Need the lowdown on Logic


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ill o.g.
I own a Apple computer, and what I've been hearing that the Logic Platinum series is for mac users only. But I think the 5.0 series is for PC users. I work primarily with MPC 2000 as my sequencer, so if Logic is a sequencer too, why would I need it? Somebody PLEASE set the facts straight for me, so I can get busy! Thanks.


ill o.g.
Hey what up shadeed. I use logic 5.0 on a pc its a good program. It is a sequencer and multi track recorder. Im not realy sure how to use it as a sequencer. I just use it for multi track recording and mixing as I have a rap group I produce. I use reason 2.5 to do my beats and as a sequencer and "rewire " reason into logic and you can mix every thing ( all sounds individual ) in logic.
Im not sure which version is for pc or mac but like I said I use 5.0 on a pc. If you looking to a good software set up reason 2.5 "rewired" into logic is one of the best imho and the files can be imported into protools.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I use a Dual 867 G4 and I picked up Logic 5.5 about three weeks ago. I was making beats in Reason 2.5 and I wanted to be able to put vocals over the beats. I also have turntables that I want to record sets from and apply effects to and you can't do this in Reason either. I also needed something to mix down the music down a little better than Reason so after doing a lot of research and comparing it to other software like Pro Tools and Cubase, I ended up getting the Logic Audi Big Box package. I got lucky because the associates at Guitar Center didn't know a lot about the product so I talked them into giving it to me for only $200 bucks and some extra RCA cables.

From what I know so far, you can use your MPC with Logic, but there is a huge learning curve. I read in another thread, Vitaminman said it wasn't a two or three day software, and I couldn't have said it better. I am stilll trying to get the basics down. You are gonna need some sort of interface to connect the MPC to the computer whether it be midi, audio, or both.

If you had some way to capture the audio coming out of your MPC on your computer, you can use logic to edit the beats into arrangements and apply various effects to the song you created. The if you have a way to catch vocals, you can out performances to the songs. If you wanna use it as a midi controller, you get into a whole new chapter...

What is it you want to do that your MPC can't do for you? Are you trying to record vocals...Burn tracks to a CD form your computer?


ill o.g.
Ominous answered ur question way better than I can. I never used a mpc connected with a computer. Only in a completely analog set up .
And to be honest have not used the mpc much. (Don't own 1 my self but would like to).
I was first using fruity loops now I use reason2.5 and sonar and logic. I like sonar better cause I know how to use it better. Like ominous said logic is not a 2 day prgram its sooooo much to it . I had to have my cousin set it up for me with the rewire and every thing.


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
Originally posted by Ominous
I use a Dual 867 G4 and I picked up Logic 5.5 about three weeks ago. I was making beats in Reason 2.5 and I wanted to be able to put vocals over the beats. I also have turntables that I want to record sets from and apply effects to and you can't do this in Reason either. I also needed something to mix down the music down a little better than Reason so after doing a lot of research and comparing it to other software like Pro Tools and Cubase, I ended up getting the Logic Audi Big Box package. I got lucky because the associates at Guitar Center didn't know a lot about the product so I talked them into giving it to me for only $200 bucks and some extra RCA cables.

From what I know so far, you can use your MPC with Logic, but there is a huge learning curve. I read in another thread, Vitaminman said it wasn't a two or three day software, and I couldn't have said it better. I am stilll trying to get the basics down. You are gonna need some sort of interface to connect the MPC to the computer whether it be midi, audio, or both.

If you had some way to capture the audio coming out of your MPC on your computer, you can use logic to edit the beats into arrangements and apply various effects to the song you created. The if you have a way to catch vocals, you can out performances to the songs. If you wanna use it as a midi controller, you get into a whole new chapter...

What is it you want to do that your MPC can't do for you? Are you trying to record vocals...Burn tracks to a CD form your computer?

I want to record vocals on top of my MPC tracks, and mix them down, do my own mastering job and then burn them onto a CD that I'm gonna
market. Any advice???

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Sounds like you are in the same boat as me. Here's what you can do:

Record whatever audio you need be it vocals, turntable sets or in your case audio from a groove box like your MPC into your computer using some sort of audio capture device. You save the file down as an aif or wav so you can import the loop or whatever into Logic. Or, you can record what you play out of you MPC directly into Logic. Once in Logic, you can rearrange and apply all kids of effects and processing to the track. Then you can record vocals over the track or apply some of Logic's own synths to the track you created on your MPC.

What ever audio capturing device you get shoud have a mic connection so you can get your vocals into Logic. Something like this is cheap and basic but it has no midi connects so you couldn't use you MPC to control the synths Logic:

This one is a little more money but it will help you take advantage of the synths in Logic: