microsoft is watching

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Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Man as we all know the "man" is a bastard. He monitors every aspect of our lives.

He peekes throu streetcams. The cams we'd like to think only helps traffic going smothly.
He's listening to our cellphones.
He's monitoring emailactivities. Everytime you write a word like Bomb or Terrorist or Bin Laden or any of that kinda stuff the mails will be processed by the gov and collected for scutiny and your ass marked by some kinda register.

Well guess what.. It's bin dun for a long fucking time.

Rosevelt started it all by collecting secret registers of as he said "threats to the national security". Threats like Communists "pose" to the public by theis diviouse ways and lifestyles.
But what he really did was to get files and files spanding many years of secrets that folk didn't want out.
for example duly elected goverment workers sexual lives. If they cheated on their wifes and such. And all this could later be used as blackmail.. And that's no shit son.

All this was for real. So this is no recent activities. It's been dun for ages and where not just spectators anymore. Where the ones through the lookinglass.

What the hell do I know. This'ere message may at the very time you'r reading it be processed by some big as goverment-computer somewhere out in the saltflats or bunkers or what the hell.

And the sad part is.
We're not gon be able do do shit about it.

Peace my folks / A


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
50 cal said:
yo i just tried doing it but no menu came up. as soon as i turned the pc back on i started pushing f8 but still nothing
yea yo, its hard to catch at first. try F12 1st. then when the menu comes up press F8. Thats how i have to do it on my other pc.


ill o.g.
cleverwon said:
Herrooooooo! I'm so ronery!
ha ha u hoorigan...that stress is such a klutz...

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
x-squizet said:
yo so whats up wit dat virus anybody know how to keep it away from the comps cause i am runnin windows 2000 and xp

i use xp but i was still kinda worried, umm i dont really know what to tell you, accept make sure your virus prog is up to date, and your firewalls are secure, and get a spyware remover.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Here's a page that shows the location of the files:

You can also read the index.dat file with a prog called "spider". It's kind of cool because it shows EVERY website that has been accessed on you're comp using IE.

People have to understand that Windows is the most popular OS in the world. I think about 90% of all people with comps are running Windows. Naturally people are going to look for exploits in the most popular OS. When and if Mac becomes more popular hackers will target those systems. Linux is pretty solid because root access is needed to cause major damage, but I'm sure there are ways around it. My point is to say that Windows is a great OS that allows easy use and configuration for the masses. Loopholes will always be found no matter how advanced the technology is.

Don't be mad that M$ is watching you, be afraid of the people that exploit the OS.

Also note that Google is keeping tabs on you too...just stop using you're computer.
