


hi, basiclly i'm just lookin info from anyone on mpc's. obviously i know aswell as anyone the good name they have for themselves, and that they've helped many producers make some of the best hip hop ever made which is why im lookin to get one. but, i've never used one, or even seen one in action. i was wondering if people can tell me what the deal is with them? how and why they are so much better than software alternatives for example?

thanx guys


ill o.g.
For me it was the feel of "grooving with your beats." load your samples and kits, loop your sample, and rock your drums over it while recording. It was fun and different for every beat i made. Programming my drums was my main concern, i just had issues with software, i wasn't feeling it i guess. I couldn't really get the swing or vibe i wanted with clicks from a mouse, my finger got tired too.....


ill o.g.
What you put in the MPC, will get out the MPC..

so its all mind work...


Originally posted by hookiefree
The aren't IMO. With a good software sequecer and some drum pads u can do way more than u can with an MPC alone for a whole lot cheaper.

Not to rag on Hookie, but dude has probably never used an MPC. I sold my 2000xl 6 months ago and I regret it badly- there is no software alternative that keeps you working as fast and as efficently as a MPC. (and not just for hiphop, a GRIP of techno/house/ambient guys use the Roger Linn grey box)

While it is easy to bang out your drum patterns with it, the magic of the MPC is the feel of the sequencer- it's got more "groove" to it for lack of a better word. I run Logic 5 w/ the MPD pads, and it don't feel like my MPC, nowhere close. Also, while the kiddies will want to load all their drums into Fruity Loops, THERE IS NO SOUNDCARD OUT THERE THAT CAN PRODUCE THE RAW SOUND OF AN MPC. Whew, there, I said it. I still got an MPC 60 that can kick the shit out of speakers, no way I'd trade it for some wimpy soundcard...


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
Shit, mpc vs. fl ?!?!?!stop comparing donuts with eggs. There's result with both within different perspectives, not to forget hybrids of mpc with software. People not thinking for themselves is what causes them to sell their mpc's in the first place lol! Dont believe the hype and don't jump on bandwagons...

MPC is cewl, but it's not the miracle whip, after all it's a friggin S2000 inside, that is the definition of a budgetsampler.


Beat Monster
ill o.g.
Originally posted by Haterade
Not to rag on Hookie, but dude has probably never used an MPC. I sold my 2000xl 6 months ago and I regret it badly- there is no software alternative that keeps you working as fast and as efficently as a MPC. (and not just for hiphop, a GRIP of techno/house/ambient guys use the Roger Linn grey box)

While it is easy to bang out your drum patterns with it, the magic of the MPC is the feel of the sequencer- it's got more "groove" to it for lack of a better word. I run Logic 5 w/ the MPD pads, and it don't feel like my MPC, nowhere close. Also, while the kiddies will want to load all their drums into Fruity Loops, THERE IS NO SOUNDCARD OUT THERE THAT CAN PRODUCE THE RAW SOUND OF AN MPC. Whew, there, I said it. I still got an MPC 60 that can kick the shit out of speakers, no way I'd trade it for some wimpy soundcard...

ur probably just not used to sequencing in logic dawg. it took a minute to get ur groove with an MPC at first didn't it? i felt the same way when i tried sequencing with software at first.
i guess by groove u mean how it quantizes ur notes. i never used logic but i know PT has way more quantizing options than the MPC does. suppose u make a tight loop but only 2 notes are off what are u going to do? do it over or scroll through the step editing to find it then change it. boooo. if u use software all u have to do is click and drag it to where u want.
don't get me wrong i loved my MPC, (by the way, i don't have to lie about gear, i got guitars that are worth more than a MPC) and got tight results with it. my beef is that u can spend $1,200 on a sampler/sequencer and just have a samper/sequencer or $1,200 on a whole recording set up. Mics, headphones, industry standard recording software, sound card, sound module, and drum pads. u make the call.
people love what they love whatever works for u go for it.


I couldn't have put it better my self Mass! it's all a matter of preference! I own a MPC 2000, me personly I love it! thats all i work with now! I would suggest trying it out for your self and seeinig if you like it and if its right for you. Don't just get it cause you see kanye using one! use it...If you like it and you think the mpc will suit your production style better than what you have then go for it.


Equality 7-2521

i think hardware in general shits on software. not for performane.....just for comfort.

its so much esier having an mpc than having to look at a big computer screen for hours on end. plus working with the mpc is quick to learn (youll know it all in a month depending on how quick you are) and once you know how to use it, its a breeze.

The Bastard

''I own a MPC 2000, me personly I love it! thats all i work with now! '' r u saying u dont even need a midi keyboard to play yur synth on? im just curious cuz i wanted to buy an mpc but got turned off to the fact thatll ill still need a keyboard for my my synth i rather have an all in one workstation,sumthin like what people say the roland fantom is, im gunna keep doin research but can u explain to me how a mpc is all u use to make beats


Wax Fondling Since 420
ill o.g.
I dont have an mpc yet but I want one for sure. I know some people that have one, and for me the sound is just way better than any I have seen using reason, FL, or logic. Logic has some good synths though. You will have more fun with an mpc anyways.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
If you dont have one, buy the mpc1000 in combo with logic. Im using the 2kxl with logic and there's simply no limit in how to setup a prefered interface to whatever controller/sequencer. Dont be to jumpy on the sampler, I dont know about the 1k but I suspect that it's engine is derrived from the Zx engine, if not than it's a S2000 but without timestretching and some other utilities. No big problem realy since the USB port allows you quickly transfer samples for editing in your prefered wav editor and then dump it back into their. The more logical I think about it, I'd edit my samples in a kit/project correctly in the pc with soundforge and then dump it into the sampler since it just works faster with pc for GUI instead of the little lcd screen, jog/dial and an engine of a 40mHz or so ( I dunno ). In other terms, a pc with a good dsp card ( like the new EMU pc sampler ) is a good sampler by default when the A/D or D/A is of mentionable quality, which is mostly the case with hardware samplers and not with Soundblaster xxx. So just hook the mpc1k up with pc, ultimate sampler ( Emu said it had equiped the dsp card with all their technology done so far, it actualy has a z plane filter!). Dont worry about delays through midi, the 2kxl can clock like 20ms back and forth, just a practical issue for criticism hehe. Much better would eventualy be a mpc1k with a z8 ( read expensive ) and a pc with digital interface for I/O on the Z8 and like 16 A/D converted inputs other synths or fx sends etc.

The Bastard

whats the deal about programing yur synth and samples with the mpc, u have to have some kind of external midi board right


I'm just a newbie on here and when it comes to but there's one thing that really bothers me. Why are there so many people that have only gotten to know either just the hardware or just a software module well that bash the item they haven't taken the time to know as well as their original piece of equipment? Is there anyone out there who has taken the time to know both sides without giving up in frustration? Because those are the people whose opinions would be the most helpful. Is there anyone out there that started out with a MIDI keyboard, drumpads(like the MPD-16) and a software module like fruity loops or reason that switched to hardware(or vice-versa) got to know the ins and outs of both and has an opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of each? Not to knock anyone but from the eyes of a newbie who really needs some help on making a decision this all just looks like a battle between two mostly bullheaded camps(software vs. hardware)


"whats the deal about programing yur synth and samples with the mpc, u have to have some kind of external midi board right"

@inspecta wu - what do u mean by "programing"

i guess u mean playing external synth keyboards and rack moduals, all u need for that is a midi cable, ha ha.

ive never had to refer to a manual with a mpc, there so dam easy to navigate, evrything is in simple english, no roland or korg cryptic bullsh*t.

sample, edit, midi, make a song or 2 or 3.... so on and so on.

the mpc is Gods blessing to producers........

The Bastard

what i mean is playing synth over yur beats .i know mpcs are great for programmin drums but whats the concept of laying the synth ,bass and other effects over them do u have to save them as a sample and punch them in?


ill o.g.
to lay down a synth you just need a midi cable going in from the mpc to the module and you can lay out whatever you want, the mpc is a sequencer so it will record the midi data you entered and the synth will play it when the mpc tells it to.

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