I HATE Hip Hop!


ill o.g.
I listen to the radio, from time to time and I have no problem with whats being played, what sellings, or what they are tallking about in the songs because the second I don;t like it, I can turn the shit
off. Hip Hop wont die cause of whats on the radio. To me thats like saying, us eating food will die out cause Mcdonald;s make some nasty fast food shit and it sells. I'm still gonna eat good, even if I got to cook it myself. IF your favorite overlooked artist got some burn on the radio and video you wouldn't like them as much cause thats some of yall nature, you like the underdog. It something for everybodies taste availible so go look and find it or make it yourself and quit bitchin about whats on the radio. If you in it for the love, it don;t matter. If you love it and wanna make money then do what you gotta do to make the money, and quit getting mad at the cats thats doing that.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Hold up man. Check it,,,,The radio is playin' Hip Pop. There's a difference. When these cats go and sign to a label, knowing fully that 1) they aint writin they're rhymes no more, and 2) They are told how to dress, sound,,etc...then thats not Hip Hop man. Where's the art? There is none. Its corporate shit played to make rich white men,,,even richer. How am I supposed to change the dial when the same shit is on all the stations????


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
soundboy2 said:
If you in it for the love, it don;t matter. If you love it and wanna make money then do what you gotta do to make the money, and quit getting mad at the cats thats doing that.
Soundboy - i think yer missin tha point here: I dont hear anybody purely hatin on cats that are sellin out - but tha bigger picture is that these poor saps are tha ones making a mark on tha world and also have tha largest influence as to whats hiphop and whats not, and thats bullshit. Tha point is - MTV has tha largest stretch of influence over anything else and all they play is tha same garbage that almost aint even hiphop anymore!...In my opinion thats fucking lame...all its doin is hurtin tha culture and putin a bad image in its place...Do only a few people see that besides me Truth and Stress??

Equality 7-2521


how many fucking times do cunts need to be told that HIPHOP IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!

you listen to the radio and complain. that is an amature attitude. im getting sick of saying it but dope Hiphop is more plentiful than it ever was before. you just need to OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!

holy shit. sorry abopu tthis i dont ewant beef. you all knwo that. but this shit really pissd me off. in fact, people complaining about wack Hiphop pisses me off just as much as the wack hiphop itself.

yaal need to listen to track 1 on Mos Def's album Black On Both Sides.

"If you wanna know where Hiphop is going, ask yourself where you are going"

Lets fucking hope that your not GOING to listen to the shit on the shitty radio. You chose what you listen too. Listen to good shit and let the wack shit rot. its not hard.



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Messenger, I get what you're saying and I agree, but I think what everyone is trying to say is that the "HipHop" that's on the radio is garbage and they don't like it, period. For me, I hate the stuff that's getting played on the radio, but that doesn't mean I'm saying that I listen to it. I'm just saying I don't like it, I'm not saying I listen to it.

Is that what everyone else is trying to get across here?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
ya know why I made this point in the first place.....my fuckin work car got a radio and no tape/cd player. So when I gotta drive all over NJ, I gotta listen to the radio and its all the same crap!......................and I'll bitch about anything I want,,,lol


ill o.g.
I'm feeling you Stress. I remember the days when I was in high school and I would cop 2 tapes every 2 weeks. Will it be the EPMD, Lord Finesse, Brand Nubian, or De La? Cats aint buying albums no more! We have to buy the dope ish when it does come out and stop downloading it on the internet or getting the bootleg on the street. The only way you can stop this wack ish from being this popular is by making the underground cats popular yourself buy supporting it. The labels will continue to get away with the wackness as long as people buy it. I'm definitely guilty of it and I have to stop myself. Let's cop that MF Doom, Pete Rock, whoevers dope that comes out - simply buy it.


Sir Templeton Peck
ill o.g.
DueceMade Ent. said:
....I think its unfortunate as well that people are basically displaying a level of intelegence that a fuckin 6 grader would have but thats what sells i guess??...U cant tell people how to be or what to think, but u can make an example of what can be done instead of degrading yourself as well as our female counterparts....Honestly, i agree with every word - all tha way to tha period...but this thread makes me remember when i first joined tha illmuzik site and thats all i would rant about cuz it made me so fuckin irritated...im not saying thats specifically what yer doin, i jus realize now that even if i write a novel - things arent gonna change and people are still gonna act a fuckin fool...ya know!? I figure tha only real definite thing you can do iz try to make waves on yer own and stay tru
DueceMade Ent. said:
Why do people front and act like they dont get that shit!?!?....Its pretty fucking elementary to me, but fools cop these bullshit attitudes as if you aint REAL ENOUGH or somethin if you dont wanna advocate some ignorant shit??!!, And it is IGNORANT PEOPLE!!!!....That fucking boggles me, it honestly does??...It is self destructive, and it is fucking negative...and people still wanna front and not jus be open to tha fact that by advocating this kinda shit we are simply heading in a downward spiral as well as NOT BEING REAL TO OURSELVES...Its either that, or people want to jus lie to themselves and tell themselves its tha other way around, or better yet tha muthafuckers are jus plain dumb!....In my humble opinion tho, you cant save these people...Its like tha food chain man....Tha bird eats tha worm regardless.

Hey, two good comments. I need to keep the first in mind, cuz lots of times I find myself getting frustrated trying to convert the masses. I know they won't listen, but I run in circles trying. Not sure why, especially when I know it has led nowhere in the past. Good lookin Duece...

As far as the second goes, I still can't figure out why fools don't see this. As much as I respect and enjoy the reporting of a good "street reporter," there is a fine line between reporting and endorsing. People need to be very careful. Why not report and then commentate as well? Why can't rappers spit some politics to try and change the situation? I think it is time for a change. Gangsta rap has been done a million time before, why not flip it? We are in danger of the formula becoming stale, people just need to watch what they are doing a little closer I think....


Loop't N Blown
ill o.g.
I FEEL THIS WHOLE THREAD. I just gotta ask, what the hell ever happened to Heiroglyphics? or del?

93 till infinity damnit...

The reason why you never hear good crack slang trax gram, is cuz people went soft and forgot about the slang game... sure you can still see clucks on the road in any major slum, but you don't see daddy's lil girl gettin high now, so suburban kids would rather hear someone cussn out their moms on a track than buyn a bubup wit yer last 50 bux and bringin yourself out of poverty in a week. See it's all about supply and demand, I don't really care. oops! I've said too much! I best just stfu now...


no children (who would slam, flame, and hate me for the sake of goodness graciousness)
I am not promoting crack slangin... I'm just sayn that for those who have ever been a part of or even touched by the slangn game, or if your moms was a cluck and you wound up slangin rock to her to buy some new shoes, or if your brother told you how much you could make and decided to try it and made it big for a minute, that the music that says crack bang or slang is the shit... but this is just a mah opinion.

an opinion, remember before you explode on me about some dumb shit.

JP hardboiled

Find Your Fight
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 297
Hip Hop does suck...but we shouldn't just complain..some cats here are like, well that's the way it is..screw you! Back in the day a black person was a slave and that's just the way it is..but because of people who were willing to stick their necks out and do something that's how it "was"...WE made hip hop suck and it's up to US to change that. If not we're just a bunch of lazy, scared, unfocused SLAVES that aren't down to rebel and free ourselves and try to change things 4 a better future. hell yeah hip hop sucks, so it's up to us to support music that we find "realness" and meaning in..music that will influence our/others thoughts and lives..and not support the crap that's out there...we have to be able to do this with all media movies, music, books/magazines..and then hopefully we'll support institutions, people, events, and things that make sense to support...and slowly if our ideas spread others will start changing and liking the REALNESS..some people will be able to understand art is something that helps bring understanding to life and the type of art that does that is the most valuable..It seems as though we need to be REAL..B4 we were passive "listeners" to music, but now that we're PRODUCERS we have a greater understanding of music because we took the time to understand and care about how music is made. THAT'S REALNESS. It's funny when I listen to these "hard" MCs who talk bout being tough cause I don't think they truly understand it. The hardest cats I've known or heard about are the serial killers or killers who are straight hungry as hell to just kill....they dont' need to brag bout it, They got no money, no friends or family, and their down to die and eat your entrails..REAL as hardness gets.or fighters..how come none of these cats fight in Mixed Martial Arts or box/kickbox..They supposedly are efficient at fighting so why not fight?.. I hate fakers and that's what hip hop is filled with due to a lack of principles like being REAL in today's supposedly "liberal" world.


Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
hey i liv in da nz and most of the hip hop we get over hea is commercial dats all anybody knows, now we hav a n uprising in the nz hiphop scene we are starting to talk about our own issues our own problems our own reality in our lil ass country, but yea i get sick of hearing about the same shit on records "bitch dis, bitch dat, hos dis, hos dat" its getting stale as

any comments??????


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
Check it,,,,shit will never change as long as it sells. Period. It aint up to the artist. I hate to admit it, but there is nuthing we can do to change this. I hate it too and it does suck. But underground is dope and if thats what it takes,,,then so be it. It reminds me of what OC said in "Times Up"
"...I'de rather be broke and have a whole lotta respect..."<<<<Its not werd 4 werd, but yall know what I'm sayin!



JP hardboiled

Find Your Fight
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 297
Hell yah 1d3..Why they yelling and mad if they got money?Kaivai what's the NZ? but hell yeah I'm wit you Kaivai..I think all ART should be political in the sense that it promotes IDEAS that are logical and needs to be heard. Whether it's about issues in your country or an individuals issues/ideas ..not about some idiot on mic saying detrimental things about women or anybodyelse, which does nothing but cause negative stereotypes to be heard over and over again..death to those who rhyme without reason. and money is not a reason since it is a only a means to another end..You stupid rappers rhyme for money? for what? to live? live 4 what? your life is damn more pointless than rats..gluttonous people who only do it for money and selfishly 4 nothing else..their just as good as a corrupt CEOs stealing millions though their already millionaires while cats lie poor in the streets dying..death to you bloodsuckers..its up to us, the consumers, to consume responsibly, and to pass our knowledge onto others without lecturing people on right or wrong, but just presenting the case that majority of the music out there is not ART but business..and shouldn't be bought (hell yeah download it)..but some artists need to be supported for their MESSAGE in their music and I'm not really just talking about Hip Hop or even Music but all ART, which is positive or REAL not fake like all the crap out their right now..


Funky Walker Dirty Talker
ill o.g.
cable tv throws the most shit down your throat, i dont take anything seriously from tv.. i dont have cable but i watch it at my friends and shit and its full of lame shit, same with the radio..

we dont have to listen to the radio, or watch shitty music videos
everything commercial is all about image, its weak, but theres a ton of good shit out there