

Man Utd Nut
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I got a lil situation,There is not many jobs at all anymore,i make money from my music but not enough to live off and im sick of needing money and being bored,the army are always recruiting and im wondering is it worth signing up,some people i know refuse cos they think the pay is not worth losing their life for but when u got no hope for a good career locally what else is there,i could continue with music and hope something breaks but lets be real im not exactly the next Dre and i need something to live for other than a dream.

What you guys think? Is the army worth it?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I dont even pretend to know about your countries Army but over here, I'd say yes it's worth it if going to school for a degree ISNT an option. The military has some great benefits and kinda balance out the lack of pay. So yeah, if college isn't an option, serving your country in the military may not be a bad idea.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Do you have any other option?

If, you have no other options, then is this really in question?

Are you the type that can be yelled at? Can you handle people making you do things you dont feel like? Can you get up at 5 everyday and run miles? I dont know the specific numbers but these are details you need to know about yourself. It wont be a breeze.

And listen to Dac. He's one of the few on here that has 1st hand experience


Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 216
As a veteran gotta be prepared to be told what to do, when to do it, where to go and how to get there. You have to get used to hurrying up....then waiting. If you have to go to war and you luckily make it back, you have to be prepared to a different person because you are not going to be the same...but in these tough times...nothing guarantees just gotta pick your poison in this world. One thing that I can say about the is a steady guaranteed paycheck.


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
Also check for civilian jobs as well. I work for the National Defense of Canada as a civilian employee, pays decent as well.


ill o.g.
Dont be afraid to be poor. The military has a fancy way of filling its ranks with the poor (and in america now foreigners). They might have you in some boots pointing a rifle at a complete stranger with orders to kill. If you want to be government property then sign up. Look its even my birthday and im taking the time to tell you not to be afraid of being poor. If your doing it because you have to, thats a hustle and its not in your favor.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
First off, happy birthday eldiablo!

So Nocturnl, I feel you 100%, I've been going through that sort of thing the past while myself not sure what to do because of lack of work and $$$. If you want to join the military, it all depends on if you can picture yourself in the military, like it was already mentioned. It doesn't mean you have to go into infantry and go to war to kill people, there's lots of jobs.

I would say to first figure out what you enjoying doing. If you like fixing cars for example, then maybe try for something like that in the military. I think the military is great for a steady paycheck but you just have to be smart in which area you go into.

Besides the military, what kind of work do you want to do? What experience do you have? And what's your age?


Man Utd Nut
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Im 23 and done nearly every job going,i honestly only want to do music but its a long long road and in the meantime i need money,my own place,space etc,i just want something exciting to happen lol over here nothing happens,no 1 wants to do jack shit,we dont even get earthquakes or hurricanes lol I just dont wanna be working in a shitty shop for rest of my life doing nothing, pretending to be happy earning shit wages doing a shit job every day,most people i know live like that but i just 1 is taking on staff anywhere around my ways and its kinda depressing,theres no doubt im depressed now and its affected me making music 2 which has even stopped my little income from music cos i jus cant be arsed to make anything anymore


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Ya not knowing what to do can be close to getting depressed, be careful.

Since you're really not sure and don't want to get stuck in a shit job, I would then recommend you at least go to the recruitment center and talk to them. Now I'm sure those guys will promise you the moon and the stars just to sign you up, but at least go and see what they have.

I know here in Canada they have computers set up so you can watch promotional videos on there and they give you lots of insight as to what they offer and what life would be like in the military. So at least check it out, you never know, you might see something that looks interesting. Just don't sign up for infantry unless you like killing!


Man Utd Nut
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I seen all the vids today on the website...i like a few of them including infantry,im jus not sure as once u sign thats it and knowing my luck i will sign and get offered some amazing job somewhere lol


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
You're still young Noc, don't stress too much about it right now. Have you ever seen a career counselor before? I know it's not always useful, but if you talk to the right person, it can really be helpful. I'm only saying this because it sounds like you lack confidence in yourself, at least from when you said "My decision will be based on what you guys think", it should be based on what you WANT, not what we say. You're a smart dude, just step back, take a breath, look at all your options, and don't just rush into something because of your current mind state. It's easy to fall in that trap, we all do, I have many many times, as I'm sure others here have.

Don't lose hope dude!


Man Utd Nut
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Cant help it lol family dont want me to join,well my mother dont but i cant see anything changing as nothing has changed in the last year

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
you should take everybodys opinion as just that. never ever make an important life desicion based on other peoples opinion. I have a few friends in the military. these are people I grew up with. a couple of them are lifers. there are plenty of benefits for and against joining the military. but they all say basic training is bitch. if you can get past that then your golden. just gotta weigh it all out. at 23 you are just beging your adult life where you can make decisions and know whether it is a good or bad choice. and all mothers never want their children to join the army. almos all fathers are proud to have theyre sons in the armed forces.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Have you looked into moving? maybe do some research
My decision will be based on what you guys think

Firstly let me answer the original question...
If you want to go and fight for corporations world interest then that is up to you, the army doesnt really serve the nation, more the corporate domination of strategic places and resources.
But your decision to make such a life changing move as joining the army based on the opinions of people you dont know, I think is ridiculous. Can you not think for yourself?
Damn man I mean really???!!! WTF???? For fuck sake, Im so taken back by this, I just cant fathom it.
If you want to base your life on the goals and thoughts of others then yeah the army is just for you. Never have to make up your own mind just blindly follow orders.
Go kill some ragheads, and the world will be a better place. <<< Anyone that knows me will know im being sarcastic here. I had to point that out because I have to question the intelligence of some people, especially when they decide to go kill people based on the opinions of others.
Now excuse me while I go and bang my head against the wall to see if this whole concept can become any clearer.

Now to stop with the sarcasm and blatant disbelief, I too am unemployed and seeking work, and on top of that I have to downgrade from my studio flat to a double room, which I have to do this week. But I have started learning new things to broaden my opportunities at work, I have pretty much given up on a career in music, I pretty much missed my boat. But I have started to learn programming to completely change my career path as Im tired of the manual labour, hard work for shit pay route. But whatever route you take is hard, life isnt easy, thats the whole challenge of life. Whether working for others or starting your own business, there is no easy option. Working for others has its benefits as does working for yourself, they both have negatives, its all a matter of summing it all up, thinking for yourself, and making a decision. Like already said you are still young, dont lose your ambition, and always try to achieve better things, thats all we can do in life.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Army? Well if you want to end up like Dacalion, go for's your I'm playin..

Never make life choices based on what others say. Why?
1. We don't know you.
2. You don't know us.
3. You are an adult, make your own decisions.

I'm with Relic on this one...if you're looking towards the military, make it a career.... My aunt's husband made it a career, he loves it. Downfall with it is that he has to move his family every so often for his position (which I actually forgot what his position/rank is). If you're single, shit it's perfect...

I almost went into the Air Force out of HS, I actually changed my mind the day I was to be sworn in (the recruiters hated me for it, because according to my ASVAB testing, I scored ridiculously high) and went to college instead.

I sometimes think back and wonder if I made the best choice....and I think I did in the long run, but by doing that I did pass on some great opportunities, or pass up going to war...feel me?

At the end of the day you have to weigh out your options....Pros and cons of every choice you may or may not make.

Whatever choice you make, you have to go hard at it......

It doesn't stop with can do other things as well.. Nnxt had an awesome idea...those internet marketing things can make you some money.... I did some internet sales for harbor freight tools my first year away from home at school...I didn't make a lot of money because I didn't really hustle...but I made about $500 a month just sitting on my ass and selling tools on ebay. And in college, that paid for a lot of drinking and other things....I would definitely keep an open mind and not just say "it's either this or this" .....usually you won't be happy with either in the long run. Make a truly educated decision....really do some soul searching.....I think it's something that's necessary for ya.

I do wish you the best of luck in any endeavor you pursue.

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