MORE is LESS !!!!!!!!


ill o.g.
i just thought i'd say this. alot of people on this forum already realise this but alot of people don't. reverb is cool but not if you can notice it. eq is cool but not if you can notice it (ever heard of feathered eq). compression is cool but not if it pumps (check them attack and release times and learn to use a multi-band compressor or side chain your comp with an eq).
peace and remember if you don't know how to eq DON'T !@! if you don't know how to use a compressor USE CAUTION (fast attack slow release deep threshold and low ratio) and if you don't know how to use reverb use less or don't use and go to sos website and read some tutorials. also often a little delay and a little reverb sound alot more natural and is alot more effective than a little more reverb

basic rule if you don't know DON'T

and LESS is MORE !!!!!

(you have all heard this before and you didn't listen tut tut tut)


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
tru tru, ALSO! just to add something for you people who understand but want some more (if you still have trouble getting the natural sound)

if you have a good wav editor, like wavelab or cool edit, do an analysis on your track and try to make your response curve flat if you can...what I mean is, if your 20-120hz are peaking at 0db and the rest is lower than -3db, you are going to get too much bass. If you don't know the different frequencies by now, you should also look into it via google or whatever, but this is pretty important for a clean sounding track...

you don't want to have to use plugins in the wav editor though cuz it will make your beatiful composition sound like poop: <font color=ff0000>before you mix down your song</font> in whatever program you use (nuendo, protools, fl studio, reason, etc etc) try and have your levels on your different instruments set in such a way that your highs are near the levels of your lows, BUT, you gotta remember, your different instruments will not be sampled the same, so be sure and make sure you <font colo=red>listen closely on some decent monitors or headphones</font> or you will wind up with one bassy ass track and the next one that curdles your eardrums with highs that are too loud, makine peoples ears bleed is a bitch :grin:...

hope it helped a lil


ill o.g.
really for all those serious the too much bass issue should be obvious !! using a frequency spectrum analysis plug-in like steinberg free filter (not free very expensive) will tell you if your mix sucks (that is if your ears aint working) remember do not boost in the low regIOns ever SUBTRACTIVE E.Q PEOPLE !! and if you're seious about getting natural sounds when eqing get the pitch frequency chart aim to e.q IN THE KEY OF YOUR PEICE and attack hardmonics (sub and above) with the feathering technique !!!!
there are many people out there making good music dedication is needed to stand out !!!

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