New Operating Systems For All Models Released Aug/28/08!!!

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Umm....I never could cancel out of that screen while it says WAITING before in the old OS after pressing DO IT until after it was done? ( I have tried it for the record)
Ive been using the Akai OS since its inception.

Maybe this is different on the 2500?
All of my comments have been in regards to the 1000 if that helps.
It just seemed like common sense that it would be the same on both machines, maybe not?


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Umm....I never could cancel out of that screen while it says WAITING before in the old OS after pressing DO IT until after it was done? ( I have tried it for the record)
Ive been using the Akai OS since its inception.

kay well thats solved, Your right steez you cant cancel in the middle of shit in the old os, no matter what.. Even if it freezes.

Anyway the 1000 and 2500 os is damn near the same, I thought you were talking about the 2500


The Wizard Of ODD
ill o.g.
Dunno. But the only reason I would even want to cancel is cause I don't have a hundred years to wait for it to find some hit points.what do you usually set your sensetivity settings to shon?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
HAHA! Thats comedy. Naw man, I have a 1000 as I said earlier, and dude says he upgraded his 2500 OS from his first comment in this thread.

But still I have no clue what hes talking about in regards to being able to cancel in the middle of the operation???


Every samples different Izodone, so theres not just one setting I use every time.
But if your sample is far more complex then say a basic drum break where the transients are clear as day then the MPC is going to take a whole lot longer to process that information even with it set so that it doesn't latch down on every little peak.

How many slices are you ending up with on an average after its finally done out of curiosity?

The Arkitekt

chopping is automated on the mpc right? if so, how does it go, do you specify how many parts you want it to chop into, or does it go by pitch change or something


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
ChopShops AUTO mode works on the same principle that Properllerheads ReCycle works on.
Essentially you set a threshhold and couple other parameters and then according to your settings ChopShop will decipher how many transients to lock a slice to.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Here you go:


The Wizard Of ODD
ill o.g.
Man,I'm lovin bein able to record track mutes.that shit is really dope and mad usefull.I usually track my beats out to my daw but with this feature song mode is also gonna be more usefull.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
No doubt. Thats the feature I wanted waaaaay more then ChopShop. Track mutes is a huge arrangement tool, or at least it can be if you use it that way. I had to yell at Akai once again tho on even that tip since once u make a pass u cant delete your events by pressing UNDO SEQ, you can only go into STEP EDIT and delete manually....Other then that, the shit is dope.

You def get a way liver feel to your beats when u can just go through and arrange the beat the way you want on the fly.


The Wizard Of ODD
ill o.g.
Or in the track mutes screen you can just hold down rec and playstart let the sequence go all the way around without doing anything right?and if you just wanna change the recorded mutes do so after starting the recording function like regular.Correct?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yeah, i suppose theoretically you could do it that way but to me thats slow and counterproductive.
The feature should just exist to enable you to undo what you last did after a pass - it only makes sense.

Not every pass is perfect every time so your going to have to redo it and if your sequence is say 16 bars long or longer then thats a serious pain in the ass because it takes way too long to edit all of those events in STEP EDIT and I personally dont want to sit through 16 bars to let it record over the old pass.

So yeah, Akais kind of droppin the ball on that one IMO.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ok lets say you did....So then when your recording your new pass to erase the old events you didnt like you would have to get the new dummy mutes "exactly" where the old ones were in order to cancel out what you already did which would be a serious hassle.

Cuz if you dummy muted at say just a hair to late or early you would end up with parts of the original pad voicing and then cutting off you where inserted the dummy hit.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
All you would have to do is :
A)Hit undo like you said you wanted to do before
B)hold the erase button on a pass only where the mute you want erased is.

Anytime you record something it has to be right, a hair either way unless you have it quantized properly is gonna throw it off.
I dont really use mutes in the same fashion I Either its on or off or one shot or not or multi velocity for the thing you are describing.. imo


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Ahhhh RELLY you did it holmes!

Ive always just used the erase for note data, I totally forgot that once your inside that dialog all you have to do is turn the data wheel and choose the specific event you want to erase!

Nice work brotha! Nice work indeed.