Need a little help here.

  • beat this! (feb 19-20) signup begins in...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I have a bridge that I need to take out of a song .
The vocals are already laid and I want to be able to cut this section out and have all the tracks following it all just move over and line up automatically when I cut this section out without me having to go back in and line everything up manually.
I need to know how to do this asap as well.

Does anybody know how to in PT8?
Or at all for that matter?



ill o.g.
just delete the part in SHUFFLE MODE (top LEFT corner)... u got Shuffle, Spot, Slip and Grid... in Shuffle mode, select the piece u wanna take out, delete it and everything after it will snap back... try it out... hope this helps...



Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
just delete the part in SHUFFLE MODE (top LEFT corner)... u got Shuffle, Spot, Slip and Grid... in Shuffle mode, select the piece u wanna take out, delete it and everything after it will snap back... try it out... hope this helps...


Thank you !
Ill try that!
I figured there had to be a way.