Made a new one yesterday..

Battle Points: 25
I liked the original but agree that there were sounds overwhelming me in there. The bass switch and other adjustments have made a huge difference. Very nice beat.
In the third version, when I listened to it again, the drums sound a little more dull compared to the original... It could just be the quality of my headphones, but does it got the same energy?
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Sounds like everything is turned up to eleven, the best answer to making something louder is turning everything else down. Sounds to me like in trying to make everything louder that you have run out of headroom and as a result its impossible to get the drums to bang or the bass to hit without them distorting all to fuck.
Turn everything down by 6 db, and then try rebalancing the drums and the bass. Always start your mix with the kick and bass, they take the most energy and set the bar for everything else. Get your kick to peak at about -4 to -6db, then your bass at around -8 to -12 db, so it sits under the kick, then introduce each track one at a time and get them to fit around the foundation of the kick and bass.