It Almost Happened Again


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
This morning I decided to drive my wife to work because I planned on washing the vehicles. (I've got 3 between us). I rarely wash them all in one day but that was my plan for today. So after dropping my wife off, I'm parking and see a box laying on the ground. As I get closer I see that it's a box of old speakers that my brother in law left with me when I switched out his factory speakers back in January, they've been in the back of my suv since then. Last night after getting home, I was tired and I didn't lock up my vehicle.

Someone had went in it and went through my glove compartment, my arm rest and my hatch compartment. I'm sure they stole something but nothing major and I just haven't figured out what yet. I know they got about $10 worth of change laying around. 2 days ago, I took out my radar detector, GPS and DVD monitors to clean them and I hadn't put them back in yet so they were safe in the crib. Everything pops out pretty easy and I like that because I often take them in the house to wipe them down.

Here's my thing...what if I caught this person in my shhh? I NEVER leave home without my heat, EVER. There would have been a confrontation and we all know that they rarely turn out good. As far as I'm concerned if you're bold enough to go in my shhh, (locked or not), on my property, at my home, you are a threat to me and my family PERIOD. I can't speak for everybody, but in my life, things are getting harder, not easier and I don't see things getting better at all. The economy is not only squeezing those that struggle to do stupid shhh, but it's also squeezing those that live comfortable to protect their shhh as well.

I'm the kinda person that will try to help anyone that truly needs it but don't just fuk with me either. Eventhough I feel that's a good thing, I'm not sure it is because some asshole will take that as a weakness and test you. I'm actually glad that I didn't catch this person, but at the same time, I've worked too hard for the things that I've got to allow someone to just steal it.

It's a fukdup scenario...


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
Be safe fam.
You got all your options ahead of you, I would look into getting a real barky dog, srs, a heavy bark when they think they're being quiet is often enough to deter therandom opportunist...

And you already got the heat, just make sure fam knows the drill, stay in the pre arranged safe spot until I come and get you. Nothin worse than a stray from your piece hittin your people...

From my perspective, thru the butterfly effect, your mark on hiphop is already locked in, right now you're just seein what you gone do with it, don't let a bold crackhead take u out the game by puttin you in a cell...
Anyway stay up, shine up. Ya whips like yu planned, and maybe just wait til it gets dark and bust a couple shots off ya rooftop with a barbarians howl, namean? Mark ya territory...

But be safe.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
That's weird man, I thought you lived in a good neighborhood? Wouldn't you know who it was? Or are random weirdos able to get onto everyone's property like that?

Either way, it's messed up like you said cause it could have been your house they were breaking into, not your car and then I would have seen you on CNN explaining how you shot the guy!

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
they took all your change? You can bet your left testicle that was some crack head ish. Normally if you would of confronted a crack head, they seem to be timid and run off. much like a cockroach when a light is cut on. BUT, you never know. Glad to hear all is well. Keep your head up.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
That's weird man, I thought you lived in a good neighborhood? Wouldn't you know who it was? Or are random weirdos able to get onto everyone's property like that?

Either way, it's messed up like you said cause it could have been your house they were breaking into, not your car and then I would have seen you on CNN explaining how you shot the guy!

It's supposed to be a good neighborhood which also brings unwanted attention to it. If I were just out there like that, this area would be high on my hit list. Hell, the Chief of Police lives 1.5 blocks from But in reality, all boils down to what odbarq said...
Good neighborhood is basically a myth.
Yall know that right?
Very true statement...

Statistically speaking...One day I'm gonna catch someone and it's gonna be a fuk'n shame that either my family is gonna find me dead because they popped me first or they're gonna have to visit me in a cell because I took someones life. Nowhere is safe!

And the bad thing is...what if it were a crackhead that needed food for their child?...and had they caught me at the right place and time, I would have given them a few bucks to get some food. Then again it could've been just some stupid kid who's parents wouldn't give them money for never know and it doesn't really matter. Stealing is taking a risk, kinda like Russian Roulette, sooner or later, you're gonna catch the chamber with the bullet.

@Stress - yup, change is all that I know they got for now but if it were something else, it wasn't anything big. I appreciate the kind thoughts.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
This is why I'm going to buy some land, make it a gated community and only allow IllMuzik members to live there. Of course, I would be the President of the High Council and we'd have to vote people in while wearing black robes and a million candles everywhere.


superpimp trillionaire
Battle Points: 11
Tbh,everytime I drive by an old shut down complex,anything from an old government building to an old motel, I think of basically the same thing...
A community strictly for beatmakers with a bad ass central studio and dozens of little smaller studios and MAD SECURITY
First off cause we all look out for each other and second cause we got blood thirsty canecorsos roamin around with wireless video cameras strapped to they jaws....
But yo, Dac, one thing they mighta got that could be kinda dangerous is confidence...
They might be thinkin about all the shit they didn't get.
If I was you, I would do something to make them know you care about what happened.
Like post up some extra ADT signs or get some red blinking LEDs or fake cameras that move or put an oscillating fan on the curtain in the living room so it moves once in a while... Idk, something.
If they got confident that they kniw where to go next time and your shit is the target, you gotta let them know that they will be the target...
Leavesome empty ammo boxes on your dashboard and shit...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Leavesome empty ammo boxes on your dashboard and shit...

hahaha! It's funny as hell that you say that because there were empty round boxes and shot up targets in the back of my suv! I'm gonna talk with the community leaders and see what they think about installing cameras.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Right here...he bites too!




Ha nice dog lol. I agree it was probly a crack head or some kids, and most the time both will just run off if confronted. I also agree with dude who said if they're comfortable with not getting caught the first time they might come back. I would suggest getting one of those motion sensor lights that can startle people and or get a dog with a little more bark, and bite lol.. or sit on your roof at night with a rifle and wait ha...


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Dac, in this world, you gotta do what you must. You dont know what they want, could be some loose change or could've been a life, and you must protect your family. Guns aren't new, and trespassers know the dangers of going into people's private space (Especially in the south). Also, I agree with the dog thing but I'd get a German Shepard or something that has the physical ability to protect as well as the bark to deter.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I've done the dog thing and that actually caused other problems. I had 2 Rotts, Heidi and Herc. My next door neighbor took me to court over some shhh between our dogs. He had a very old Mastiff that was free (they didn't have a fence...), anyway Herc jumped my fence and locked onto him in my yard but the Mastiff dragged Herc back into his yard with him locked on his neck. So the neighbor tried to break them up by hitting Herc and he went at him but didn't attack him. Both of my Rotts were trained and I'm surprised Herc didn't hurt the guy. So the Mastiff dies and the judge ordered me to get rid of my dogs. Yeah that was a stupid judgement but other factors were in play (if you know what I mean...). So my wife was really upset over the whole ordeal and she basically refuses to own another dog until we find another place where we don't have neighbors right on top of us.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 170
I'm the kinda person that will try to help anyone that truly needs it but don't just fuk with me either. Eventhough I feel that's a good thing, I'm not sure it is because some asshole will take that as a weakness and test you. I'm actually glad that I didn't catch this person, but at the same time, I've worked too hard for the things that I've got to allow someone to just steal it.

It's a fukdup scenario...

Above all, stay safe bro. Let me assure you that it is a good thing. We living in a time where people take kindness for weakness, weakness for weakness, and strength for weakness. Don't let that change who you are though. This site is better as a result of your contributions. Seems to me like you are a natural born teacher. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Dac, in this world, you gotta do what you must. You dont know what they want, could be some loose change or could've been a life, and you must protect your family. Guns aren't new, and trespassers know the dangers of going into people's private space (Especially in the south). Also, I agree with the dog thing but I'd get a German Shepard or something that has the physical ability to protect as well as the bark to deter.

Above all, stay safe bro. Let me assure you that it is a good thing. We living in a time where people take kindness for weakness, weakness for weakness, and strength for weakness. Don't let that change who you are though. This site is better as a result of your contributions. Seems to me like you are a natural born teacher. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Real talk, I appreciate you^^^ guys...that goes for ALL of you that contribute to our community. Yeah I know some of you hate me but that only means I'm doing something keep hatin, fuk u and have a great day =).

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