Input Tips for ROckin wit Reason 3.0 and Mpc 1000

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ill o.g.
aight man I'm set thanks to the major hook up of one of my man's on here..god bless, I got everything I think i need to get it rocking..

I got these next 4 days COMPLETELY free so my aim is to build and gravitate to at least something worthwile

long story short I now have a cable connect to MIDI up my mpc 1000 to my macbook pro and on the macbook pro I have reason 3.0

I'm new as buck to reason so I wanted to get yalls quick inputs or how to's to get it poppin?

I have no idea on where to start

but here's how I have it mapped out in my mind..

chop up my sample in recycle

save to rex

open up in reason 3.0 and use what? the nn-xt or nn-19?

and somehow use the mpc and midi to trigger samples?

what about my drums...

again i'm a new jack to this and jus lookin for a quick how to to get me started..

let me know yall

i'm mad excited to get this FIRST marriage of Hardware and software poppin

peace and thank you all



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
aight man I'm set thanks to the major hook up of one of my man's on here..god bless, I got everything I think i need to get it rocking..

I got these next 4 days COMPLETELY free so my aim is to build and gravitate to at least something worthwile

long story short I now have a cable connect to MIDI up my mpc 1000 to my macbook pro and on the macbook pro I have reason 3.0

I'm new as buck to reason so I wanted to get yalls quick inputs or how to's to get it poppin?

I have no idea on where to start

but here's how I have it mapped out in my mind..

chop up my sample in recycle

save to rex

open up in reason 3.0 and use what? the nn-xt or nn-19?

and somehow use the mpc and midi to trigger samples?

what about my drums...

again i'm a new jack to this and jus lookin for a quick how to to get me started..

let me know yall

i'm mad excited to get this FIRST marriage of Hardware and software poppin

peace and thank you all


Number one- have your mpc and computer on with everything connected..i.e midi or usb which ever u have..
2-open Reason
3-go under edit (top next to file) and scroll down to preferences
3-u should see "page" with a drop down box beside it make sure it says general
4-below that editing mouse knob range "precise" automation clean up level "normal"
5-appearance/all boxes with a check mark
6-default song click "empty rack" until you make a start up rack to your liking,then you can locate it and check "custom", its a good idea to make a rack with the things that you know you'll always start out with and use that each and every time.
7-next miscellaneous, make sure "use high resolution samples has a check and if you see "load default sound in device" uncheck that. (3.0) may not have that...I can't remember
8-go back up to the top where u see general and change it to audio. Here you should see the sound card that's in your computer. It should say "audio card driver". In the drop down box select your sound card.
9-choose a sample rate...the higher the number the better. This will depend on the type of sound card you have.
10-sample rate should be the smallest number allowed.
11- Latency should be below 6ms....if not you may want to upgrade to a better sound card. If not you'll hear one thing when you hit the pads on your mpc but the timing maybe a little off. The time it takes your sound card to relay the signal depends on what you get. You can still work it but a better sound card yields better results.
12-next is active channels..make sure all are checked.
13- make sure there's a check in the box that says "play in background"
14-Go back up to the top and select "keyboards and control surfaces"
15-you may see your mpc in the "attached surfaces box. If not you need to click on the "auto-detect surface button so that reason can locate your mpc. If you have everything connected properly reason should find it no problem.
16-If it finds it put a check in the box that says "Use with Reason", the check mark should be green...if its red u have a slight problem.

***If u don't see your mpc***

Click the "add" button, another window should open. Beside "manufacturer" go into the drop down menu and see if you see akai or akai mpc there.

If not you need to choose "other"

From there I would have to walk u thru. Hopefully the mpc will show up so you don't have to do it the hard way.

If all these steps are followed then you should be straight and ready to work.

I'll answer your other questions if you get everything set up right