Merry X-mas

  • beat this! (mar 5-6) signup begins in...


ill o.g.
Werd Happy Holidays every one. Take this time to remember the true meaning of the holidays. Spending it with family, friends and loved 1s ... Im off work for the next 10 days (paid. Lol) so im definately gonna enjoy mine.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Dantson said:
Happy holidays peeps. Unfortunately, I will be working another 14 hour day..... ON Christmas. 2005, here we come. I'm starting fresh and all that. I've got my resolution list made and ready to break it.

Much success, wealth, focus, dedication, good health, Reese's peanut butter cups, and happiness to everyone. Keep your mind on those that aren't receiving any of the above this holiday season.
lol, reeses


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
yeh happy xmas to all u beat makerz. this time next year we shud all be alot better.

im gettin some right gangsta shit for xmas:

The Godfather box set
Scarface Special Edition
NBA Ballers
2pac: loyal to the game

and a bit of ice and cash for new monitors.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Have a happy christmas everybody!!! I wish ya'll the best of luck, may you get all your wishes fulfilled!



IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
Happy Holidays....

Happy Holidays everyone... Fade love wht u did w/ the logo..... very festive...

One Love. Be Safe.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Word! It's late at night and I can't sleep. Just finished the Christmas dinner with fam & friends. Took in a child from a less fortunate household in order for her to have a nice Christmas. She returned the favor by being the happiest face in the crowd. It was a beautiful day and I pray that all of you at IllMuzik are able to spread or receive some joy this holiday season. GOD Bless you & your's!!!!!!