Mos Def: Sex, Love and Money

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
im not being confrontational at all.

but lets be honest. people enter into an argument/debate/WHATEVER with a set position. in all nobody ever stops to look at the other position; they instead prefer to defend that position to the end, and in the end it comes down to this:

"you have your opinion, and i have mine"

when was the last time someone said, "you got a point", or "you i see that part"? or anyting like that.....

i am not, and wasnt, trying to argue for arguments sake. but in a discussion, its such an easy out to play the opinions card... instead of actually considering the other side of the coin. people rarely do that.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
StressWon said:
N'sync Rules!!!!!
lol............stress, you have your opinion, and i have mean............hell no they dont!!!!

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 285
Cold Truth said:
im not being confrontational at all.

when was the last time someone said, "you got a point", or "you i see that part"? or anyting like that.....

What makes you think you're always right? The reason I came up with the "opinion" thing is because I didn't see an end to the debate. It was just a polite way to say "Whatever".

oh btw mr. know it all, next time watch your tone...

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
philsiarri said:
What makes you think you're always right? The reason I came up with the "opinion" thing is because I didn't see an end to the debate. It was just a polite way to say "Whatever".

oh btw mr. know it all, next time watch your tone...

I can't stand by and watch two of my boys go at it,,,,,,,


Seriously, now I am sorry I had to yeall, but I'm quite upset and I havnt smoked today yet!!! Opinions are always gonna suck on any type of forum, so lets leave it at that.

...Now if you please excuse me,,,I'm going to roll one up and listen to my Backstreet CD!

"BackStreet's Back AWWRIGHT!"

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
for the record, things wound up getting a little heated between phil and i, but we managed to settle things on our own accord, so there isnt anymore to this argument, such as it was.

back to mos def.

this isnt so experimental as to be another "electric circus", but it certainly isnt for everyone. if you are a mos def fan, it at least deserves a decent listen.

personally, i dig the overall result, but i could have done without about 7 of the 19 tracks. 12 would have been pretty close to classic in my view.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
i was just listening to the album again and the song "Sunshine" is so far my fav track. Finallly......MosDef.........HAS COME BACK...........TO HIP HOP!!!

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
this album is a sleeper if i ever heard one. its still growing on me.

"zimballabim" is dope as well, might i add. i hope this thing sells.....


SP1200 manhandler
ill o.g.
I have now listened to the album in its entirety. I have New Danger and Beautiful Struggle loaded into the mp3 player so that I can can compare them immediately. I must say that I by anything put out by these guys, their messages are sorely needed in today's hip hop. Philsiarri stated earlier that he felt this one is less raw than Black on both sides. I see it differently. Rape Over, Grown man business, those to me are hip hop at its rawest. Stripped down, and guerilla rhyming over someone else's beat. Shit if Nas had done Rape over Jay-Z woulda retired earlier. Plus the rock element gives the album that gritty toughness. To me that is raw, more so than what TKwilly is doing. (That is not a diss) Talib on the other hand is mellowing his delivery but maintaining the prudence of lyrical content. Black Star is good but not nearly as good, or progressive, as any of their solo ventures. Which shows their growth. Their style my have change, but the thoughtfulness remains. I felt New danger is just as ground breaking as Love Below, and I know it will demand more listens from me.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
finally heard the whole cd front to back and this album is a classic, im feelin the ghetto rock stuff, and rape over is dope. I like every song on the album, i have no complaints, all i can say is Mos Def is one talented ass person.....