Is Eminem Really That Hot?

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Producer Extraordinaire
ill o.g.
lol....this threat is quickly taking the same turn as almost every other threat Jaydub posts about Em in. lol

BASTARD- I was just playin...cuz u said nobody in boston is feelin Em, so I just was makin reference to the beef wit Benzino who's from Boston....wasnt really goin anywhere with it tho

BOTTOM LINE: Jaydub hates Eminem, we all know, we don't care, it's his opinion. We also know how much his opinion is worth when he says Ying Yang Twins and Benzino are the shit lol....Personally I think he's just sayin all this to get at ppl. Hey Jaydub, for someone who doesn't like Em, u act like him an awful


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
jaydub23510 said:
Fuck it yo, Benzino got way more street cred. than Marshall

OMG HAHAHAHAHA serious you need help !

Seriosu its a shame people feel the need to hate on someone so much with so much talent people moan like fuck about how hip hop these days sucks but seriously sometimes the fans need to appreciate wot they've got !
Saying things like lil whyte and benzino are better than eminem seriously i know it must pain you to say it but eminem is a better MC full stop your lying to yourself if you think otherwise you don't have to like his tracks but come on !

I think a lot of people just don't get him, the guy actually has fun on some tracks like he doesn't have to act hard all the time like he's gonna pop a cap in your ass if you look at him the wrong way ! He's not scared to make an ass of himself in videos and stuff, rather than driving round in rented bentley with guns stuffed in your pants and naked women everywhere, acting like thats wot happens everyday in their life ! People even hate on him when he disses michael jackson some who rapes little kids and has had numerous plastic surgery operations to be white and look like sum sort of fuckin alien and lives in never never land or whereva it is ! people say he's out of order like you've never looked at jacko and thought damn wot the fuck are you doing man !

The Bastard

benzino and eminem both have a good amount of street credit, eminem was all over the underground detroit scene, benzino was makin hip hop wether anyone likes it or not way before m&m.and he didnt start out the ceo of the source he worked his way from the bottom jus like everyone else ,so you can hate him now but im sure he wont stop now. but yall are right about him not sizin up to em on LYRICIST SKILL LEVEL.not a lot of people can. benzinos really cant hold up a solo cd on his own but niether can m&m nowadays . BBBBBUTTT like i said that hangmen 3 album is fire and he did a lot of good production/spittin on that shit,its certified street music . came out like quite a few years back im suprised no1s ever heard of it


Beat Enthusiast
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
Whoa now! I really didn't start this posts to get you cats heated. I just did not realize the impact this lil kid from Detroit had on motherfuckers all over the world!

Benzino's song ..... ahhhhhh ..... the One where he's in the white Benz jeep, Does anyone know the title to that?


ill o.g.
I just wanna say Jaydubs Right about how he mentioned b4 Eminem has influenced some white people to listen to hiphop cuz My brothers boy who is a drummer and listens 2 Rock only will listen 2 hiphop only if its Eminem But that kids a lil ignorant as it is . But Seriously Jaydub them COrney Down SOuth Midget Rappers Gotta start Comin up with Some Orginality Damn they Using a tittle that was started over 10 yrs ago maybe they Can Start callin themselves Mini whyte or Tiny Wayne or actually use there Brains 2 come up with something that sounds Unique and Hot


ill o.g.
benzino and eminem both have a good amount of street credit, eminem was all over the underground detroit scene, benzino was makin hip hop wether anyone likes it or not way before m&m.and he didnt start out the ceo of the source he worked his way from the bottom jus like everyone else ,so you can hate him now but im sure he wont stop now. but yall are right about him not sizin up to em on LYRICIST SKILL LEVEL.not a lot of people can. benzinos really cant hold up a solo cd on his own but niether can m&m nowadays . BBBBBUTTT like i said that hangmen 3 album is fire and he did a lot of good production/spittin on that shit,its certified street music . came out like quite a few years back im suprised no1s ever heard of it

I've been listening to that gangsta since ALmighty RSO!!!


ill o.g.
CampO said:
I just wanna say Jaydubs Right about how he mentioned b4 Eminem has influenced some white people to listen to hiphop cuz My brothers boy who is a drummer and listens 2 Rock only will listen 2 hiphop only if its Eminem But that kids a lil ignorant as it is . But Seriously Jaydub them COrney Down SOuth Midget Rappers Gotta start Comin up with Some Orginality Damn they Using a tittle that was started over 10 yrs ago maybe they Can Start callin themselves Mini whyte or Tiny Wayne or actually use there Brains 2 come up with something that sounds Unique and Hot

This is my dilema, I love crunk down south whateva you wanna call it beats, but I've said time and time again the rappers do need to step up they game, when i wanna hear some good lyrics I listen to my VA to NY cats, when I wanna get crunk I put that deep south shit on, but I agree it's nothing like lets say SAIGON rapping over a DAvid Banner beat, or NOReaga on a David Banner beat!!

But seriously a lot of people confused what crunk was meant to be, it's club music, ATL the south has some of the best clubs whether strip or regular, and this is music to bang your head to, and cats down south been putting it down for a minute


ill o.g.
Yea I agree with u there it is CLub music i guess should just take it for what it is but Its so dumb when u got guys like lil wayne tryna act like he is a hip hop God thats just stupid . But ya my Cousin From Ny moved down to Mia and He is slowly being COnverted 2 a Crunk head (im Disappointed in u B) but even though its club Music Reggae and Soca Is much better in da club in my Opinion

sammy beats

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
I must admit that I am a big em fan. His recent shit has been funny as hell--the D12 joint and his new one. I'm a little weirded out by the fact that he's dressed up as a woman in his past like 5 videos, but hey, whatever floats your boat. There's no denying that he is one of the best lyricists in the game if not the best and his production skillz aren't bad either.


ill o.g.
CampO said:
Yea I agree with u there it is CLub music i guess should just take it for what it is but Its so dumb when u got guys like lil wayne tryna act like he is a hip hop God thats just stupid . But ya my Cousin From Ny moved down to Mia and He is slowly being COnverted 2 a Crunk head (im Disappointed in u B) but even though its club Music Reggae and Soca Is much better in da club in my Opinion

I feel you I said a few days ago in a post LIL WAYNE= HOT GAHBAGE!!! BUT Mannie Fresh's beats are so infectious, B.G. album is dope, Haven't heard Juvy's joint yet, but my point was crunk didn't MEAN to go MAINSTREAM it just happened, somewhere along the time EVERYBODY from all over were migrating to ATL and other parts of the south

Let me tell you something about ATL, it's the fastest growing place in AMerica, 2-5 MILLION (mostly black) people are expected to move there in the next 2 years that's some shit!!! AND IT AINT RADIO, radio in ATL is no different than VA or NY all of them bastards play the same shit, well daytime radio anyhoo, NIght radio is different with the late nite mixes and shit!! BUT GET in your car and Drive from NY to ATL and ya'll here CIARA Goodies Petey Pablo freak a leeek and all that other b.s. all day from city to city!!


ill o.g.
Em got so much shine and considered one of the best cuz hes the only rapper thats semi keepin it real in commercial..everybody talks about the club and the rims that be spinnin on there Escalades but EM never got into that..but the shine blew up his hole shyt..he aint as hot as hes put out to be..if hes so hot why is he scared to Fuck wit Canibus in battle?..he knoes hell get chewed juss like LL Cool J and everyone else Bis battled