Licensing Samples Before Copyrighting THem?!

ill o.g.
Yo a couple of people told me that I have to license all my beats with samples on them before I copyright them. Is this true ? Can I send the beats to be copyrighted now then have the artist whom use the beat clear the sample? Isn't licensing the same as clearing? I'm so fucked up in the head right now.


ill o.g.
hey thats a good idea nnxt....................i was kinda confused about that aswel, clearing samples b4 selling but i think your idea might work. but when the beats are up for you think we have to write down next to the beat that its not cleared and whosoever buys it clears it?

Tim D

Bitchn' Bout IRS
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
No, just tell them it's there job to clear the sample when you sell them the beat

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