Make basslines that will literally make someone shit themselves!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
lol okay perhaps the thread title is exagarating a little. but while i was revising physics and reading up on resonance etc i remembered hearing a while back something about the american army testing out a new weapon that could make you shit your pants. i did a little research on the net and found nothing about the weapon. However the theory behind it is very simple.

your bowel has a natural frequency just like any other object in the physical world. now if you can provide a driving force which has the same frequency as your bowel, you can cause it to resonate (it will vibrate vigrously) and therefore breakdown the shit inside your bowel and possibly make you just drop one lol. the same thing is noticed when an opera singer sings really loud at a high pitch and glasses break.

to make a bass sound that would be capable of this doesnt seem that hard, just rather impractical. well you would need a sound with a frequency of about 5-15hz (but i think everyone's bowel has a different natural frequency). now human ears only hear up to about 20hz, below this, you wouldnt hear nothing. so after getting your sine wave on a synth to that frquency, you would have to amp it up to a hefty 130db to see whether all this really works.

but since different people have different natural frequencies of their bowels, you could just change the frequency slowly until someone shit themselves then you would have it identified for that particular person.

ps. dont ask why i started this thread, i was bored, aint started a thread for a long time now.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Thanks Dac! much love fam

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
hahahahha, sounds good, except people would never want to listen to your lol
ill o.g.
Yea i read about glass breaking from certain frequencies. I tried to make somethin that could break windows but it never worked.


ill o.g.
Actually Its A Myth Cuz if you Ever watched Myth Busters on Discovery they Tested it To see if its a Myth or if Its Real And Nothing Happened to the Guy .


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 221
CampO said:
Actually Its A Myth Cuz if you Ever watched Myth Busters on Discovery they Tested it To see if its a Myth or if Its Real And Nothing Happened to the Guy .

really?? they should have made it louder lol

well its just theory but am certain in perfect conditions it would work. getting the frequencies to match would be the hard thing, and by the time you found that out some one would have passed out.


ill o.g.
Lol I forgot how they did the Test they did so many they hooked the guy up to a Bunch of Different Equipment and Tried to Make him SHit his Pants with Many different Frequencies to no Avail .


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
as Afrique said, your body parts, as well as every other piece of physical matter has a resonating frequency, unique to its physical properties....It's been proven that if you are able to match a certain frequency it will cause the item, body part etc, to resonate...I'm sure some of you have witnessed this but not noticed you have....

When you guys are dropping basslines down to your beats, have you ever noticed when you're playing a note, sometimes a certain frequency or not will make your table, or blinds shake, while others, even as close as a semi-tone away wont do anything to the blinds?? Well this is due to the resonating frequency principles....

Anyways, as far as the "Brown Note" goes, the idea is you acheive the resonating frequency of the sphincter at very high decibles (120-140) and it will release itself and cause you to soil yourself. the alleged frequency is 5Hz. The human hearing rance is 20Hz-20,000Hz, so you definately wouldnt be able to "hear" the frequency of the brown note, but you sure as hell would feel it lol

We learned about all this stuff at Full sail one month. Aparently one of the professors as the school was working for the military or something, and happened to stuble on the resonating frequency of the human heart. The rumour is that a few people who were exposed to it were killed or badly injured, but I'm not sure what the truth to that is. Anyways, check the following link out....

this link has many of the resonating frequencies and what they resonate with...Check it out

Some apply to physical matter, some frequencies affect mood, some can clear up sinuses, some can even fix health conditions such as arthritis and other things...The list is fairly long, with the frequency of the things on the left hand side....Keep in mind, in order to achieve these frequencies you would need crazy ass speakers than can handle frequencies from below 1Hz, amps to power them, a signal generator that can handle signals that low, and the peakers would have to push at very high decible levels...Basically, unless you got industrial type equipment, odds are your gonna ahve a difficult time trying to recreate these through an enjoy


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I was the Mythbusters episode too.
They were playing low frequencies really loud, and nothing happend.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
there was a south park episode about that

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
afriquedeluxe said:
hey thanks for the link, ama check it out.

The only drawback to the brainwave Freq is that you have to use headphones, and some freq's you have to listen to for a certain duration. Cooledit and Audition has this capability.
If you don't have those, UltradiaSE is a free brainwave vst.
Makes you wonder is there really something else behind all this wack music everybody loves. I haven't been to this site in awhile, but I see he has some new stuff on there. I just downloaded the Panning calculator. Ya'll have fun, but remember, the best way to make a tight beat, is to make a tight beat. Also you might want to put a disclaimer on your music if you use it, because if people get literally sick when they listen to your music, you can get literally sued. Just like the cartoon that played in japan, and the colors in it where making the children throw up. Tricking people into having a certain mood with the brainwave function may not be the best way to get a fan. Not that I'm implying someone would do that, but after you read all those emotions the brainwaves can cause, it might cross your mind a couple of times.


Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
as i said before, no regular speakers will be ble to put out enough force to meet the necessary levels for any sort of effect, and many of those on the list are just alleged not too sure how much of that list is proven, although im sure much is

regardless, one of these i plan on building speakers to match the resonating frequency of pluto....then when i get enough speakers lined up, and big enough amps to power em, im gonna blow that damn planet up!! Dance pluto, DANCE!

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
I was talking about the brainwave frequences homie, in reference to using the brainwave vst, not that other stuff. Visit the link.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
its not a myth it does work its just its almost impossible to do, beacuse of all the different things you have to take into account !
more importantly has anyone heard of the frequency that makes women have an orgasm ; )