New LL and Juelz. Prod. By JUST BLAZE


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
Has anyone heard this yet. or am i really late on this one. Anyway, im not sure if Just Blaze did it but it has all of his marks. Crashes, Rock Sample, and Organ.

This track is crazy.

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Props To

Sorry Fade if I broke any rules.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
It was pretty crappy, and what the hell is LL doing with Juelz?


ill o.g.
remember that LL just had to do those last 2 albums to get controll of his masters. I would of put 2 albums out to get control of that. THat will keep his kids eating for a while.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
that shit rocks, my man just produced a joint and yes I had my hand in on it too, LL and Freeway, his album is coming out in the Spring or Fall....whoever might not like it I got news LL is back., I am told that the other shit on the album is Straight Fire.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
its a pretty hot beat.


DJ Will Kill
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
Vince said:
It was pretty crappy, and what the hell is LL doing with Juelz?

DJ Excellence said:
average track

Im not trying to ride on LL and Juelz, but come on. this is way better than the other shit playing right now. listen to how ll and juels are rockin back in forth. and lets not talk about the track Blaze cooked up. listen to the the damn organ. i fill like im in church. the sample is fire.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
DJ Excellence said:
The track is okay , LL came correct but I've heard better from him. As for the beat > I know quite a few people here @ illmuzik that could come up with some better stuff.

Not a bad track , but nothing really extraordinary in my opinion.

the track is crazy, please tell me who here on illmuzik can drop some better heat than that

I'll be head of their street team cuz the world shoulda been known about them

not dissing anybody here, cuz I'm here too

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 285
FistFulloDollaz said:
the track is crazy, please tell me who here on illmuzik can drop some better heat than that

I'll be head of their street team cuz the world shoulda been known about them

not dissing anybody here, cuz I'm here too

just because we're not BIG name producers , it doesn't mean we can't make hot tracks...
I won't name no names , but I've been here long enough to realize that.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
LL still holdin' it down!! HA!HA! I'm lovin' that shit! The track was nice too! Damn! Just last week I was tryin' to put together a track with some organ in it; but the organ sounds on my keyboard are shitty so I just left it alone.