Instrumental Block?

L. Soul

ill o.g.
I'm wondering if any of you all have this problem. It's not really producer's block because I'll go ahead and lay down a track even though I'm fairly new at this. But the problem is i"m stuck on an instrument - the piano. Because I'll go to sample and immediately jump to a piano piece or if I go somewhere else I'll get bored with the ebat or just get too frustrated and go find something with a piano to sample. Any of ya'll ahve this problem and what did you do?


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Hmm not really. there are occasions when I use almost the same set of instruments on different beats. but For the most part this determines a producers style: the instruments they use. As long as u can tweak em and find innovative ways to use em ur good. I suggest trying different pianos. if ur usin grandpiano sounds, go wit the rhodes. etc. When u start producing beats that sound the same, then u have run into a problem. Try just goin thru ur sounds and picking some that u never used before, this is difficult and tedious, but sometimes u get surprised.


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