Lvl 1 producer.


I’m Jason. Extremely new to the world of music production but always had something in me that always pushed me towards trying to make something of my own. Started taking it seriously a few months back. Only sharing things with friends and co-worker but figured if I really wanted to grow in any form I should go somewhere I can gain more knowledge and the right guidance. Im more so on the hip hop side of things. Mainly all I’ve been messing around with is sampling and lofi. All my drum patterns probably sound the same and my mixes probably aren’t the best but I’ve been having fun with everything. Which brings me here. Hope everyone is good and excited to get to know every one.


Big Clit Energy
Welcome @Ybrokeboi and don't think of producing music in terms of levels, think of it as a never-ending journey, as the journey starts and stops with you. Just don't be hermetically sealed as a person regarding producing and it can be a positive addition to your life.