I have a weird/awesome digging story


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Flashback: 1985

I was a kid, into music and my parents subscribed to one of those music club things where you get a bunch of cassettes or vinyl for what was it? 1 cent each or something? Whatever, anyway, Beverly Hills Cop was the shit at the time so I ordered the soundtrack on vinyl. Here's the cover:


That's not the original record I had, but anyway over the years the record got lost from moving and all that.

Flash Forward: 2010

I'm digging somewhere downtown Montreal and I see the Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack in the cheap bin for $1 so I grab it because it was dope and I wanted to have it again. I bring it home and play it and then put it away, not paying much attention to it.

Flash Forwarder: 2012

I'm chilling one night and I just happen to sift through my vinyl and see the soundtrack, so I pull it out. I'm checking out the cover art, looking at it all chill and then I notice some writing on the lower left corner (you can't read it but here's a pic anyway):


That's when I almost fell off my chair - it's MY FUCKING NAME. I then remembered that when I was a kid and had the vinyl record that I had signed my name with a black marker on the cover and it's the SAME RECORD I BOUGHT IN THE CHEAP BIN!!!!!! I'm like WTF this is insane.

What are the odds? Sure, it's the same city, but what are the odds that in 1985 I buy the Beverly Hills Soundtrack, lose it over the years (early 90's) then basically 20 years later I buy my own record for $1 at some random record store?

This is fucking epic. Anyway, this is a story I can now tell little kids later on in life as they all gather around me to hear tales of lost and recovered vinyl treasures of yesteryear.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Yo here's a close up, you can see "grant" the first one. It's difficult in the pic but to see it up close you can def make it out.



Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
That's fucking awesome.....

I'm kidding.....shittiest story I heard in this forum......you're a fucking lame.

You're not the only Grant in Montreal.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Forget Sucio, thats a dope ass story, id love to stumble on somethin like that one day ima start taggin all my records covers lol

Don't you....forget about me...


ha thats dope, good story.. I found a copy of that today in the dollar bin and picked it up cuz of this haha