improve the sound vocals


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
shit i need some advise i'm using cubase but i don't got a soundproof room so i was wondering how i can make/hide the fact i'm recording in a room i usually use vst dynamics desser it takes away the background noise but i was wondering if there was any other way besides actually going to the studio i put the vocals through soundforge well i did i ain't got it no more


The Ripper
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
use a compressor with noise gate & expander when recording vocals. have the gate to close when your artists pauses on the tracks & open when they start to sing/rap. the expander also helps to minimize backround noise by reducing volume somewhat once the level going in hits the threshhold. for starters set your compressors threshhold at -20 your ratio at 2.1 with a quick attack and a slow release and use soft knee compression its much more milder than hard knee compression. then make adjustments as needed. if you set it up right you should be able to get some decent vocal recordings.


ill o.g.
Another way is to make a lil booth at home. A closet works great on a tight budget. Cut a 2X2 square hole in the wall where the closet is and put plexiglass in it so you can see your monitor. I'd hang blankets or comforters on the walls in the closet too. Have the mic right on the wall under the plexiglass. I'd even run the keyboard and mouse into the closet too, so you can record yourself with ease. Also do as nas said, then you should have very lil probs.



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