insomniac roll call

Agent Smith

IllMuzik Junkie
ill o.g.
basically it is coming up on 4 in the morning...not even sleeping. is anyone else as ridiculous as me? i've had a serious problem with sleeping (tonight the problem was leaving my house at 1 and just getting back)...what do you guys do to sleep? accupressure works for me sometimes...melatonin makes me drowsy in the morning..


ill o.g.
I posted on here at 4:50 or something [GMT]. That was me actually coming back late [from some late night stenciling escapdes] as oposed to waking up really early.

Sometimes I have difficulty sleeping, but if I'm tired enough normally it's fine. I find even if I don't sleep for that long, simply resting in my bed thinking/lyring in a vegatative state is enough for me to feel okay for the next day.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
a lot of hasjisch is the only remedy i have found so far the only thing is i am getting kinda immune so i need to increase the dosis haha...


I Phantom
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
It normally takes me a few hours to get to sleep, especially if i havent been out all day. Once i sit down at my pc and start makin beats, i just cant tear myself away. I read somewhere that if you cant get to sleep, you should get up and do something, like read a book or somethin instead of just lying awake in bed.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
this past month an a half i've been running off 4-5 hours a day.. i just can't sleep till late an always wake up early. i've been cutting back drinking though. i run an sometimes work out for health and that usuially does it for me if i push it hard enough. just wear yourself out J.. you'll sleep if you push it hard enough. plus you'll be healthy an feel good

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
ive been goin on 2 hours for the past 3 weeks. cant wait to get this move done with.


ill o.g.
Stop the Snif Snifff ! lol Seriously I aint got a Problem But I have had in the Past and relied on Drugs 2 Sleep but that dont help either it just creates a whole other problem in its own

The Bastard

beatin my meat usually wears me out enough to fall asleep


Pussy Monster
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 13
Yo I'm a freekin night owl. Up all night, sleep all day. Sometimes my sleeping patterns get all screwed up. I hate it when that happens.

For example: I'll be sleep early around 12a.m or so for maybe 2-3 weeks straight. A big weekend comes up and I party till the break of dawn and getting pissed drunk. The next day, my sleep pattern is all screwed up and I won't fall asleep until 4 or 5 in the morning. Which sucks.

Oh by the way speaking of sleep, to my Massachusetts people... There is a sleep study that is being held at Brigham hospital. You stay and live there for 9 days straight. No phones, no clocks, but you can do other activities while you're there. They compensate you up to $1800. I think I might do it for winter break if they still have that research going on. Haha shiet i'll go to sleep and do overtime too.