Most Confusing Movie....

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Chi City

Have any you guys seen the movie BASIC? I watched it about 3 times already and its still confusing as hell. Maybe i should smoke some dro and watch it again, that always helps.

Carpe Diem

8mm aint bout i heart huckabees....thats fucked...


ill o.g.
The all mad sense in the end though! And Saw was confusing, didn't knwo who the killer was until the end.

Carpe Diem

yup, saw was quite wierd actually....disturbing as fuck too


What about Memento? This is that crazy flick about a guy with short term memory problems. He tattoos himself with reminder notes and takes poleroids of people a places, so he can remember the things that happen to him because he loses his memory a couple of times a day.



ill o.g.
21 Grams I didint get the point really and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is Just fuckin Nuts

sezwho ?

momento is very good but not confusing.... i disagree on requiem there wasn't anything confusing about it i thought (check out pi also by Darren Aronofsky his best work so far and most strage).... of well known movies i think mullholland drive is pretty confusing as is magnolia definitely thinking movies (great movies by the way)

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
^^^ I will co-sign that Mulholand Drive.

Easily one of the most confusing movies I have ever scene. Not one of the most. I will say it was the most confusing. Not that it leaves you completely twisted. It gives you just enough to make you think you know what is going on. My boy told me I was gonna watch it twice in a row and I did. I still didn't get it until i went online and read the answer some where.

MAGNOLIA was the same way. I had to go online for that one. There is this part where this little kid busts off this rap to a cop and I guess that was the secret to the movie but I couldn't understand what he was saying. You woulda thought it was Cappadonna's son or something.

BASIC was phat. It was busy but I still got all my answers in the end.

TWELVE MONKEYS phuct me up too.

MOMENTO phuct me up. I did not figure this one out yet.

GHOST IN THE SHELL 2 - Innocense had some serious twists in it.

PERFECT BLUE wasn't my kind of movie but it still phuct me up pretty good.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yo this is confusing but its weird and pretty cool its this movie called a clock work orange very good movie it caused alot of controversy when it came out, ghost in the shell 2 got to see that i loved the first one