Off Topic I Just Want to Make Beats All Day


I love making beats. It's something that takes me away from all the drama in my life as well as that of the world. If I wasn't able to make beats I would have to find some other way of de-stressing.

Beat making is my way out. My way to escape. It's also my way of expressing myself.

Often times if I'm angry, I will make a beat and because of the focus, commitment, and love of music, my anger goes away.

However, in a world where there is constant chaos, we all must find the will to want to make beats. We are often distracted by what's going on in the news that it can be hard to shut it off and focus on music. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult to really dedicate myself to just making beats.

There was a time when I would spend all of my free time DJ'ing. Scratching records, beat juggling, making mixtapes, and of course, shopping for vinyl. Those days are gone. There are so many other things that occupy my mind and this is why I'm writing this article.

I want to make beats all day but life is in my way.

We all experience tough times, loss of loved ones, financial issues, and many other hardships, especially as we age.

The will is there but life keeps stopping me. Why? I used to be able to focus all of my free time on DJ'ing and beat making. Now I feel as if there is no time. And whatever time I do have is spent worrying about society or my personal issues.

In a world that is ruled by greed, plain and simple, why should I bother making beats? It seems like no one wants to listen to my spin on the Boom Bap era. Everyone would rather listen to some mainstream bullshit that is fed to them by corporations that are driven strictly by profits.

I want to make beats all day but wackness is here to stay.

There used to be a time when new HOT singles were coming out every week and I just had to snatch my copy at the record store. All of that is no more. Now all the vinyl is a special edition that I can't afford.

What happened? Why can't I just make beats and get the same respect and notoriety that others did during the golden age? It seems like that's all gone.

The internet is at fault, and as such it has introduced society to a new way of listening to music. Music that is designed to appeal to listeners that have no idea what good music is.

It's sad but it is what it is. It's not the 90's anymore. Unfortunately, instead of learning from the great music we had then and making it better, we now have beats that all sound like a robot on speed made them.

The music industry is a joke. Society is lost. Nobody cares about music unless it's from an artist they're told to like.

I give up.

But I still want to make beats all day.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I agree with all of that completely.
I do it because I love it.
I figured you'd be first to reply!

It sounds depressing but that's the state it's in today with the music + society. It's a no-win situation. It's one of those things where it's "how people use it". The internet is great but people use it for stupid shit. Built-in sounds that come with recording software is great too but everyone uses the same stuff, so the music is the same. There's no more variety anymore. Except for Heavy Metal Trap that @crog85 is trying to get me into. :shock:
Battle Points: 30
I make music because I love music. There is nothing better to me than the feeling I get when I'm proudly listening to a beat I just made (seriously sometimes I spend hours in a row listening to my own stuff). And the idea that noone else on this planet has heard what I am listening to at that moment just gives me a kick.

And everytime I open up FL, I just feel good. No matter what's on my mind or what's going on, that sound that FL makes when you open it just sets me free. I look at the empty playlist and just start channeling myself into, completely oblivious of what I might come up with.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if a DAW had never crossed my path. I can tell you, I don't like that thought.
I make music because I love music. There is nothing better to me than the feeling I get when I'm proudly listening to a beat I just made (seriously sometimes I spend hours in a row listening to my own stuff). And the idea that noone else on this planet has heard what I am listening to at that moment just gives me a kick.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if a DAW had never crossed my path. I can tell you, I don't like that thought.

I do the same thing when I make something good. I keep hitting replay button. :p


Big Clit Energy
You @Fade must know that not everyone is going to be nostalgic all the time for whatever their ideal good old days were, which comes down to the era one grew up in but also this is the era of too many distractions which is a byproduct of too much tech. Remember when the mainstream had variety and biters? This era is no different except everyone has too much access to everything which hinders appreciation of anything. I also agree also that people use everything, not just the Internet, for stupid shit. Eras pre-Internet were no different in that regard.
This era is no different except everyone has too much access to everything which hinders appreciation of anything.
And that gets to the heart of the issue.

In the social media age, people are more interested in how they appear to others than who they really are. I think too many hide behind masks for so long that they become something they are not. There really is true liberation in thinking freely and not giving a fuck what others think, although its always nice when they like you for who you really are instead of the mask you wear to hide our true selves.

The internet as a whole and having the worlds knowledge at our fingertips has made us unappreciative of what we have, we rush to lose that which should have enlightened us, instead we have flat earthers, people that believe the world will end in 12 years, people that believe all sorts of ignorant shit and worship celebrities and have people rushing to throw away their freedoms. The world has turned on its head in the last 10 years, its gone literally insane.

All the while the media sows division and hatred among us so that we fight among ourselves while their globalist puppet masters seal their grip on the futures of our children and their children for generations to come.
This fact used to be debatable, now its pretty self evident, or at least Id hope. Then again so many find bliss in their ignorance, because the truth is unpleasant many wont face it. But we are where we are. I think its only going to get worse before it gets better.

From personal experience I can plainly say that yes, the internet has really dented my attention span.
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@Fade I may be new to producing and yes, I just got here, but I feel this!! I want to make music all day. Periodt. I already have a profession that allows flexibility in my schedule, but I've lost my passion for most of the work. Music excites me. It's a catch-22 because I need to do the work to make the loot to get the software/hardware I want. I'm not concerned about making contemporary/pop music - just want to make beats/songs that are authentically me... Thanks again for welcoming me to the community.

Sole Element

Battle Points: 1
@Fade great post!! I agree a lot of society really does not know good music, and only listens to some of the forced music that sounds robotic. I personally don’t mind different styles as long as it’s good but that’s the problem nowadays is that it’s not good. I’m not saying that because I’m biased towards older music, or because I’m older, but if the music was good I would bump it but it’s just not. I don’t think there is a lack of talent I just think everyone wants to take the easy route and not actually take music lessons and study different styles. Instead they just rely on pre made loops, which there is nothing wrong with doing if you can make music on your own as well. I do believe if you like music that’s all that matters, but at the same time being able to make income from your music is definitely a blessing, and well deserved if you actually took the time and effort to learn your craft. The good news is there are plenty of good musicians and beat makers i just hate that they don’t get noticed as fast, but I do feel good when I come across them it’s like finding a hidden gem.


Mister Miyagi Beats
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 171
Good post. It's a shame nowadays producing is not what brings money to the table. Here in holland it comes down to giving lessons or really preforming shows. But if you think about it too much you might go crazy. Like here it's different from America it looks like. Very few here can say that they get a good pay out of music alone enough to keep up the rent and stuff. I want to but for me i need to work for some money i rather do it behind a daw than working where i work now. I remember seeing some lessons saying he got a job at a school he was teacher and knew all the short cuts and stuff even had snoop dog come to his studio. So its not impossible but your lucky if you can afford a living out of music or everything that comes with it.