Long & Mcquade $$$ Trade and DAWS


ill o.g.
ive been thinking about trading my Mbox2 that i bought like 5 months ago for the digi 002 factory.
i still have the box and all the crap that came with it. Digi lists some discounts for the digi 001 and mbox1 trades so i was wondering if anyone here has ever done that. and how much discount did you get?

btw im gunna make my trade at Long & Mcquade in Ontario

but also might just buy a midi based daw instead, does anyone have some good reviews or something for control surfaces and ProTools?



Ego Sum Vox Manus Deus
ill o.g.
Try checking Saved by Technology out. http://www.savedbytechnology.com

They have the prices listed for the various Digidesign upgrade price plans. Just make sure that you registered your Mbox 2 has been registered with Digidesign first before you proceed. Actually the price to upgrade is...$1181 for the up to 002 Rack Factory & $2311 for the up to the 002 Factory.

I've only used the protools inscreen interface myself...can't really comment on the various control surfaces out there.

Hope the info helps.



ill o.g.
yeah thats pretty helpful
kinda sucks that i bought this in january and and its only worth 100$ to them now haha

i think ill just get the mackie MCU control surface and upgrade my preamp later


ill o.g.
TheDeen said:
Why don't you just get the M-Audio ProjectMix I/O with M-Powered?

The project mix I/O only works with M-Powered unfortunatly and does not come with the software. otherwise It only works as a midi controller as opposed to its firwire connectivity. so that would be a waste considdering the features it offeres. therefore if i was to get a midi controller i was thinging on the lines of the mackie MCU or the Command 8, however i really like the expandable units you can add to the mackie for an extra 8 automated faders per unit. and plus the price is considerable cheaper considdering my mbox2 will provide my sound and preamps for now.

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