Illmuzik,,,Your thoughts on it currently...

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
lately it seems us mods have been pretty busy here dealing with a lot of young and immature bull. there have been quite a few "banishments" within the last few months. Also, I recognized a thread in the showcase and totally can see where these members are coming from. What are some of your thoughts on things........What do you think this site is,,,and to the vets, what do you think this site has become. (as far as the boards).....GO.
I think illmuzik is becoming a casualty in the loss of profitability in hiphop as a whole.
Because no real decent hiphop is getting to the masses anymore they are becoming ignorant of what hiphop was, the watered down music and lyrics is all the kids hear.
I know things move on, but just as much as these kids these days have a disrespect for their elders, they also disrespect those that gave them the platform called hiphop with which to have a voice.
The voice that was hiphop is gone, all I hear now is the voice of money.
The street has lost its voice only to be replaced by a money mad media whore.
This is highly transparent to a lot of true hiphop heads.
And I personally find it very disheartening.
Im sure others do too, to the point of being fed up with it all.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
I think illmuzik is becoming a casualty in the loss of profitability in hiphop as a whole.
Because no real decent hiphop is getting to the masses anymore they are becoming ignorant of what hiphop was, the watered down music and lyrics is all the kids hear.
I know things move on, but just as much as these kids these days have a disrespect for their elders, they also disrespect those that gave them the platform called hiphop with which to have a voice.
The voice that was hiphop is gone, all I hear now is the voice of money.
The street has lost its voice only to be replaced by a money mad media whore.
This is highly transparent to a lot of true hiphop heads.
And I personally find it very disheartening.
Im sure others do too, to the point of being fed up with it all.

and some of those points you made have been seen here wit some younger members as well as some newer members. Nuttin wrong wit makin a dollar, but know where this all came from, I feel that.

Who's next?

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
I think illmuzik is becoming a casualty in the loss of profitability in hiphop as a whole.
Because no real decent hiphop is getting to the masses anymore they are becoming ignorant of what hiphop was, the watered down music and lyrics is all the kids hear.
I know things move on, but just as much as these kids these days have a disrespect for their elders, they also disrespect those that gave them the platform called hiphop with which to have a voice.
The voice that was hiphop is gone, all I hear now is the voice of money.
The street has lost its voice only to be replaced by a money mad media whore.
This is highly transparent to a lot of true hiphop heads.
And I personally find it very disheartening.
Im sure others do too, to the point of being fed up with it all.

i hear ya, but i dont think thats a real reason for illmuzik dwindling down . If it was, we would have a bunch of "whatever is on the radio" clones running around which we dont. We dont have ANY activity much less the wrong kind of activity. I think its basically that people are quitting producing. When i say "quitting" i dont mean u dont make beats anymore ever, but what i mean is that u dont do it competively. Like how after college ball if u dont go pro u end up playin in a co-ed league with the same people that used to cheer for u or some shit lol. U see it evrywhere, not just Illmuzik. even established cats are writing blogs and shit threatening to quit. beatmaking was kindof a "fad" that was hot for awhile but people are moving on imo. For awhile beatmaking was even more popular than rapping imo and all the attention was on the producer. Remeber how big soundclick used to be? i think the peak of soundclick was the peak of the beatmaking era in general. Now the shift is back to the artist and songwriters. and even then its less entusiastic. In the music market/climate today i think the worst thing to be is a beatmaker. About 3 - 5 years ago it was the best thing to be. In todays industry, you have to make urself get noticed, good or bad. I think it was phonte that said its better to be incredibly wack than just "good", at least people will pay attention. and its true. William hung sold way more records than killah preist. Talent, and good music gets u absulotley nowhere at all. I think of people realized that and just quit straight up or just end up doing it recreationally with no plans for it to ever get it out there. There were times i wanted to quit too, and i might have done it if I hadent rediscovered my writing ability. Now i feel great cuz I can put out my own material and I dont have to rely on anyone but myself (and Class lol)

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
word up Ash. valid points. at the same time, this separates the artists from the wanna bees. Feel me? Cats that are still around like us, Formant, Fade, Grafik, 66, Steezo,,,etc are doin this shit for the absolute love of our culture. Thats how it should be,,,but there aren't as many posts in the Lab and software/hardware sections as there should be.....I definitely feel what eyes was saying back in the Showcase.


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
I've been busy as hell recently, had little time to post (or even to read the boards).
I've been on a beatmaking hiatus for about six weeks, haven't even turned on the drum machine.
I have a feeling that this is the calm before the storm, I do plan on getting back into things (maybe after labor day), however I'm not trying to force anything. I've been getting a big kick out of photography lately, I got an old zoom lens from 1977 and been using it to take shots of some birds in flight and the moon and other shit. It's satisfying my need to create.
For music, DJing has been my main outlet lately, it's easier on the brain than sitting down and writing a song out of thin air. Also more fun to be out amongst people than to be locked up in a room alone (except for those times when you make something magic that gets you amped).
Ill is here to stay, however here's the deal IMO. There's a lot of experts here, in hardware, in the music business, etc. There comes a point that when people have specific questions, they get answered in one or two posts, and things move on. That's my guess as to why it's quiet. Add to that the fact that it's summer, and let's face it, people should be on the internet less and out living life more, that likely has something to do with it too.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I agree with some of the points said but from my experience I believe this is just going to pass. It's true, it's the summer so less people are on here, same thing if you look at the weekend - things get slower.

I do believe that the producing 'fad' has popped and now here we are trying to do our own thing. IllMuzik is here and not going anywhere. I've never been one to follow the masses, and I believe that the best thing to do is to just keep moving along. If you stop making beats and stop coming to Ill like other people, then yes, Ill will fail. But if you keep doing your thing and keep coming back here then nothing will change.

To those that don't come back, it's either they're mad busy with music, life, etc. or it could also be that it was more of a fad for them.

IllMuzik is here, it's up to YOU in what direction it goes. I've setup all the tools for everyone to use, I can guide the site into a certain direction but it's still up to the members to take it there. It's like a brand new website that goes up; it could be the dopest looking site around but if there are no members posting, it will be a ghost town and will eventually fail.

So keep doing your thing, keep coming back, and IllMuzik will still be strong!


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
My thoughts on Illmuzik is that its up to the members of the site to make this place a better environment for the newbies that sign up. It could be as something simple as posting a video of you making a beat, a quick article about why you make beats, or just some photos of a show you're doing.

This site is NOT the typical hip-hop site. I love it when some new dude tries to post some
"Magic Industry Tool" in the forums and gets shut down. I've always thought that the mods do a good job and keep the forums in check.

I've always thought that this site can be much more than "just" a forum - which is the reason why I decided to do Blowing Up From the Basement. Since then, the site has come a lonnnng way and has added features and more articles/reviews and stuff.

**Some of you who are able/willing to write: maybe starting a blog hosted on Illmuzik would be another good suggestion. All-in-alll, its up to the members to make it what its supposed to be!


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Ash made a valid point and actaully took words right out of my mouth. Its that people arent in to the zone of making music anymore so they dont care about learning new methods or experimenting Thus, no need to come on Ill. Not to metion what fade said about how its slower during the summer and weekends cause I can see that. I think that ill is just comming up to a hill and its not going to be long before we get over it and shit changes.

Low G

ill o.g.
I used to love jumping in the showcase and sample flip sections. Now, when I make music it's for one of the many projects I'm working on and I get critique from the artists I'm working with instead so I don't really post anymore. It's real different when you got people sitting beside you and you're all trying to make the track the best it can be. The last time I posted in the showcase I got some honest critique from solid members like 2good but after I went back and made changes to the beat applying and trying what had been said there was not a word. I know at times tho it was tedious trying to review 15 tracks and be constructive when it's not certain the favor is even gonna get returned (mostly when adding a beat on day 2 or 3). The showcase was a spot where people helped each other get better and I can feel why some of us don't want to post anymore. I haven't been a member here nearly as long as most of you cats but I still notice a huge difference even from when I first joined up to now.

For all that's going on right now I can't say the problem is Illmuzik it's more just the people that have come and gone. Like that EMC song..... winds of change are blowin.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
It'll pick up no prob, if the "beat makinig fad" is over then good, it leaves those who are serious about it.
Ive noticed that the whole site changes from week to week, sometimes day to day, people come and go, I see the people who are serious, even people who have just signed up recently I can see the ones who may be noobs here but they are serious about the craft.
Im with Low G tho, Im on here when at work and I have time, but at home Im usually making tracks or recording. I cant review beats at work cuz they stopped streaming and then like I say Im offline at home.

I need to post and review tho I have alot that has been stacking up.

I think ill is cleaning up though and older memebrs who arent on anymore are prolly working in the industry or grinding. Like Swivel or Hoppa.It seems to me right now there are alot of very serious cats on here and very few brand new to music kids.
SO I agree with everything above, and in closing would implore you to submit music to illmuzik radio...

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
oh btw,

my comments in no way were meant to diss this site, I love this site. Ive been here and will continue to be here no matter what level of success I reach. I was more talking about the climate of music and more specifically music production in general. It had nothing to do with this website specifically. But i do honestly think that beatmaking became a "fad" for awhile, i think alot of cats got into it thinking they were gonna make hot beats and blowup overnight. And i think that fad/ honeymoon phase has passed since the new year, and reality hit ALOT of these cats. But imo that its a positive thing cuz only the more serious and determined producers are still around. thats just my take on it.

Ned Burner

Hey i know im new here ,but really i dont know who wouldn't like this site it's so informative


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Me personally, I remember coming to this site like a year before I even decided producing music just to read information. Time changes everything, people move on to other venues or branch out into other forms of life. Think about it, how many people was in college or without children before they started music or joined this forum. This site has expanded with growth over the years, compared to other forums this site is quite active. I can understand in terms of activity how things declined, it's summer time people are out spending time with their children relaxing, some could be on vacation. I have a suggesting in regards to the showcase instead of every three days, how about once a week for submitting tracks and reviews..... just my 2 cents.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I for one think things started getting a little to personal in nature. In the showcases, beat this comps and forums you could feel a bias on judging etc etc. I slowly found out that there are very few "real" people here. Some of the things members where doing and saying went unchecked in some cases. Some dudes contributed nothing to the site but drama in the form of text. Some people where here only to kick up bullshit and now they're NO where to be found. Some members here have their subtle ways of be belittling others. I still come thru a few times a day and have been recently helping Relic out with the sample flip section.

I started back DJing so I'm mad busy with practicing my dj skills, editing music and still working with my groups on "songs" not beats. There comes a time when u have to get off the internet and get in these clubs and in the street. I'm at that point in my music career.



DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
Always room for improvement.

I think the forum would be more active if it didn't have as many sub-forums, as it starts to become very repetitive going back and forth into 2-3 screens to finally get into a topic. For example when 2good made a post last week in the '' Basement '' it must have had about 22-24 posts witin 2 hours, but when it got moved into '' The Gutter '' it died out almost instantly.

What happend with the mastering section that i and others spoke on in the last few feedback topics we've had? I still think that not having one is bad for any music production forum, as to me it is almost as important as the music itself - the quality.

Just my opinions. hate it or love it, all good.

Gene Flo

"Current Events" OUT NOW!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
I fell off of ILLMUZIK I'll admit just because I've been moving around the world and havent had a PC with me always...I'm always on here checkin shit out but not always posting...Thats what I feel a lot of people are doing...If you go to quick links and see who is online, you see who's looking around but not neccesarily posting any comments or feedback. I always will be around spiratically. At the moment I'm concentrating on a few projects that are soon to be finished...THIS WILL ALWAYS BE THE PLACE THAT BOOSTED MY PRODUCTION!!!!! I COULD NEVER FORGET


Fucking Wankers
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 8
Fade and a few others have it it right on the head. It's up to everyone to make this site what you want it to be. If you're complaining about a lack of informative threads, then start one! I come on this site everyday looking for information I can use and there is still a lot here IMO.

To a certain extent older and more experienced do have some responsibility to pass on things they've learned. I'm not going to start a thread on mastering when I don't know jack about it. But I'll definitely read one with great interest.

I fuck with music purely for the love of it, I can only speak for myself but I'm not going anywhere. The showcase is a valuable resource for people like me that really need some knowledgeable feedback and I personally think that issue really needs to be addressed. I mean go look at the showcase now. Fade posts to remind people they need to provide feedback and the very next post ignores it. But maybe posting beats on the last day and expecting a lot of feedback is asking too much too. Post your beats on the first two days and leave the last day for more feedback.

Also some of y'all living in glass houses should be careful where you fling those stones, not naming anyone.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
for me, I'm always checking the site out. Not always posting anything, but am here looking around everyday. Once and awhile I'll post a funny ass video to lighten the mood, cause I think we get to serious sometimes...but I think there is more than enough resources to last someone, and I feel that is why there aren't many new tips being posted. As far as other production related topics, everyone is busy behind the scenes on their projects, which is why not everyone is active on the boards.
I think we are on the right track in a few areas, and others just need to be weeded out. Illmuzik Radio is dope, and
Da Biz section could be a HUGE success if more people got involved on it. I am guilty of not using this like i should...which hopefully will change. The beat this is still dope, I love when everyone comes out and we have a good comp. The only thing that could make that any better would be for the judging to be out in the open, and not anonymous.
The forums do have alot of sub topics, and would be easier to navigate through if we cut out the detailed forums and made them a little more general...but still this isn't an issue to me.
overall, Illmuzik regardless of the retards that come through from time to time tryna do dumb shit is a good place of information and has a bond most forums don't.
that's just how I see it..


Posted Up
ill o.g.
I truly believe Illmuzik perpetuates the essence of Hip Hop. I still love reading the information provided in the forums, but the site seems to be made of the "in" crowd and then everyone else...kinda like high school.