Neo nazi next door

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Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
ey man formant i am prolly the nicest person you ever met? or did you meet up with nance LOL


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
word, lovely, just reminded me of the sweet picture of us at the zomerfeesten lol!

But hey, wasnt this about nazi's being you neighbours ?!


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
true.. maybe he should watch american history x?
what do you think of the kid is he a real treath or is he a kid going to puberty and rebelling or just stupid?
and what are his parents, racists too?


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Nazi's have one purpose in life...

moving target

This stupid american law entitles you to have a gun, either shoot heston or these friggin' nazie's. Finally a good reason to own a gun.

gram green

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
one of the only things i dont miss about living in the states is having to check everybodys goddamn 'race' and color just to know what i will be 'allowed' to say to them or how i will be 'allowed' to act. that shit is WACK for real.[/QUOTE said:
that was kind of my point... if you dont feel comfortable sayin it to everyone dont say it at all... if you know enough to not say it to certain people cuz its disrespectful than why say it to your little click that doesnt mind it...

acting like race doesnt exist or you dont see in colors is kinda gay and nieve.... its how you act towards those differences ... but just acting like its not even there? thats not even reality... you sound like george costanza on that one seinfeld episode....

damn why dont my quotes come out right... fuck


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
After marinating on the incedent for three days, I am disturbed by the loser's ignorance, but he has become nothing more than a punchline for me. He goes by the name little gene, and I have been making "little gene jokes" all weekend. I bet he will be scared to show his face now that he sees the rest of the neighborhood doesn't share his opinion. It is amazing what people will do when they think they can get away with it. Also, how dumb is he to put a swastika on the note when he has one on his arm. It reminded me of the Artifacts song about tagging where they couldn't figure out why they were always fingered, even though they had tags on their backpacks, and rattling sounds inside. My wife thinks his hate eminated because the sound of people working at the ungodly hour of 9:30 woke him from his unemployed beauty sleep. Then the minority factor set him off, but then again you can get work when you get out of bed before 11 am. He is a weak and ignorant man who tries to spread ignorance through hand written notes under windshield wipers.
ill o.g.
gram green said:
acting like race doesnt exist or you dont see in colors is kinda gay and nieve.... its how you act towards those differences ... but just acting like its not even there? thats not even reality... you sound like george costanza on that one seinfeld episode....

damn why dont my quotes come out right... fuck


dude, i never said i 'act' like there is no color or race, or whatever the fuck you mean with that. thats just plain ignorant. (has very little to do with being gay or nAIve to coin your phrase),. ive never heard of any one 'acting' like theres no color. I metaphorically said that i tend not to look at someones race, that is something completely different. all i mean is, im not sitting there stressing out constantly thinking that i am speaking to an indonesian person or a chinese person or a black person. of course i can see someone is black, and of course i dont try to pretend like they are white or whatever. that is wack. (and btw, dog, what if i was fucking color blind, completely color blind, i might see shades and be able to distinguish black people from white people, but i might for instance not be able to tell the difference between a peurto rican and a light skinned black person, or the differeence between a very tanned dark haired white guy and an arab, is that 'gay and 'nieve'' too? is that 'not even reality' too?) i suggest you learn how to read better, and that you give me some more credit than 'being so ignorant that i pretend there are no races'. dont try to act like im dumb or gay or 'nieve' (do you even know what naive means? obviously not at all, because it made no sense in the context that you used it in) or detached from reality or george costanza again please.

(*edit, i just read back to my post. comeon now, you must either be really dumb or you must be like 12 if you think i said in my post that i act like there is no race or something. comeon now, please are you for real?!?!? give me a break dude) youve heard people say that 'there are no races, just people' or something along those lines before, dont tell me you havent.

FTDub, im glad to hear you can laugh at this sorry little punk now, that is how i think you should act towards most of these people (racists). those peeps are straight up pathetic, they arent even worth wasting your energy on.