailer!

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The Bastard

Rocky is about the "little guy" gettin' it in every now and then. It makes you want to go harder.

for real dude, , its the illest underdog story of al ltime ,way more inspirational than al lthe bullshit 8mile movies they put out now

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
for real dude, , its the illest underdog story of al ltime ,way more inspirational than al lthe bullshit 8mile movies they put out now

there's no question about that....but I do hope this is the last one. I do agree though that Deniro as Lamotta in the "Raging Bull" makes that the best boxing movie ever...but it's a true story so it's a little unfair to compare. But Rocky makes for good times.

My father is a boxing referee and his friend Joe Cortez (also a ref) plays the referee in the new Rocky. He was over my parents crib a few months ago and I was trying to get the inside scoop so I asked him who wins....and he said they recorded 2 endings. One ending Rocky wins and the other Tarver don't be so sure that this is a happy ending...but I don't think they'd have Rocky many upset "Italian Stallions"

btw're not a mobster...and you're not Rocky either.


ill o.g.
looks like hes gonna break his hip....that eye of the tiger beat sux ..fukin 808 ppl destroyed that sound R.I.P 808...

lol....what would you do if Rocky loses?

i wud die laughin and be happy that at least it wuz realistic


ill o.g.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

Movie makes me wanna fight someone...fuk watching the movie...