Mixing LOUD Beats that Compete (5 Simple Steps)

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The Mr Bernard Who Laughs
Battle Points: 166
I have a very similar process as his, however one important thing he's not showing is all the low-end filtering and the gain staging you need to do before you adjust with the faders if you want things to work as smooth as his.

I go like :
1) gain stage in mono
2) low cut most non-bass
3) pan
4) adjust levels with the faders
5) draw your automations
6) slap your limiter at the end

I don't put a limiter from the beginning but rather have a conservative approach with my targeted levels, I don't use a reference track at this point. I keep PLENTY of headroom.

And when I bring my limiter, I let Ozone assistant decide how low can the threshold go... First shut the speakers off. When I see it go down - 10db or more, I know I'm good.
I have a very similar process as his, however one important thing he's not showing is all the low-end filtering and the gain staging you need to do before you adjust with the faders if you want things to work as smooth as his.

I go like :
1) gain stage in mono
2) low cut most non-bass
3) pan
4) adjust levels with the faders
5) draw your automations
6) slap your limiter at the end

I don't put a limiter from the beginning but rather have a conservative approach with my targeted levels, I don't use a reference track at this point. I keep PLENTY of headroom.

And when I bring my limiter, I let Ozone assistant decide how low can the threshold go... First shut the speakers off. When I see it go down - 10db or more, I know I'm good.
My process is very similar..
Gain stage,
Low cut, including some bass instruments, I just cut lower on the spectrum, I dont always cut the lows on instruments that dont even go very low, just dont see the point,
my panning and level adjustment happens at the same time for me, fitting it into the stereo field/spectrum,
I dont do much automation, I SHOULD!!!,
on my master bus I have an eq, tape saturation, (optional multiband compression), (optional second eq), (optional glue cmpression), limiter/maximizer, span metering.

When using ozone limiter and assistant, do you make sure to do it on the loudest part of the track?