Im down for a minute...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
This past Friday wasn't the 13th but it was definitely bad luck for I went out on a run and come back home to the dreaded blue screen of death on my laptop. My HD died! So, now I'm gonna buy that stupid setup that nobody wants to spend the money on...Dual Monitors, 10gb of ram, a soundcard thats gonna run about a grand, and so on. I finally have a good excuse that wifey will buy into (she monitors the cheddar like a hawk).

Anyway, just letting you cats that I have committed projects with know whats going on. I didn't lose them this time. I had everything backed up on an external HD so no worries. You just gotta wait until everything comes in and I get back up and running. Right now I'm using my PS3 to access the internet. I know Fade has his hands full with other things and Relic is MIA, so the Sample Flippage and Remixxage may not get updated until I get back up and running, then again it any case, just be patient. I'm expecting to be nearly completed with everything or atleast back online on the 24th of this month.

So here's your chance to win the Beats Weekly Contest, Congrats to Sucio on this weeks win, great show Fade!

With my best Arnold voice..."I'll be back..."


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 41
it sucks man.
first it was me, than it was you.
who is next?
ahh well, now im gonna win the next beats weekly man!
im gonna step my game up.
but hey, i can do the sample flippage topics if u want.
just let me know.
hope u get back soon.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
nothing important dp, I only had about 45gigs on it and that was all stuff that can be easily replaced. I was prepared this time. Everybody, back up your ish! =)

@ Fade - lmao, no porn. Thats what got me the first time this

@ Ex - thanks man, it will be sooner.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
That blows....good to hear that nothing important was lost......there's a silver lining after all....


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Sorry to hear it Dac. Hope you can get your "audio fix" somehow untill then lol


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Nothing can keep a music lover down! hahaha, I'm taking this time to really get some good time in on the wheels. I've been listening to a lot of DJ Premiere's old school classics (from WBLS) and making some sick scratch CD's. I dont know if thats gonna hold me until I get back but right now I'm luv'n it. I didn't realize how hard it was to find some Media/Music CD-RW's but damn, it's like finding the needle in the haystack. Times have changed almost everything concerning music, some of the things are better but some suck as well. I guess I'm gonna have to start stocking up on Media CD-RW's like vinyl now.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Good sharpen the other swords. Yea, CDs arent ageing too well in the physical space lol. I remember buying CD cases just to keep song with me at all times haha


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Let me tell you, it's rough being without my computer! Using the PS3 sucks! and I've got all of the things to make it easier. Ofc, I have the game controllers (which I couldn't imagine trying to use them to type with) but I also have the PS3 Blu-ray remote and I have a cordless keyboard and mouse hooked up to it. You would think, OK thats simple enough and all this stuff should ease the pain a little BUT IT DOESN'T! It's still somewhat challenging to navigate efficiently using a PS3. I know that the system wasn't made primarily for the internet but damn...SONY could have made it a little easier.

Next, eventhough I didn't really loose anything valuable, I don't have access to it either which is just as bad as loosing it imo (maybe even worse). I have a ton of music but it's basically worthless while it sits on my desk safely stored in a HD that needs a computer to gain access to I'm seriously about to loose my mind, I'm even starting to ponder if this ish should be such a big part of my life. Growing up, I didn't have a computer and it didn't matter, but now, my sanity is at question without one. Is this a conspiracy to make us sooo damn dependant on the internet? Are we really loosing touch with reality? Possibly so!

This is a real eye opener for me, maybe I need to back off this ish some, I don't know?!?!?! What I do know is that it's driving me out of my mind not having access to my music.

Rant Over! Thanks for


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I dont know why I found that hilarious but... yea. I actually think everything is becoming too computer-centric for this reason.