

ill o.g.
niggas like D4L influence me or beter drives me. if they bullshit can be a hit i know i can get in the game.

Bobby Ffitch

ill o.g.
alot of cats say that you should always seperate drums from instruments in FL, but i never have and I find that I can mix the drums better if I can hear the rest of the instruments along w/. Let me know what you FL users think about that.

as far as mixing goes, you should mix the drums along with the whole track, the same way you should mix any other instrument. i dont think it makes that big a difference if you put them in the same pattern or not, just however you like to do it. if you put em on seperate ones you can just loop one bar of the song so it really makes no difference.


ill o.g.
ColossusBeatfix said:
as far as mixing goes, you should mix the drums along with the whole track, the same way you should mix any other instrument. i dont think it makes that big a difference if you put them in the same pattern or not, just however you like to do it. if you put em on seperate ones you can just loop one bar of the song so it really makes no difference.

if you're at the level of selling beats to a major or semi major artist, it can definitely make a difference. a artist who really cares about their beats will demand individual tracks and its gonna be a mess if all your stuff is in 1 or 2 patterns.


ill o.g.
GRAFIK said:
not really what i have done, is just mute out all the parts except for one and export that part then, move along and do it like that, it is actually really simple

i dunno man...maybe its just personal preference but unless ur doing a whole beat in the piano roll, i dont get how a whole beat could be complete with 2 or 3 patterns...intro, verses, breaks within the verses, lead in to chorus, chorus, bridge, end...thats a lot right there.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
As far as influences to create I either will just hear the track in my head or like yall say listen to some hot shit
or you know I have been drivin along and hear somone bangin somthin in the car next to me and I'll turn my shit down and listen to whatever drum pattern they bangin, then go home and sort of go with the groove.
This way you can come up some trunk rattlers fo sho!!!


ill o.g.
GRAFIK said:
yeah i do everything in the piano roll!!!! i guess it is personal preferences but i am comfertable doing it this way! i usually make like 4 parts for the main beat, an intro, 2 bridges, and 2 patterns for the hook

oh ok...damn then. thats a lot of work! i guess it just depends on how u feel the most comfortable but the piano roll drives me nuts most of the time...maybe i just need to try working with it a little more.


ill o.g.
Relic said:
As far as influences to create I either will just hear the track in my head or like yall say listen to some hot shit
or you know I have been drivin along and hear somone bangin somthin in the car next to me and I'll turn my shit down and listen to whatever drum pattern they bangin, then go home and sort of go with the groove.
This way you can come up some trunk rattlers fo sho!!!

its one of the most underrated ways to come up with a weird as it sounds i come up with my best stuff by listening to beats through a wall, and just vibing off of the low end of the melody or drums. it works..

Agent Smith

IllMuzik Junkie
ill o.g.
hmm i have times where i'm doing straight utility sampling...i'll get like 5-7 records out of my crates that catch my eyes and then i'll go through them and just needle drop...if i find something i like, i'll sample it in logic and just throw the rough sample in my samples folder...if something sounds extra dope i'll chop it in recycle and maybe make a beat with is or just mess around with it.

when it comes time to make a beat: i usually hear a dope beat somewhere and pick out little elements such as the kick drum placement, syncopation, etc and try to re-interpret that with my sound...or i'll just have some sort of concept in my head but its usually not very concept-driven. (that's what my lyrics are for)...i'll usually fire up reason/recycle, chop the already sampled piece up the way i want for the verse, chorus, bridge, intro, etc, and then i'll export those as loops...then i'll fire up logic, my fantom and my virus and i'll throw those loops in there on an audio track, add effects, etc. then i add whatever elements i want to.

i try to keep the actual sampling and beatmaking seperate because sampling seems really draining and time-consuming...because i know i can do good things with them but i have to extract the dopeness out...


Ive finally got back into the vibe.....All i do is look for my favorite producers and find a beat making video wit them in it and that gives me enough inspiration to get workin and i also think about MONEY.....$$$$$


Pressure Makes Diamonds
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 7
One of my biggest influences is the city. I get so inspired by San Francisco that I feel amazingly inspired to be creative. That with a mixture of emotions and music probably influence my "sound" the most.


ill o.g.
To get some creative mind ventilation going i listen to alot of 80's music & unreleased tracks and albums. The majority of the music style during the 80's was new at the time,so alot of artist experimented with different sounds,styles & rhythms caring-less about if its successful or not. Which makes me think outside of the usual box styles of music and gets me flowing with ideas.