

ill o.g.
Nice work lion but when I open it, it looks different than the thumb!?!?!?



You gotta click it again when lightbox comes up.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Got it


note: Gotta go beyond lightbox because of transparency.

Couple of suggestions... I like it but I think "Music's illest fraternity" is gonna be too small once you get it down to banner size and I'm not crazy about the font. Also, at banner size, you won't be able to see the "iota, lambda" inside the greek letters unless you make them a bright color or white.


ill o.g.
Looks fine to me, just off of resizing it. Also, the font is keeping consistency. I *can* change the tag line, since its technically not part of the crest. I might change that and see if it makes it look more interesting, keeping consistency but breaking monotony.

But I will cut out alternate versions an formats for different uses.

If you don't have Photoshop, get Paint.NET or GIMP. (recommended in that order)
They're free (& open-source) and they have high quality resampling, as opposed to that pixelation you get from other not as powerful programs like irfanview.

Never tried Photoscape. From the screenshots, it looks like something for ppl not knowledgeable in graphic editors like photoshop. Thats cool, I know some ppl I can recommend that to.