My Ordeal With Digital Wireless in Cali.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
So I purchased a phone case, screen saver and pop out phone clip from Digital Wireless (California) through Amazon. I paid for expedited delivery as well. 11 days later...still no delivery. Now I'm upset because I can drive to Cali and back in 8 days but the delivery time is still within their promise date (barely).

I go back on Amazon and leave a negative review on the seller. They immediately send me 2 emails. 1st email informs me that there was a defect in the clip but they sent the screensavers, the hardcase and a free 'temporary' leather case that would protect my phone until the clip came in. So far so good other than the length of the delivery time. The 2nd email (from a different person) confirming the first email but also asked if I would take down the negative comment and they said my package will be delivered by the next day. They also asked that I deal with them direct for any issues.

I agreed (out of good faith and gave them the benefit of, Im not really into publicly bashing a business online)so I removed the negative comment from Amazon.

My package came 2 days later (not 1 as promised). So I wait another week for the clip and still nothing. I did as they asked and called them direct. The person that answered the phone asked me "how can I help you?" I responded "I want some info on a purchase that I made through Amazon". They said " I need your name and phone number so I can call you back". I gave them my info.

An hour later, no return call so I call them back and got a recording saying that they couldn't answer my phone call at the moment and to leave a message. I hung the phone up. I waited approx. 45 mins. and called them back again...same thing - a recording....

At this point I'm thinking 'ok somethings very fishy about this'. So one of my partners come over to my house and I explain to him whats going on. Then I ask him if I can use his phone to call. He agrees. I said to him "wait, I'm going to call one more time from my phone first. I call and again - the recording. I immediately call back with his phone (10 secs later) and guess what?...they answer on the second ring with "Digital Wireless, how may I help you?" I responded "You just did" and hung the phone up.

Any thoughts?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I would bruh but I'm not out to deface this business at all...I (personally) will NEVER do business with them again and ofc, I don't want any of my illfam to go through this so this is just an eye opener if any of you decide to do business with them.


ill o.g.
Why not dude they blocked ur number? Thats a pipi smack to the face in the business world...Take the gloves off dac, warn the world!


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
That's the problem buying shit online, you can't make a fuss right in front of the person and intimidate them. When you're online or on the phone, they can just ignore it... I'd file a complaint with a higher up if possible. It's sad that people have to go through this shit.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Actually, I've informed Amazon of my ordeal and Digital Wireless violated one of their Terms Of Usage by asking me to remove a negative comment. I forwarded the email to Amazon and they are investigating it, possibly leading to revoking their ability to sell anything on Amazon. That's penalty enough.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Here's the email...

Digital Wireless said:
Hello Harry,

Please know that we are sorry for the delay in shipping your order. As noted in a previous email to you that was sent, there was a defect with the compatible holster that fits the hard case. For this reason, we have shipped the hard case, screen protector, and a free leather case that you may use for now. As soon as we have the correct "holster" to ship, we will be sure to do so immediately. We did not want to have you wait any longer and not have your phone protected or a case and protector that you may use.

If possible, please remove the negative comment you have left for us. We are trying to do our best to address your concern and you should be receiving the package that was sent any day now (if not today, then most likely tomorrow, Saturday). We do apologize for any misunderstanding and do strongly advise that you contact us first in regards to any concerns. You may also call us directly and provide us with your order number.


Here is Amazons response to me....

Amazon said:

Thanks for letting us know about this issue. Asking you to change the seller rating or feedback you posted is a violation of our Community Rules posted here:

Violations of our Participation Agreement, of which these Community Rules are a part, can result in suspension of the seller's account.

I've filed a report to our Seller team on your behalf. All reports are investigated thoroughly, though for privacy reasons we do not share the results of our investigations.

If you'd like to send more details to this team, please use the form below and choose the "Report a violation of our rules" option: provides oversight of Marketplace transactions. Credit card information is held on's secure server, and is never shared with Marketplace sellers.

We stand behind seller transactions made on our website by offering customers the A-to-z Guarantee ( If you can't work something out with the seller, or if the seller doesn't respond within 3 business days, you're always welcome to file an A-to-z Guarantee claim online.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
I would bruh but I'm not out to deface this business at all...I (personally) will NEVER do business with them again and ofc, I don't want any of my illfam to go through this so this is just an eye opener if any of you decide to do business with them.

they probrably asked other users to do this as well. if you would have seen all those other negative reviews(assuming they did the same to other customers) would you have actually purchased anything from them. the reviews are to protect the buyer from getting themselves into a similar ordeal.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
No, I wouldn't have bought ish from them...I'm like Pug, I already despise buying ish online simply because you pay regular price for something that you have to wait on being shipped to you but the internet is a very powerful shopping tool in todays market. I went by the local AT&T store several times looking for a clip and they suggested Amazon! Go

I did check the reviews provided by Amazon and there was 1 bad one out of several good ones, nothing 'suspicious' there so I went on to order BUT, like you said...they've probably done it before.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I'd leave the negative comment there until the issue was resolved........

I'll bash any business not doing what they're supposed to do...

If they do that to you, imagine how many others they've done that to....

You're not really bashing the biz, you're bringing to light the bullshit they put you through and to advise other potential customers of what they may encounter while dealing with them.. Maybe after that, they will change their ways and improve their customer service...

I work in the cust service field, and the best way to get a company to change their policies, is the customers' telling enough people where it starts to make a difference.

Best way to hurt a business is in the pocket.....but ulitmately, it's the business that hurts the business....


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Dac, you gotta make another comment, you gotta warn others about what they're doing its bigger than you bashing them. Its about saving others. You shouldve never removed the comment, you made it for a reason and they further proved themselves.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Dac, you gotta make another comment, you gotta warn others about what they're doing its bigger than you bashing them. Its about saving others. You shouldve never removed the comment, you made it for a reason and they further proved themselves.

You know how you do something and wish that you didn't? That's what happened with the negative comment. I can't undo it (I tried)...don't get me wrong, I am pressing the issue. Digital Wireless is running the risk that I will just let this die but they will receive a notice that I am pursuing this matter. I'm not by any means letting this go...bashing a internet business is not my way of dealing with this issue (I have better...).

Amazon is giving them 3 business days to fix the wrong AND they are waiting for a approval or disapproval from me. Loosing their Amazon account would be a major blow to the business and I promise you, they won't take that chance.

Another thing to think about is...every company has issues at some point. I've had issues with Sprint but I don't consider them a BAD business. I don't know anything about Digital Wireless, this is my first encounter with them. Now if this is something they do on the norm, then thats another story and they should be bashed and get whatever comes to them. For now, I'm gonna deal with them the way things are going now. They've got too much at risk for a $35 phone case and clip.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I respect that Dac. But people on amazon do need to know this event. No need to bash, just tell the story like you did here as well as seek satisfaction. I know you're handling it though, I appreciate you even posting it on here, now I know about them.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
The only way to get a shot at posting a negative comment is to buy something else from them and thats not gonna But yeah, I wanted you guys to see what I'm dealing with just in case you buy something and see the name Digital Wireless on it. Doesn't mean that your order won't be on time and perfect but just think about whats at risk first...and that goes for any company or business that you know nothing about.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Having issues with Sprint? NO WAY..... thing you'll learn....there's always someone with issues with some cell phone company...

What you don't hear is all the people who enjoy their service and customer service....

I had AT&T for a long time (wifey still does) I loved the service...customer service was only gripe was that if you threatened to cancel, they could give two shits...Their SAVE department is ridiculous.

Sprint's SAVE department is crazy...we did all kinds of shit to try to keep the customer...but those things are gone....Sprint is following in the footsteps of the other major players...Not giving them shit and expect them to stay..

With all huge businesses like that...You're just a number...they don't give a fuck...

When I used to take an escalated call... a customer would be like "yo I wanna speak to Dan Hesse"....I used to respond "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, Dan Hesse does not sit in his office waiting to take calls, he has a company to run" That used to piss them off....

That may be poor customer service...but come gotta draw the line....they're asking for something ridiculous...You gotta let them know what they asked for was pretty fucking retarded.

It's like this....I work for Sprint, if you're being mistreated in any way and your issue isn't resolved......complain.....go to the BBB, complain in the forums....I'm all for it...the only way you'll get shit changed is to speak out about it. I would always give a company a chance to rectify an issue....we're all human, we make mistakes, but when people won't do what it takes to correct their mistake....I seek other options to ensure that the business is lost to give them a reason to change their ways...

I'm glad you gave me the heads up, because of what you described about that company gave me info to never deal with them. Sorry...if they fucked you over...I'm no different to them....